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Search results

  1. D

    Violence vs Non-Violence: Which is Greater?

    Pls define what YOU consider as 'greater'. Satish
  2. D

    Violence vs Non-Violence: Which is Greater?

    Violence vs Non-Violence: Which is Greater? If you distill and crystallize the viewpoints of the ‘greatest minds’ that walked on earth using Fractional distillation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Crystallization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia it basically comes down to ‘Their’...
  3. D

    Chemistry vs Physics...vs R

    No, not the usual Chemistry in the lab.. But the Chemistry of the Mind of Man…which usually wants to have the ‘Last Word’! ..be it individuals, groups, religions or nations… ..instead of a Give-and-Take Mutual Understanding and Analysis and arriving at a ‘Mutual Best Word’! We ALL...
  4. D

    May 21st

    May 21st May 21st ....yesterday Satish What I MAY Create or Destroy TODAY! SMay. …u got a PLAN for …. …..MAY be a Plan… …….for May 22nd?
  5. D

    Fun & Cruelty

    ..sorry about the gram error.....Not Cutely!...or Crutely... but...Cruelty S
  6. D

    Fun & Cruelty

    wts Fun wts Crutely S
  7. D

    Fun & Cruelty

    Fun & Cruelty Is there Anything Else on Earth? FUN! Is Sex, Power, Violence, & …Tech Gadgets…..&…Money.. CRUELTY! Is Sex, Power, Violence, & …Tech Gadgets…..&…Money.. U got a 2nd opinion on the Matter? (Funny or Cruel?) Satish
  8. D

    Chemistry vs Physics...vs R

    I don't quite get it.... ..the LAST part.. ....were they trying to get the LAST Word... .......or the LAST Element? Yours everlastingly, Satish
  9. D

    The Contragressive Pill

    Is Peace & Love = marijuana or Is marijuana = Peace & Love I am not quite clear about the equation... Pls get a feedback from Poly. Satish
  10. D

    The New World Order

    The New World Order There is much talk about the ‘coming’ New World Order… But I am a little confused…. Is it… The New World Order envisaged by The New World Order in Bible prophecy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_world_order_(politics) Illuminati: New World Order - Wikipedia, the...
  11. D

    The Contragressive Pill

    The Contragressive Pill Man! The other day I invented the “Contragressive Pill”…. …….for French readers it is…Contra…aggressive.. This has been the Greatest Invention since the … …..Contraceptive Pill! Why? …coz both of them have something to do with ‘Biological LIFE’…u…know...
  12. D

    Chemistry vs Physics...vs R

    Chemistry vs Physics...vs R Man! Being a little prankish, I asked my Chemistry Professor if Physics was ‘Truer’ and ‘Greater’ than Chemistry…as claimed by my Physics Professor… .. He…says…ALL advancement is …in …the Realm of …Theoretical Physics… ..have you heard of Theoretical...
  13. D

    The one true religion

    Yes, ...there....is...ONE. Satish
  14. D

    Religious Abuse

    All connotations and flavors of ‘abuse’ …disappear.. When one DROPS the…..’MY’….before …’God’… ….just God or No God….. Satish
  15. D

    i could use a little advice...

    Jesus pointed in the right direction… ..inwards… ….The Kingdom Within… ALL OTHER ROAD SIGNS….are misdirection…..away from what Jesus pointed to…..what Buddha pointed to….what Sufis pointed to….what Ramana Maharishi pointed to…. Religions, majority, minority, privileges, abuse...
  16. D

    lady gaga is an abomination

    Are the “modern” trends just old Hedonism in new wine bottles? Hedonism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Satish
  17. D

    Straight & Crooked Paths

    You brought up an important aspect…. Spirituality…when taken to higher & higher levels….is basically more and more…’undefining’…. whereas Science….when taken to macroscopic & microscopic levels…is basically more and more….’defining’… Never the twain shall meet Never the twain shall...
  18. D

    Straight & Crooked Paths

    I know that. But you are answering like a Politician! My questions were Specific. What is Delusion? What is Grandeur? (Two SEPARATE Questions!) Pls don’t provide a link to a dictionary site. I want YOU to DEFINE it……with ONLY YOUR LIFE EXPERIENCE as DATA for the inferential...
  19. D

    Straight & Crooked Paths

    Sounds logical. But, 1. Is it a Path IN BETWEEN the 2 mentioned paths? Railroad 2. Is it a Zigzag line between the 2 paths? Model Railroad Track 3. Is it a path buttressed with planks, linking the 2 paths? Rail tracks 4. Is it no path at all? a. Like the Sandy Beach HerbWeb...
  20. D

    Why are you proud of being?

    You been to the Depths? To KNOW what Darkness IS? as opposed to WHAT Light Could Be? Like…the light of …Light Emitting Entities.. …like one insect…? Firefly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bioluminescence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Being in the Depth of Darkness… I...