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John the Baptist accepted Islam

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
It is to believe that many things in life are happening due to God's will and to surrender and submit to his will whether it was good or bad.

For example one may born as poor, was that his choice
One may born with health problems, was that his choice
One may born in England, other in India
One born rich, one died young other died extremely old in age

Endless of examples in life that happen due to God's will that we have to accept and surrender to it.

But why is Islam the correct interpretation?

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
There are many fabricated hadith, the quran mentioned the honey as good source for health and never mentioned the urine or milk of camels.
This famous Hadith of your Prophet
Have you talk to a writer who wrote
If you want the offense to Islam then you should say so
Your Prophet recommended his followers to use this drug, a biography of the famous
Do you teach you Islam
Or do you want to convey to us misleading information

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
But why is Islam the correct interpretation?
You speak about abuses the concept of Islamic Jihad after the fighting
This concept is derived from a Qur'anic verse
Each bird in the neck
This concept makes the human beast March on Earth
It lost to the free will
Because my English is weak I can't explain this Islamic concept
Which abuses the teachings of Islam after fighting education

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
But why is Islam the correct interpretation?
If a person is born with a moment of unhappiness and happiness
Written on his forehead moment of belief and disbelief written on his forehead moment of women and marriage and chicken and have fun
The big question
Where is the human will
Here is your God stealing me all my will
I am free and sane I choose
From the moment I reach my goal and to dead
In puberty I could end my life
In the I I could choose the way I die where
And also I could be happy or miserable
Note that the concept of happiness and misery is relative and variabl

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by FearGod
It is to believe that many things in life are happening due to God's will and to surrender and submit to his will whether it was good or bad.

For example one may born as poor, was that his choice
One may born with health problems, was that his choice
One may born in England, other in India
One born rich, one died young other died extremely old in age

Endless of examples in life that happen due to God's will that we have to accept and surrender to it.==================================================================================================
i am say to you
If written by my neck before my birth
This means that your Prophet to initiating a message
Because no matter how would do I not believe it written on my neck
So here I am being deprived of the will
This bug
For I am able now to move from religion to another I free will
But I laaval to you be unable to justify the actions of your Prophet Muhammad
Whenever you see her
Away v Islam
I hnaastdm my full
A check
And God don't cancel optional
Because this choice stealing me
The wisdom if sent me to heaven is not fair also


Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
And why it isn't ?

The default position is that it isn't correct. I don't have to provide why exactly it isn't if your claim hasn't provided its burden that it is. Why not scientology? Or Christianity? Or Hinduism? Or that crazy cult that drinks cyanide?

All of those would be equal to your claim and alone would dilute its meaning. Does that make sense? If its "meh. what the hell I'll be muslim" doesn't seem like a very good reason to change your life and devote your beliefs.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
And why it isn't ?
Praise be to God

Talk referred to liquid a Saheeh hadeeth, in which the party came madeenah, sickened, they said the Prophet to drink camel's milk and her urines, it's nice and they put on weight, and in the story that they wore and killed the Shepherd, and perceived them as Muslims and killed them.

Narrated by Al-bukhaari (2855) and Muslim (1671).

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member

to -FearGod
You saw the Muslim scholars told drinking camel urine
And you must put it in the pharmacy home
It is one of the most important prescriptions ordered by your Prophet Muhammad === === === === === === === === === === ====
The modern scholars gather to talk Al-bukhaari and Muslim, but they met nation.. This God of his Prophet, upon him be peace.. You may not and do not teach compromise unanimously, it matter of science and knowledge

However arrived "your mind" of intelligence and thinking, it will inform the son of stone and gold and El-Shafei, Ahmed and Malik ibn Dawood and Al-nasaa'i, Al-qurtubi and Ibn majah and Al-daaraqutni, Al-tirmidhi and Al-shawkaani sanai and Governor walarmi and hessan son and many others.. And all of them agreed on the health of the Al-bukhaari and Muslim, why not return to him!?!

There are limits to freedom of thought and reason do not even up to the point of rebellion and denial!

Let your mind aside. And tell us what to do a camel's urine? I mean scientifically. Proved that the attribution is weak, then come and engaged and challenged God forgive you, but coming so without any background in modern science and modern simply masquerade

This is great and a huge Lord of the Kaaba... You do not speak and do not discuss and does not question nor rejects the newly or so-and-so, but is a modern Prophet, Revelator of the heavens Ali, the Prophet sender, the greatest and most virtuous & honorable and believe it.

Which is why how-after God-and you and your faith, then slowed a bit! It does not treat a modern Prophet and as your transaction for a modern person.. The Messenger of Allah Sadiq almsdok, supported by Lord of glory and Majesty.

I repeat: that is not ventilated or ttkozz of the camel's urine, but rejected by, this is up to you and the patient, the Messenger of Allah and peace did not force anyone, and no one is forcing you to, and you can refuse to drink it, or accept, that is, refusing to talk to faculty, outlined another command, it is not acceptable at all.


Freedom Of Mind
Praise be to God

Talk referred to liquid a Saheeh hadeeth, in which the party came madeenah, sickened, they said the Prophet to drink camel's milk and her urines, it's nice and they put on weight, and in the story that they wore and killed the Shepherd, and perceived them as Muslims and killed them.

Narrated by Al-bukhaari (2855) and Muslim (1671).

Yes the urine was expensive at that time and shepherds used to save all the urine to sell it in the market, those guys killed the shepherd to use and sell the urine.

They have been caught selling the urine in the market and by investigation they found out that they killed the shepherd to sell the urine.

In one other story i heard that one shepherd beat his camel because it pee outside the pail, then when the prophet saw him he asked him why you beat the camel, the shepherd told him that the camel pee outside the pail, the prophet said it deserved the punishment as the urine saves lives.

I missed who narrated this hadith but you may try to google for it, you may use the following words : prophet, shepherd , beat, camel, pail and rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots
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New Member
The conversation quickly went no where. It's just not worth my time reading this ignorant and senseless rants about surrendering is becoming Muslim or converting to Islam. The level of discussion is not to be taken seriously. Lol.


Where did i mention the quran ?
Did you even understand what i was talking about ?
I was going to say as I was reading the first responses, the person said it was the Bible in Arabic. I'm new here and I really hate to get off on the wrong foot, but people should read thoroughly be for jumping into a debate.
While i was reading some verses in the bible in its Arabic form i came to
one verse which doesn't give the same meaning as in the English bible.

It is Matthew 4:12 which says in English that John the baptist was captured
and Jesus then started to deliver his message to the public.

Matthew 4:12
When Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, he withdrew to Galilee.

In Arabic form it says that John the baptist accepted Islam and not as in English
was put in prison or captured.


?????? ?????? - ??? ?? ????

The world
means accepted Islam or became a Muslim

See the meaning for the Arabic word

I investigated the greek word in matthew 4:12 and found it to have
the meaning of surrendering which is the same meaning for Islam in Arabic.

Matthew 4:12 Now when Jesus heard that John had been taken into custody, He withdrew into Galilee;


Matthew 4:12 NAS - Interlinear Bible - Online Bible Study Tools

The words "into custody" was translated from the Greek word
Paradidomi which means surrendering among other meanings

Read here What Does it Mean to Surrender All to God? | eHow

Islam Explained

Dear John The Baptist Inquirer
Your argument appears to be centered on the word ‘departed’, which you have translated as ‘withdraw’. This is incorrect as Jesus departed (to go back to) to Galilee, which is in the centre of danger, He did not withdraw from anything or anyone.
Strongs’ Concordance puts it this way:- g0402. ἀναχωρέω anachōreō; from 303 and 5562; to retire:— depart, give place, go (turn) aside, withdraw self.
AV (14)- depart 8, withdraw (one's) self 2, go aside 2, turn aside 1, give place 1;
to go back, return to withdraw
John the Baptist had been arrested because he dared to say that Herod Antipas's marriage to his brother's wife was immoral. As tetrarch of Galilee and Perea (Lk 3:1), Herod did not have jurisdiction over Judea, the locale of Jesus' baptism and wilderness temptation. Thus Jesus fearlessly marched into the heart of Herod's territory when He heard of John's arrest. In Lk 13:31-33, the Pharisees urged Jesus to leave Galilee in order to escape arrest by Herod. Jesus replied by calling Herod "that fox" and insisted that He would travel to Jerusalem only because it was necessary for Him to die there, not to flee Herod. Jesus caused kings to tremble (2:3; 14:1-2), but He Himself feared no man.
HCSB Study Bible.
Did John the Baptist believe in Islam? Mohammad did not exist until hundreds of years later. His main concern is Jesus Christ his Lord and Saviour.

Albert Brownsey
Certainty for Eternity


Freedom Of Mind
Dear John The Baptist Inquirer
Your argument appears to be centered on the word ‘departed’, which you have translated as ‘withdraw’. This is incorrect as Jesus departed (to go back to) to Galilee, which is in the centre of danger, He did not withdraw from anything or anyone.
Strongs’ Concordance puts it this way:- g0402. ἀναχωρέω anachōreō; from 303 and 5562; to retire:— depart, give place, go (turn) aside, withdraw self.
AV (14)- depart 8, withdraw (one's) self 2, go aside 2, turn aside 1, give place 1;
to go back, return to withdraw

I don't have an issue with this part, yes Jesus has departed to Galilee.

John the Baptist had been arrested because he dared to say that Herod Antipas's marriage to his brother's wife was immoral. As tetrarch of Galilee and Perea (Lk 3:1), Herod did not have jurisdiction over Judea, the locale of Jesus' baptism and wilderness temptation. Thus Jesus fearlessly marched into the heart of Herod's territory when He heard of John's arrest. In Lk 13:31-33, the Pharisees urged Jesus to leave Galilee in order to escape arrest by Herod. Jesus replied by calling Herod "that fox" and insisted that He would travel to Jerusalem only because it was necessary for Him to die there, not to flee Herod. Jesus caused kings to tremble (2:3; 14:1-2), but He Himself feared no man.
HCSB Study Bible.
Did John the Baptist believe in Islam? Mohammad did not exist until hundreds of years later. His main concern is Jesus Christ his Lord and Saviour.

Albert Brownsey
Certainty for Eternity

Can you explain how it makes sense to you that Jesus started preaching only once John the baptist was captured.

It means only one thing and which is that John was a bad man and which isn't.

Why preaching just started with the event of capturing John the baptist ?
While i was reading some verses in the bible in its Arabic form i came to
one verse which doesn't give the same meaning as in the English bible.

It is Matthew 4:12 which says in English that John the baptist was captured
and Jesus then started to deliver his message to the public.

Matthew 4:12
When Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, he withdrew to Galilee.

In Arabic form it says that John the baptist accepted Islam and not as in English
was put in prison or captured.


?????? ?????? - ??? ?? ????

The world
means accepted Islam or became a Muslim

See the meaning for the Arabic word

I investigated the greek word in matthew 4:12 and found it to have
the meaning of surrendering which is the same meaning for Islam in Arabic.

Matthew 4:12 Now when Jesus heard that John had been taken into custody, He withdrew into Galilee;


Matthew 4:12 NAS - Interlinear Bible - Online Bible Study Tools

The words "into custody" was translated from the Greek word
Paradidomi which means surrendering among other meanings

Read here What Does it Mean to Surrender All to God? | eHow

Islam Explained
If Islam means just surrendering to a god, then you are right. Unfortunately for you John the Baptizer did not surrender to the god of prophet Mohammed but to the Almighty God of Isaac and Jacob and King David. John did not surrender to Mohammed's god for the simple reason that the god of prophet Mohammed was not even known in the time of John. John was a prophet at least 600 yrs before Mohammed came on the Middle East region.

Btw, how could anyone surrender to an unknown or unheard of god? Besides during prophet John's time the ISHMALITES (descendants of Hagar) in the Middle East worshiped a multitude of gods of whom allah was just one and the Kaaba was a shrine to the multitude of gods.
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Imagine that! you have a book made by a stealing, illiterate pedophile, raping warrior.

And the people 1500 years LATER!

You have a group of people the most illiterate in the world, who are the most violent, and treat their women like garbage.

And cut off hands for stealing. And kill girls/women for the sake of family pride (honor-killing) when the girls/women get pregnant before marriage or get together with non-muslim men. How merciful of Allah? Pl. tell me , Is the following mercy?
Sura [2.54] And when Musa said to his people: O my people! you have surely been unjust to yourselves by taking the calf (for a god), therefore turn to your Creator (penitently), so kill your people, that is best for you with your Creator: so He turned to you (mercifully), for surely He is the Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful.

Btw, prophet Musa (Moses) could never have listened to the god of prophet Mohammed for the very simple reason that the god of Islam was not a known god anywhere in the world of Moses. The god of prophet Mohammed came into "being" only after prophet Mohammed revealed him thru' the Koran. Prophet Moses came 1500 yrs before Jesus Christ. Prophet Mohammed came 600 yrs after Jesus Christ. So from Musa to Mohammed is about 2000 yrs difference.
While i was reading some verses in the bible in its Arabic form i came to
one verse which doesn't give the same meaning as in the English bible.

It is Matthew 4:12 which says in English that John the baptist was captured
and Jesus then started to deliver his message to the public.

Matthew 4:12
When Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, he withdrew to Galilee.

In Arabic form it says that John the baptist accepted Islam and not as in English
was put in prison or captured.


?????? ?????? - ??? ?? ????

The world
means accepted Islam or became a Muslim

See the meaning for the Arabic word

I investigated the greek word in matthew 4:12 and found it to have
the meaning of surrendering which is the same meaning for Islam in Arabic.

Matthew 4:12 Now when Jesus heard that John had been taken into custody, He withdrew into Galilee;


Matthew 4:12 NAS - Interlinear Bible - Online Bible Study Tools

The words "into custody" was translated from the Greek word
Paradidomi which means surrendering among other meanings

Read here What Does it Mean to Surrender All to God? | eHow

Islam Explained

Mat. 4: 12 : Now when Jesus had heard that John was cast into prison , he departed into Galilee;

There is no doubt about John's imprisonment. Remember that it is while he was in prison that he sent some of his followers to ask Jesus whether He was or not the expected Messiah.

I suggest that if you want the truth in English about Bible verses, pl. use the King James Version. The KJV is the closest translated Bible in the English language, besides, it is not copy righted. All other versions are copy righted so that they can make big money out of them. The Word of God should never be sold for profit. The Bible predicts that in the last days (we are in it now) profiteers will make money using the Word of God.

humble servant

Almighty's humble servant
Do you think Adam was a Christian or an atheist ?

I believe it is whether to be in surrender or to be in rebellion with God.

So i think those in rebellion don't accept to surrender to God and even turned to be as God's enemies.
It is a fact that there is NO SUCH THING AS ISLAM, nor Christianity, nor Judaism. There are simply believers and non-believers. The prophets, including Christ the Messiah, Muhammad the Messenger, and Moses the deliverer were all believers with a message from God ALmighty. They followed HIS orders and and became historically consequential in leading billions into God's Kingdom.

You can be a divisive believer and segregate yourself from other believers, but I don't believe there is an extra reward awaiting. You only bring pain upon yourself during your natural life in doing so. Instead, focus on bringing our non-believing brothers and sisters back into God's family soas they might share in the reward of His Kingdom, ie eternal life by believing that the Messiah, Christ Jesus done as ordered and took upon Himself the sins of the world soas we might not see hell for our own.
It is a fact that there is NO SUCH THING AS ISLAM, nor Christianity, nor Judaism. There are simply believers and non-believers. The prophets, including Christ the Messiah, Muhammad the Messenger, and Moses the deliverer were all believers with a message from God ALmighty. They followed HIS orders and and became historically consequential in leading billions into God's Kingdom.

You can be a divisive believer and segregate yourself from other believers, but I don't believe there is an extra reward awaiting. You only bring pain upon yourself during your natural life in doing so. Instead, focus on bringing our non-believing brothers and sisters back into God's family soas they might share in the reward of His Kingdom, ie eternal life by believing that the Messiah, Christ Jesus done as ordered and took upon Himself the sins of the world soas we might not see hell for our own.

How can you state, "It is a fact that there is NO SUCH THING AS ISLAM, nor Christianity, nor Judaism" ,and then preach the message of Christ? People who preach the message of Christ are called Christians.Christian means to be as Christ like,to walk as Christ did.Christianity derived from Judaism.Islam is a belief based partly on,or almost all of Judaism.Without Judaism there would never be any Islam or Christianity.

I noticed you also believe in hell too. A place of fire and torment or the grave?