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Search results

  1. D

    Teachers opinions in public schools

    In Plain English...can you tell me 1. What WAR is. 2. What Pedophilia is. 3. What AN AGENCY that could be DOING it. Satish
  2. D

    "The problem with fundamentalist religion isn't the fundamentalism"

    Me! Cute Kid! From L.K.G… I just WALKED out from my classroom… My Parents ASKED…did you LEARN the FUNDAMENTALS of HUMANITY? I like Ice-Creams.. By the way, WHAT SHOULD I tell My Parents? Satish
  3. D

    Teachers opinions in public schools

    By the way, though I am not a Muslim, let me say.. "JUSTIFY" ANY WAR ..is right now in the HANDS of...so-called ANTI-JESUS NON-VIOLENT ...."Christian" countries.... or Atheist Russia rather than in ANY MUSLIM OUTFIT. Prevalence of Pedophilia COUNTRYWISE...is Pedophilia - Wikipedia, the free...
  4. D

    Teachers opinions in public schools

    For eg. "Islam only exists to justify war and pedophilia” could Mean or Become Thunderous Clouds in the Calm Waters of a Classroom… ..one interpretation. Satish
  5. D

    Time & Money

    Time & Money Is there anything ELSE on Earth? The other day, I visited some continent… & on the Railroad platform, while waiting for the sub-urban train, I asked the guy sitting next to me on the waiting chairs.. what his name was… He said…xxx(classified for security reasons) and he...
  6. D

    What makes your God/Gods right?

    What makes Some God...or Some Name or Imagery of God...Right? Is that the Question? It is YOU. Satish
  7. D

    Divorce rates for different faiths

    The Divorce Rate of My Faith IS…The Lowest on Earth… in fact LESS THAN a 2 digit percentage.. in fact LESS THAN Even an 1 digit percentage… In FACT O. (though I really DREAD the response from Polyhedral whether O could be a Percentage!) Coz I am Single. Satish
  8. D

    "The problem with fundamentalist religion isn't the fundamentalism"

    What is the FUNDAMENTAL of ANY FUNDAMENTAL Problem? Satish
  9. D

    Teachers opinions in public schools

    What does ‘TEACH’ …mean… in a Climate of Thunderous Clouds ….and relatively Calm Seas VS Tsunamis and … and almost absent Clouds? Is TEACHING about the Violence or Non-Violence of Existentiality? Or in Terrain Terms …Right & Wrong? Satish
  10. D

    Which of all churches on earth is the only true church?

    For the Best of ANYTHING on Earth… You can USE Advanced Tools like.. Google Search.. with the Search Term “Best Church on Earth” similar to your usual terms..”Best Footwear on Earth” …Best Date on Earth.. ..Best Car on Earth.. If you CAN’T get an APPROPRIATE ANSWER from Google...
  11. D

    Should we help people who are acting only for selfish goals?

    Yes, I AGREE EVERYONE is SELFISH.. But can you DESCRIBE …WHAT….the Selfishness of… Murdoch.. Rupert Murdoch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bill Gates… Bill Gates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hitler Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Mother Teresa Mother...
  12. D

    AA kicks out two Toronto secular chapters

    “ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.” Then Why “Him.” (as per AA official site also) http://www.aa.org/1212/launch.php?link=_en Why NOT “Her” or it or IT or something else? Idolatry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia What alcoholics are craving for is NOT...
  13. D

    Can the inner core of All Religions and the Insights of Ultra Modern Science Meet?

    I don’t think it demeans. They are two different approaches: One is the result of the ‘logical’ function oriented areas of the brain and the other is the result of the intuitive areas of the brain. Right Brain vs. Left Brain Left Right* Hemisphere Brain Processing Lateralization of brain...
  14. D

    Paying money to church pastors and musicians

    I think you and I are talking about / expressing more or less the same thing : You are talking in Chinese and I am talking in Japanese. Many of the sentences of yours can be used to express what I am saying also. But the major point of difference, I feel, is one of architecture. You perceive...
  15. D

    Can the inner core of All Religions and the Insights of Ultra Modern Science Meet?

    Some might! I know Theory of Relativity is almost a century old. First, special relativity was published in 1905, and the final form of general relativity was published in 1916.[4] Second, special relativity fits with and solves for elementary particles and their interactions, whereas...
  16. D

    Can the inner core of All Religions and the Insights of Ultra Modern Science Meet?

    By “ultra modern science”, I mean the new bleeding-edge science which contradicts everyday thinking and perceptions (which was in full agreement with Newtonian science.) Some examples would be: Time being relative, depending on the speed of the body (Einstein) At the Quantum...
  17. D

    Paying money to church pastors and musicians

    Ok, the results which both you and I HOPE to achieve through Jesus’ message: Reaching out to other humans (community service, as expressed by you). Non-violence and ‘enemy-negation & hatred destruction’ as per Jesus…and me. What you are advocating is “External Pressure...
  18. D

    Paying money to church pastors and musicians

    We can argue for the next 2000 years and yet not come to a conclusion, as to who or what Jesus was or what he taught - as this has not been settled unanimously even after the last 2000 years. My view on the matter parallels more or less what is mentioned in this article: Elaine Pagels on...
  19. D

    Can the inner core of All Religions and the Insights of Ultra Modern Science Meet?

    I respect your views. But you are essentially saying Spirituality and Religion don't exist or have no base whatsoever. Satish
  20. D

    Can the inner core of All Religions and the Insights of Ultra Modern Science Meet?

    The Core of Earth is NOT IRON. It is a Euclidean Center Point of a Hypothetical Spherical Structure. It is NOT the Iron Molecule. It is NOT the Proton. It is NOT the Electron. It is NOT the Neutron. It is NOT the Boson. It is NOT...even the Elusive Neutrino or the Higg's Particle Neutrino -...