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  1. James.williamson.3

    Question for Jews, Christians and Muslims

    I would say that as long as you are not infringing upon their free will then it is their choice to be your slave and thus I cannot judge the matter. but if they are being held against their will then you are violating their free will and it is wrong. that brings up a new question At...
  2. James.williamson.3

    Question for Jews, Christians and Muslims

    I am saying that man may say "God said" in order to make his own point or to get what he wants. I am sorry my statement was unclear :o
  3. James.williamson.3

    Can there be One Supreme Meaning to Life?

    It is up to the individual to choose his purpose. no one purpose will fit everyone's needs. No purpose can be judge by another because no one has the same experiences or though process. Thus the meaning of life is Insert your meaning here
  4. James.williamson.3

    Does faith compromise a person's ability to reason?

    I beleive you are confusing faith with blind religion. The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that...
  5. James.williamson.3

    why does society value human life so much?

    it is some times necessary to end life of a few to protect the lives of many. Thus we can we can modify the statement from life above all else to prosperity above all else. I even had a freind that went so far to say that Hitler enacted the holocaust be cause he had rationalized that the Aryian...
  6. James.williamson.3

    Question for Jews, Christians and Muslims

    because the will of G-d was interpreted through man. Man Has faults. Man May misinterpret to suite his own means.
  7. James.williamson.3

    Question for Jews, Christians and Muslims

    we all enslave ourselves to different things and different people at different times. you may trade temporary slavery with your boss at work in order to make a small amount of money or you may enslave your time to a TV to gain entertainment. The only difference is that you agree to be a slave...
  8. James.williamson.3

    Why were we created?

    now I just need to find a way to get rid of that poll
  9. James.williamson.3

    Why were we created?

    while posters like Odion and Mathew James have opened my eyes to the fact that I was not Considering the Tran scriptural God My question still reamains Why were we created? (I understand that that holds the connotation that we were created and humbly pose the question to increase my...
  10. James.williamson.3

    Does Any Religion Require Us to be Intellectually Honest?

    Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: It transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural and spritual; and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and...
  11. James.williamson.3

    What is up with Christian Holidays?

    It seemed odd to me but putting them on the Solstices does make sense and that would account for the relation ship with many Pagan Holidays. Thanks everybody
  12. James.williamson.3

    Why were we created?

    you know Odion that is a Perspective on this subject that I did not consider. I was thinking about a more scriptural God which as you said Borders on the insane,but I never really thought about the transcriptural God. I appreciate your incite
  13. James.williamson.3

    What is up with Christian Holidays?

    I don't understand this. Almost every Major Christian holiday falls on the same day as a major pagan holiday and incorporates the same symbology. I understand that the Roman Churchs were trying to incorporate Romes vastly Pagan Population, but isn't it an afront to god to use these Pagan...
  14. James.williamson.3

    Why were we created?

    I did put a none of the above button that would imply that you are not acknowledging that god as God/G-d
  15. James.williamson.3

    Why were we created?

    "how are Atheist supposed to vote I would say none of the above. So if I am reading these correctly you think that God gave us free will but why? there is not reason to let your children make mistakes that could potentually land them in a lake of eternal fire. so i pose my question...
  16. James.williamson.3

    Why were we created?

    But if god already knows all that will happen then can he not judge people before the commit the wrong as long as he has seen that they will not repent after committing it
  17. James.williamson.3

    Poll- Do You Fear Death?

    there is no reason to fear the unknown. you can only open yourself to it and embrace it as a freind.
  18. James.williamson.3

    Why were we created?

    By the way I put none of the above up there as a joke, but low and behold someone chose it
  19. James.williamson.3

    Why were we created?

    Ok so assuming God caused the big bang and knew the exact path of every particle that ever existed and ever will exist, then he must have gotten bored right? If God created life because he was bored with the universe then he would have endowed it with free will so that he did not know what would...