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Search results

  1. T

    Why Would Some Religious People Prefer All People Were Religious?

    Although it may be true of other religions with which I am not familiar, It's been my observation that only people of the Abrahamic religions (especially Christianity and Islam) care whether all people are religious. However,I have noticed that the more fervant advocates of Christianity take far...
  2. T

    FINALLY, the Proof That There Is No GOD!!

    Science has not proven the existence God and, because it is impossible to prove a negative, can not prove that God does not exist. History hasn't proven the existence of God, but it has certainly proven what people do when they believe in Him--and it's not good.
  3. T

    What did Jesus Look Like?

    Why do you care whether someone else believes in your deity? Does their lack of belief threaten your belief? Christians spend an inordinate amount of time reveling in the belief that many will burn for eternity, so don't give us the hogwash about wanting everyone to be saved. The poster you...
  4. T

    The fear of Atheism

    I think fear of Atheism (usually manifested by Christians) is based on the belief that Christianity will lose its dominant position in this society. Many Christians are not content being allowed to practice their own religion, they want to force it on others. Their ability to do so will...
  5. T

    Secularists--Would You Eliminate All Religion, If You Could?

    A better question would be, "Would you eliminate proselytizers if you could". My answer would be, "not directly". I would bring back the coliseums and all proselytizers would be thrown in and the doors locked. No lions, no spectators. The proselytizers would surely kill each other and the rest...
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    "Scientism" and magic

    Chaos magicians would argue that belief is immaterial and that it's the practice of magic that produces results. In other words, the rituals have inherent power to manifest change.
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    conservative and fundamentalist Pagans?

    Fundamentalism generally refers to literalism, the belief that a single belief system is the only correct belief system, that anyone who doesn't conform is errant, and that the fundamentalist has a right to force their beliefs on others. Because pagan belief systems are not "of a book"there...
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    Atheistic Paganism

    Uh...that would be gods, not God. Monotheism and duotheism are not pagan concepts unless you're using the New Age Wiccan "anything goes" definition.
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    Misconceptions about Pagans and Paganism

    The most annoying misconception is the common belief that all pagans are New Age Wiccans.
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    One movement is reconstructionist and the other is revivalist philosophical. Both overlap, but the reconstructionists try not to do anything they can't document historically, whereas the revivalist philosophical movement isn't hung up about this. The problem the reconstructionists encounter is...
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    I'm not sure where you're getting your information. There are quite a few Druid orders and books are not the only method of learning about Druidry/Druidism and some of the books that do exist are pure balderdash. Traditionally, one must study for seven years to earn the title of Druid? Where...
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    OOPS, major typo. Glad I reread my post. Reconstructionist Druids do NOT believe that all gods are manifestations of one god (or goddess), nor are they duotheists.
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    (sorry, my screen froze up and I couldn't continue typing, so I had to add a second post) OBOD has a lengthy course of study that is required to move up the ranks from Bard to Ovate to Druid. It takes a minimum of about three years of study to reach the level of Druid and few make it in that...
  14. T


    It's correct to say that there are two distinct modern types of druidry/druidism. The Reconstructionists (ADF and Henge of Keltria being examples) practice a polytheistic religion(s) reconstructed from historical sources. Because historical sources are scant, the reconstructed religions are, at...