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Search results

  1. A

    Buddha believed in the Creator God

    Sure, the past is past. Is the future past also? One can forget the past but who can forget that there is a future? The Holy Bible tells mankind about the future in all the prophetic Books. Because there was no one to watch the creation, the Creator WROTE the events down by using His chosen...
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    Faith in Christ is Completely Logical

    Nothing UNclean will ever be allowed to be in the presence of Infinitely Holy God. Heaven where Almighty God resides is so Holy that no sin bearing person will ever dare to enter it. It would be like a south pole of a magnet trying to get close to a south pole of a magnet. The closer it gets...
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    John the Baptist accepted Islam

    Mat. 4: 12 : Now when Jesus had heard that John was cast into prison , he departed into Galilee; There is no doubt about John's imprisonment. Remember that it is while he was in prison that he sent some of his followers to ask Jesus whether He was or not the expected Messiah. I suggest that...
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    Difference between Christian St. John the Baptist and Islamic Yahya?

    About this statement: We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.- Buddha Unfortunately the human mind is never pure. Budha is supposed to have attained his goal of destroying his soul. What PROOF is there that he...
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    The, differences ,between ,Christianity and Islam

    Jesus Christ, the Holy Prophet of the Holy Bible taught this: Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you. The prophet of Islam, Mohammed said: Hate your enemies and make them surrender to the god of prophet Mohammed and if they don't surrender, kill them. The God of the Holy Bible...
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    Does God have emotions?

    God permits evil so we human beings can know what evil is and what evil does. It's like this: If you never had a severe toothache, how would you know what it's like when somebody says he/she has a severe toothache? If we lived on a flat earth with the sun in the same spot 24 hrs a day how...
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    Does God have a creator?

    Who can really say? The Holy Bible which IS the Word of God says it all. The God of the Holy Bible never reveals Himself to those who want to find fault with Him. Why should He? Nobody will reveal where he/she hides his/her gold to a person who is known to be a thief. But he/she will reveal...
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    Buddha believed in the Creator God

    The Holy Bible clearly states that mankind should NOT honor or respect idols. No one should ever bow to an idol or icon because it amounts to demon worship as given in the Bible. Btw, the Creator-God has only one message and it's in the Holy Bible the "Manufacturer's Hand Book."
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    God the creator, or God the "dictator"?

    The Holy Bible states clearly that the Creator God is a jealous God. He demands that His created beings (angels and human beings who have will) obey and worship Him and none else. Choosing to disobey Him has severe punishments attached to that Command. For example Satan and the angels who...
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    Buddha believed in the Creator God

    What proof can you produce to prove that Budha believed in the Creator God?
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    The, differences ,between ,Christianity and Islam

    Sorry allah doesn't know and here it is: 36:38 (Asad) And [they have a sign in] the sun: it runs in an orbit of its own [19] [and] that is laid down by the will of the Almighty, the All-Knowing; The sun has no ORBIT on which to run. The sun does not run. The sun stands still.
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    Difference between Christian St. John the Baptist and Islamic Yahya?

    John the baptizer was the last prophet of the Old Testament period. Until Jesus Christ rose again from His death by Crucifixion the period of time was still OT times. The NT times rolled in only after the resurrection of Jesus Christ because it was the resurrection that changed the "set-up"...
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    John the Baptist accepted Islam

    And cut off hands for stealing. And kill girls/women for the sake of family pride (honor-killing) when the girls/women get pregnant before marriage or get together with non-muslim men. How merciful of Allah? Pl. tell me , Is the following mercy? Sura [2.54] And when Musa said to his people: O...
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    John the Baptist accepted Islam

    If Islam means just surrendering to a god, then you are right. Unfortunately for you John the Baptizer did not surrender to the god of prophet Mohammed but to the Almighty God of Isaac and Jacob and King David. John did not surrender to Mohammed's god for the simple reason that the god of...
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    What does "created in God's image" mean?

    Firstly, the Bible has it that Almighty Creator God is Spirit. Spirits (holy or evil) are invisible beings. When they want to show up, they have to put on a shape and form. It means that when God created Adam, the first human being, He created him (Adam) in God's spiritual image. Therefore...
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    What does it mean to say God created time?

    Those of us who believe the words of the Holy Bible , we have absolutely no problem believing that Almighty God exists. Those who do not believe in Almighty God, doesn't matter what proof is brought to their "face", they are never going to believe. The Bible has a clue in 2nd Corinthians 4...
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    What does it mean to say God created time?

    If I know it rightly, time was created at the moment of the Big Bang according to Big-Bangists. So that means time had a beginning. This is not in terms of clocks, but in terms of events taking place one after another. Therefore it is right to say that time was created by Almighty God...
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    Buddha believed in the Creator God

    When Almighty Creator God made Adam and Eve, there were perfectly holy (i.e., perfect without any wrong doing). Yet they fell into sin while being perfectly holy. So, thinking that mankind could ever be holy and without fault is like thinking that a lion will never kill a lamb, or a cat will...
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    Buddha believed in the Creator God

    Buddha was supposed to have gotten Enlightened. Ok, no problem! What was he enlightened about? If he was enlightened about every thing in the universe and beyond, then he had to know that matter had to have been manufacture d by some intelligent being. Why? Because all matter behave in...
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    According to the Holy Bible Satan has the power and the ability to impersonate. It means he can get into a person and pretend to be another person. Thus Satan pretends to be a god teaching truth. Satan appears as an angel of light/truth to human beings who do not have the Holy Spirit in them...