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Search results

  1. A

    Why doesn't the Bible mention.............

    The Holy Bible is the Maker's Handbook for godly living. Jesus Christ came down from heaven and changed all the teachings of the Old Testament because no human being could follow OT teachings to the letter as Almighty God required such living. For 2000 yrs down from Adam and Eve, the first...
  2. A

    Why doesn't the Bible mention.............

    Suppose your great, great grand father heard, let's say the word cosmonaut or astronaut or laptop computer, do you think he would have had a clue as to what they meant? Now pl. apply that to the Bible.
  3. A

    Why doesn't the Bible say what it means?

    Would you please take a few minutes to read John chapter ten in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. As for Saint Paul the Apostle (i.e., a sent one of Almighty God), he has been known as SAINT Paul all thru' church history. Now for him to have had the title SAINT for the past 2000 yrs, and...
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    Who designed the designer?

    The problem with the universe is that it is totally material. Almighty God on the other hand is 100% Spirit. Any spirit holy or evil is of non-material. That is why when Allmighty God wanted to reveal Himself to mankind, He made Himself "like one of us". He put on human flesh and showed up...
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    Who designed the designer?

    Jesus Christ whom I worship said that He is Alpha and Omega (the First and the Last). The Quran states that Allah is the first and the last. If the Quran is true then Jesus Christ, a highly venerated Prophet of Allah lied. Did Prophet Jesus lie?
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    Who designed the designer?

    If anybody knows who Almighty God is, then he/she is equal to Almighty God. There was only one Person in the history of mankind who was able to talk about Almighty God on equal terms and that was Jesus Christ also known as Almighty God. Jesus said " I and the Father are One." The JWs will...
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    Why doesn't the Bible say what it means?

    The Holy Bible can be understood ONLY by those who are led by the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. Jesus said that after He goes away to heaven He will send His substitute the Holy Spirit and He will TEACH all truth to those who WANT to know the truth.
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    Why doesn't the Bible say what it means?

    Jesus Christ's teachings irritated thousands of Jews in His day. He said: They hated me, so they will hate you. So I am not surprised that you are irritated. The Holy Spirit said thru' the Apostle Paul that the message of free salvation because of the Cross of Christ (same as the...
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    Who designed the designer?

    Maybe you are not willing to talk about a Creator God in this life. You sure will have no other choice but to deal with Him in your next life which is eternity future. Atheists who disregard Almighty God in this life will turn into theists on thier "way down."
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    Who designed the designer?

    Jesus Christ declared Himself to be the First and the Last. Therefore, according to the Quran Jesus Christ has to be God. Btw, Jesus being a highly venerated prophet of the Quran, there is no way He could have lied about Himself! True prophets of God do not lie. If they do lie, then they...
  11. A

    Who designed the designer?

    When you are able to explain where infinity starts and ends and when time started and when it will end, then only you are qualified to talk about the beginning and ending of Almighty God. By time I mean events following events and not time on our man-made clocks.
  12. A

    Three days, three nights...

    The very same Jesus who mentioned the story of Jonah being 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the whale said also that He will rise from death on the 3rd day. Was Jesus mistaken about the period of time He was going to be entombed? No way! What we need to understand is that a part of a day...
  13. A

    Do You Think Muslims Are Violent?

    The Koran states that only Allah the god of Islam should be worshiped. Those who don't worship Allah are to be killed in order that only Muslims will be left in the world. According to the Koran every human being is born a Muslim. Those who are not Muslims therefore have left Islam and thus...
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    Why doesn't the Bible say what it means?

    The Holy Bible was authored not by human minds but by the mind of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is written the way it is written for the same reason that Jesus spoke in parables. Only those who have a heart-desire to know the truth are able to understand the truth. The others, they won't get it...
  15. A

    Atheism doesn't mean much.

    Did you know that atheists get converted to theists on their way down to hell?
  16. A

    Who designed the designer?

    No human mind has the capacity or the capability to understand or explain infinity. God Almighty Who created the universe is in Himself Infinity with no beginning and no end. Thus we are compelled to believe in an Almighty Creator God using just Faith. Reading Hebrews chap. 11, that's the...
  17. A

    Circular reasoning

    It's the same as which came first: the chicken or the egg? A Darwinian says: one fine day a reptile egg hatched and a chicken came out and the rest is history. A Bible believer says : Almighty God created the first hen, full-grown, with a string of eggs in her egg-sack and she started to...