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  1. D


    Type like William Shatner...? Oh! Man! That is a DAMN OnTyPological Question! I type using the Common Keyboard...(US..) ... somebody suggested I use the Dvork...or something ...Keyboard.. ...somebody suggested I use the Mouse + Virtual Keyboard... ..somebody suggested I AM a RAT...
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    What is Iron?

    Can you please explain.. Who..is...Real... & Who..is ...Doctoring....? That was my M.B.B.S/M.D/Ph.D Thesis Question.. Satish doc·tor (dokÆtÃr), n. 1. a person licensed to practice medicine, as a physician, surgeon, dentist, or veterinarian. 2. a person who has been awarded a...
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    Hi Fished-Out Trout! Can you please explain...'License' ......and the 'License'...of...'Formal Logic'.... or either or both or neither... ..without Sweating? Its Cool ..and Deodarants are...banned..! Satish
  4. D

    What is Iron?

    Is it ALL about ABUNDANCE? Is it a Question of WHICH is MORE ABUNDANT...? Oxygen or Iron... ....in Earth's Air.... ...or Earth's Oceans....(I dunno if the O in H2O is Oxygen or NOT!) (The other day...I ALMOST...Drowned in H2O..due to lack of O..!) ..or in Earth's...
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    IDENTITY Well, ISN'T THAT...what Everybody is AFTER....? Man! I was asked this question... ..when I tried to ...CROSS.....Boundaries....! like...when I tried to SWIM into the US... ...they FISHED me out...and asked....u got ID? like...when I tried to DROP into Russia... ...they...
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    What is Iron?

    Ah! I Know! It is quite Trustworthy!... especially if it is Shining and Sharp....! But! Shh..! I got a better model...especially for you..! ..it is the Same Stuff...of a more Grandeur Design! ..it is made of Stuff which Fell from Space..! ..it is called Space-Age-Metal...
  7. D

    What is Iron?

    Is Titanium, Nomenclature, Stuff or Information? Is Bacon, Nomenclature, Stuff or Information? Is Baconish, Nomenclature, Stuff or Information? Is Iron Not Iron? (your reply..) Is Satish / Doctor Nomenclature, Stuff or Information? Satish
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    What is Iron?

    If intelligence is the opposite of 'stupidity', can I reframe the OP into a possibly intelligent question...or some versions of it? What is NOT Iron? What is NOT Iron-like? What is NOT Iron-ish? What is NOT-that which is NOT composed of WHAT Iron is composed of? Satish
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    What is Iron?

    What is Iron? No, it is NOT an 'ironical' question. It is a Very Solid Question. As SOLID...as the Hammer or the Anvil ...that fell on your feet 2 seconds ago! Is Iron Digital? ...in today's digital age, you can't help but ask that question. Is it mostly Empty Space? ...
  10. D

    Worldly problems in Interpreting the 'One.'

    Worldly problems in Interpreting the 'One.' I am now convinced on a 'deep' level that there is Only One thing in existence...and only one thing out there...and only one thing in here, as a matter of Fact; though on a 'Superficial, everyday functinal level, there are More than One...
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    The Place of Peace

    The Place of Peace. Well, I think Everyone 'wants' to get to the 'Place of Peace'! -even the Fast & Furious 17-year-olds, taking the U-bend at a screeching 199.9 mph!!! I think, he/she reaches 'that' place...when at the ...U-bend...when it is a real matter of life & death.. when one is...
  12. D

    Yes or No?

    Sorry! Due to Jet Lag....either of Mine or Yours.... ...we couldn't Get to Down to Earth..or Down to Earthly Cloudy Matters! (Which Other Planet...than Earth... can BOAST of.....CLOUDS?) (Jupiter & Venus...excluded! (I know Ellen has been saying all along that...
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    Yes or No?

    "If my wife dies before me the context changes and I am ........avaiable to a female ...............(whatever that means...) since judeo-christian view prohibits same sex marriage." IS THAT the VIEW of CHRISTIANS? If Yes, Can you COUNT the Number of Christians in U.S...
  14. D

    The Meek shall inherit the Earth

    Hi PolyPhosphosite! of ...Religion... Meow's socks... or was it Meow's SHOES???? WHICH Meow are you talking About? ..the Meow RF...'s socks and shoes.. ...who is Quite Catty....& INQUISITIVE... (Curiosity killed the cat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) ..when THE OPPOSITE...
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    The Meek shall inherit the Earth

    Like the ONE DEPICTED in the PICTURE? It sort of looks 'Bluish' to Me...if not 'Greenish"! What did you say...? The Green shall inherit the Earth? Satish
  16. D

    The Meek shall inherit the Earth

    Well! That's BETTER! NOW! YOU are becoming a CHRISTIAN! Did you complete your 'dissertation'.. .at least before 2017 or was it 2012 or 2011? Man to Wife & Kids! I got a 'dissertation'....'JOB'...to DO! ...which you f'kng things CAN'T UNDERSTAND! (THOSE...
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    The Meek shall inherit the Earth

    You got a 'Reason' to Love Me? Then, you ain't no Christian! Satish
  18. D

    The Meek shall inherit the Earth

    Which Caribbean? is it NEAR..the US? .only an airline ticket away? ..Which is the BEST AIRLINE to Land There? .. Air-US? Air-Canada? Air-Caribbean? It is DAMN AIRY in Caribbean! Satish
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    The Meek shall inherit the Earth

    Well! That Explains! ..but what did you explain...? ..the rationale or the....ale? Ale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Rational CEO of the Ale Industry, Satish
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    Yes or No?

    Contextual Matters! or is it that Context Matters? "In the present cntext the answer is an absolute no" How can you be SO ABSOLUTELY sure? As far as I know, the present context is.. 1. RF 2. A Post in RF. 3. Using a name 'drsatish". 4. Gender not revealed. 5. Religion not...