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Why doesn't the Bible say what it means?


Veteran Member
I wouldn't undermine the meaning of my life here and now either.

But if you'd asked my openion and belief regarding justice, then, in my openion, things are not over here and now.

and if there is no life after death, then, it won't make a difference how life was after people dye, anyways. They won't remember anything.

it makes a big difference...
why would you say that?


Veteran Member
it makes a big difference...
why would you say that?

If there is no life after death...then,

seeing from the view of a person who is already dead. for him, it makes no difference how his life was. He is dead, he doesn't understand anything anymore.

and if there is a life after death...then,

it makes a difference how he lived.
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Veteran Member
If there is no life after death...then,

seeing from the view of a person who is already dead. for him, it makes no difference how his life was. He is dead, he doesn't understand anything anymore.

and if there is a life after death...then,

it makes a difference how he lived.

if there is no life after death then,

you don't take life for granted.

if there is no life after death...

you have one life and you're alive in the here and now

and you have no excuses for your short comings.

it makes no difference how his life was
that's not true.
guess you underestimate the value of integrity and dignity
why would you say something like that? is it because you believe you are superior?


Admiral Obvious
If there is no life after death...then,

seeing from the view of a person who is already dead. for him, it makes no difference how his life was. He is dead, he doesn't understand anything anymore.

and if there is a life after death...then,

it makes a difference how he lived.
This is nothing more than you presenting your opinions as the opinion of the dead.

It in no way helps you to try and put your words in the mouths of dead people.


Its only a Label
Friend truseeker,

Why doesn't the Bible say what it means?

What is the Bible?
who wrote it?
What is normally found is that the enlightened individuals who receivers pointers from existence directly like Abraham, Moses or Jesus would normally never be writing their own stories rather their followers would interpret the stories of those enlightened individuals and so we find TRUTH itself to be an interpretation in the first place.
Coming to your question *why doesn't the Bible say what it means?; Meanings of what one reads is the interpretation of the reader himself and so every reader interprets TRUTH in his own way and so we as humans never come to any common understanding on any subject in totality. God means differently to most people. Personal understanding is that God is a concept which represents the totality of all energies in various forms and no-forms in this universe. Others perceive God in their own way, so meanings can not be the same for two people as such.

Love & rgds


Veteran Member
One who believes that Bible is from God, IMO should also believe that God purposefully had revealed it in this way as to be interpreted in different ways and be mysterious.
If it was God's wish to reveal it in a way that everyone would interpret it the same way, could He not do that?
The Bible says, it is sealed with seven seals.
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Veteran Member
I mean, after death doesn't matter, not while being alive.
I know, talking about death can be painfull reality for many. I am sorry:rolleyes:

yes i agree...but i'm not a person who needs to believe in an after
life in order to make death less mysterious and easier to cope with, am i?


Veteran Member
One who believes that Bible is from God, IMO should also believe that God purposefully had revealed it in this way as to be interpreted in different ways and be mysterious.
If it was God's wish to reveal it in a way that everyone would interpret it the same way, could He not do that?
The Bible says, it is sealed with seven seals.

how convenient :sarcastic


Admiral Obvious
One who believes that Bible is from God, IMO should also believe that God purposefully had revealed it in this way as to be interpreted in different ways and be mysterious.
If it was God's wish to reveal it in a way that everyone would interpret it the same way, could He not do that?
The Bible says, it is sealed with seven seals.

Why would one expect a deity that claims to be honest and value truth to be "mysterious"?

Being intentionally "mysterious" is no different than being dishonest.
Especially if you put all who do not/can not solve said mysteries in a firey hell for all eternity over it.


Why would one expect a deity that claims to be honest and value truth to be "mysterious"?

Being intentionally "mysterious" is no different than being dishonest.
Especially if you put all who do not/can not solve said mysteries in a firey hell for all eternity over it.

If one expects the deity to be more than one can comprehend.


Veteran Member
Why would one expect a deity that claims to be honest and value truth to be "mysterious"?

Being intentionally "mysterious" is no different than being dishonest.
Especially if you put all who do not/can not solve said mysteries in a firey hell for all eternity over it.

If one expects the deity to be more than one can comprehend.

i had to think about your response for a bit, but isn't
faith, believing in things unseen, incomprehensible?

practically speaking, the way we trust and believe
something to be true is if it were proven.
and why wouldn't we expect a deity that is real to be straightforward and open?


i had to think about your response for a bit, but isn't
faith, believing in things unseen, incomprehensible?

practically speaking, the way we trust and believe
something to be true is if it were proven.

and why wouldn't we expect a deity that is real to be straightforward and open?

That's the thing.

In Christianity, God as the Creator is not "real" in the sense that creation is. Anything in creation we can "trust and believe" because we - as part of creation - can review and test it, establishing it as proven.

As Creator, God is not a "real" part of creation, but stands outside of it. So to reach God we have to journey outside of the real and meet God by faith.


Veteran Member
Why would one expect a deity that claims to be honest and value truth to be "mysterious"?

I believe because, the Bible is mostly talking about spiritual realities, and shouldn't be interpreted literally, thus, when we interpret it literally, in many cases, it's not what was intended. It's basically like, if something is expressed in parable, but we think it's literal, then it would be superstitious.
For example, if someone calls someone else an angel, and he basically means that person is kind. Now if someone else makes up some 'imaginations' and thinks by angel is meant something else, then that spiritual truth is turned to a superstitious.

Thus IMB, we should seek the spiritual meaning from it, and not literally interpret it.

It's like any other book. If it's too easy to understand, then no body learns anything from it.
But the more challenging it is, then when we make an effort to comprehend it, our spiritual eye would open.

If it was a simple Book, then how could one believe it's from God?

Suppose, God were to give a proof. What other than a Book with mysteries should we expect from Him?

Being intentionally "mysterious" is no different than being dishonest.

I don't think it's dishonesty. Because, He already said in Bible that it is full of Mysteries which are given in parables and symbolic language. and promised that those mysteries will be fulfilled when the Book should be unsealed, by the next manifestation of God.

Especially if you put all who do not/can not solve said mysteries in a fiery hell for all eternity over it.

I believe the hell fire also should not be taken literally.
Also, the Bible doesn't say we go to hell, just because we can't understand the mysteries.
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Veteran Member
That's the thing.

In Christianity, God as the Creator is not "real" in the sense that creation is. Anything in creation we can "trust and believe" because we - as part of creation - can review and test it, establishing it as proven.

As Creator, God is not a "real" part of creation, but stands outside of it. So to reach God we have to journey outside of the real and meet God by faith.

if our knowledge of science was more advanced 3 thousand yrs ago or whatever, i would think history would be lacking the superstitions that explained the unexplainable...'creation'
we understand what micro organisms are, why we get sick, why we have earthquakes, why volcanoes erupt and how small we are in the scheme of things.
It seems like everyone has to interpret the Bible to meet his or her own ideas. Why not just believe what it says? Some examples. In Matthew chapter 12 Jesus says the only sign that He really is the son of God will be that He will be 3 days and 3 nights in the tomb. Everyone has some excuse why He was only there 72 hours. It was a Greek idiom. It meant any part of 3 days and nights. Etc. Why not just believe what it says and stop making excuses. In Matthew chapter 19 Jesus says if you love Him you will keep the commandments. He goes on to show that He is talking about the 10 commandments. Do not kill. Do not steal, etc. But people have to make up reasons why the commandments do not apply to people today. They were only for the Jews. Jesus "nailed them to the cross." If Jesus said to obey them why not believe Him instead of making excuses why you don't have to. In Jeremiah chapter 10 people are warned not to follow heathen ways. Then it says that heathens cut a tree from the forest and decorate it with silver and gold. But of course that does not mean we should not have "Christmas trees" even though it sounds like that is exactly what it is saying. So on these and many other points why is it so difficult to believe what the Bible says instead of making excuses why it does not mean what it says. Of course if you don't believe in the Bible at all that is one thing but if you claim to believe in it why do have to say it does not mean what it says?

The Holy Bible was authored not by human minds but by the mind of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is written the way it is written for the same reason that Jesus spoke in parables. Only those who have a heart-desire to know the truth are able to understand the truth. The others, they won't get it. The ones who have a heart-desire are the ones who have the Holy Spirit indwelling them. Read 2 Cor. 4:4 . It states that the god of this world Satan has blinded the unbelievers so that they will never be able to understand the truth about God's plan of salvation from hell. Until the Holy Spirit supernaturally takes away the blindness caused by Stan, the unbeliever will remain blinded. That's why Salvation is wrought by the Holy Spirit and not by man.


Well-Known Member
God hides things -including the meaning of scriptures -for various reasons. Even though the scriptures are available to read, God had them written and arranged in such a way as to require in-depth study and a strong desire to understand. God is also able to cause you to understand what you read when he decides you should. The timing of revelation of knowledge and understanding is important -just as it is with many other day-to-day things.

Isa 28:9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

Isa 28:10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:
Isa 28:11 For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.
Isa 28:12 To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.
Isa 28:13 But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.

Consider also....

Mat 13:9 Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
Mat 13:10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?
Mat 13:11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.
Mat 13:12 For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.
Mat 13:13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
Mat 13:14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:
Mat 13:15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
Mat 13:16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.
Mat 13:17 For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them

Mat 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

It is not extremely clearly expressed in the above -and it seems that God's heart is against those who do not understand -it even seems that he is insulting them by calling them dogs and swine, but it simply means that some things are kept from some people until they are ready to receive them (though, in the case of those who are hostile to the truth, God keeps them from the truth, and gives them over to the misery of their own choices). In fact, keeping things from some is for their benefit -and revealing them too soon can be harmful to them -just as certain things are kept from children until they are ready to understand and can handle the information, and until knowing will not cause them harm. One thing must be known and accepted before another thing can be known and accepted -otherwise a person's spiritual state might become worse then before which could in turn put them in jeapordy.
It seems like everyone has to interpret the Bible to meet his or her own ideas. Why not just believe what it says? Some examples. In Matthew chapter 12 Jesus says the only sign that He really is the son of God will be that He will be 3 days and 3 nights in the tomb. Everyone has some excuse why He was only there 72 hours. It was a Greek idiom. It meant any part of 3 days and nights. Etc. Why not just believe what it says and stop making excuses. In Matthew chapter 19 Jesus says if you love Him you will keep the commandments. He goes on to show that He is talking about the 10 commandments. Do not kill. Do not steal, etc. But people have to make up reasons why the commandments do not apply to people today. They were only for the Jews. Jesus "nailed them to the cross." If Jesus said to obey them why not believe Him instead of making excuses why you don't have to. In Jeremiah chapter 10 people are warned not to follow heathen ways. Then it says that heathens cut a tree from the forest and decorate it with silver and gold. But of course that does not mean we should not have "Christmas trees" even though it sounds like that is exactly what it is saying. So on these and many other points why is it so difficult to believe what the Bible says instead of making excuses why it does not mean what it says. Of course if you don't believe in the Bible at all that is one thing but if you claim to believe in it why do have to say it does not mean what it says?

There is only one interpretation and one truth.Mens thoughts and interpretations mean nothing.It is what God says that matters.Those who are blessed with God's grace will know what God means.These will come to have an accurate knowledge of the truth.Only God can bestow this upon man.Man cannot do it on his own trying to use human wisdom to try to understand godly wisdom.

Genesis 40:8 “We both had dreams,” they answered, “but there is no one to interpret them.”Then Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.”