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  1. A

    Freewill and Heaven

    There are questions that have no answers. For example why did the Creator create anything at all remembering that the Creator had been in existence from eternity past. Since it is the first two human beings who made a mess in the beginning why did the creator create them fully knowing that...
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    Christians, Do you believe that all of the Muslims who have heard of the Bible are going to Hell?

    The Bible's teaching is very clear that ALL human beings are sinners by simply being born into the human race. How is it so? It is so because all human beings are a result of having being born into the family of Adam and Eve. They sinned against their Creator God by their disobedience and the...
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    Would God condemn a person to hell who's never heard his word?

    May I suggest that you study the first chapter of the book of Romans in the Holy Bible, starting from verse 18 studying to the end of the chapter. It tells us that no human being has an excuse for not knowing the Creator God.
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    The, differences ,between ,Christianity and Islam

    I am responding to the foll: "10. Their disbelief in the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), even though he is mentioned in the Old and New Testaments." Please show me the verses in the Holy Bible where the prophet Mohammed is mentioned.
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    What is the Difference Between Trust and Faith?

    The Holy Bible teaches this: Proverbs 3: 5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Old Testament) New Testament: Matthew 27:43 He (Jesus) trusteth on God; let him (God) deliver him...
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    What is the difference between Sunni and Shi’a Islam?

    Since Muslims are murdering one another by the thousands right now I don't think it matters what they believe. Hate is what fuels them. It is because thier differences are so great and UNMANAGEABLE by themselves that they hate one another. They call each other brother or sister but they don't...
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    What makes a deity worthy of worship?

    If one wants to know what the Holy Bible says, it says that there is only ONE ALMIGHTY CREATOR God and all other gods are of human "manufacture." Thus there is only ONE God worthy of worship and that is the God of Isaac, Jacob (Israel) , King David (of Israel) and Jesus Christ--the Saviour who...
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    One God, One Saviour the Creator

    JC did not stop people from WORSHIPING Him. Worship is only allowed upon Almighty God. 1 Thessalonians 1:8-10Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) 8 The Lord’s teaching has spread from you throughout Greece and beyond. In fact, your faith in God has become known everywhere, so we never have to tell...
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    One God, One Saviour the Creator

    Well, FYI the Holy Bible TEACHES all human beings the way of Salvation from an eternity in hell-fire. I am just one of those billions who accepted as true the PLAN of Almighty God to save DEPRAVED sinners like myself from going to hell on the Day of Judgment. Whether one believes it or not...
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    My Fellow Christians: Is a Christmas Tree an Idol?

    An idol is a person or a thing that is worshipped or venerated like a statue of the mother of Jesus Christ, Mary. Idol worship is totally FORBIDDEN in the whole Bible (OT and NT). Idol worshpers will be sentenced to hell on Judgment day, doesn't matter if it is EVEN the Pope. Since nobody...
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    Why doesn't the Bible mention.............

    In the KJV it rightly says: "...And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Set you free is like releasing you from prison or somebody's custody. Making you free is that you are now able think freely. Jesus said He is THE TRUTH. When we know Jesus as He should be known...
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    The, differences ,between ,Christianity and Islam

    Let me add a little here: The god of the Koran was revealed only after prophet Mohammed came into being in the Middle East, born into an Arab family and that means 500 yrs after prophet Jesus Christ, born into a Jewish family came on the scene in the same Middle East. Mohammed who was a...
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    The Man Who Hated God( Spoken Word) It's me in the video

    What happened in Old Testament times is very different as compared to what happens in NT times which we are in. In the OT times they did not know God as we know Him now in NT times. If you can show me a verse in the NT to prove your point, I'd very much like to see it. It is just because...
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    The Man Who Hated God( Spoken Word) It's me in the video

    Anybody who hates the Creator-God of the universe is in trouble spiritually speaking. Why? Because God will never reveal Himself to that person. One day he/she is going to cry out for help and at that time no help will come unless he/she repents, pleads for forgiveness and then seek the help...
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    Why doesn't the Bible mention.............

    "- "They all live in Heaven, where we also go when we die."" Sorry...only those who are holy as Almighty God is holy gets into His presence in His Abode. No sin or any sinful person will ever be allowed into the presence of Infinitely Holy God.
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    Who designed the designer?

    When it comes to entities of the spirit realm one has to totally abandon the entities of the physical or material. The spiritual always "lives" at a higher level than the physical or material, never the other way around. For example who can explain where the Big Bang occurred? Why did it...
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    Buddha believed in the Creator God

    Who cares about what I believe? Nobody but me! That's not the point. The Point is what does the Creator God care about? For number one He cares about the Zenith of His Creation which is the human race. So He WROTE a Manual of Instruction called the Holy Bible. Study it and if the Holy...
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    The, differences ,between ,Christianity and Islam

    Muslims believe that their god and the God of the Holy Bible are the very same god. They believe that Abraham who is thier forefather who is also the forefather of the Jews, had the very same god. What they fail to realize is that the God of the Jews (Hebrews) LOVES the Jews and the Land of...
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    lord buddha's will

    Stop suffering forever? Fat hope! Let's say you were born in your next life as a lion. Can lions hope to be born as a human being so that as human being it could do good, enough good to cancel out the bad? Are you personally able to do enough good to cancel out your bad thoughts, words and...
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    The, differences ,between ,Christianity and Islam

    Sorry...there could never be peace between the Jews and Arabs. Why? Because of the fact that Arabs are not able to co-exist with thier brethren. This hatred started with the two sons of Father Abraham. The second son Isaac (from mother Sarah) was hated by the first son Ishmael (from mother...