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  1. Daily Devoted

    Man - 'Created in the image of God'

    No, sin is no longer your master, but we as humans will fall into sin at times regardless of the fact that it no longer has power over us.
  2. Daily Devoted

    Man - 'Created in the image of God'

    Where are you getting your quotes from the angels. They are not found in Scripture. I don't see any evidence presented here for Scripture being contradictory. Bring forth the evidence. Why should we accept your words as more correct than the next guy. Where's the beef?
  3. Daily Devoted

    What's Your Take On Salvation?

    Jesus lived a sinless life and died on the cross to pay for our sins. All you have to do is trust in Him. Trust in Him and you will be in Heaven after you die.
  4. Daily Devoted

    Man - 'Created in the image of God'

    Take it in context. Peter is writing to Christians who have been scattered abroad due to persecution. 1Pe 1:13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; 14 As obedient children, not...
  5. Daily Devoted

    Man - 'Created in the image of God'

    You are misinterpreting Scripture. Nowhere in Scripture does it differentiate a state of sin with the act of sin. When the Bible says that Jesus was made sin, it means that our sins were placed upon him. He lived a sinless life, but died to pay the penalty for sins. While on the cross, our sins...
  6. Daily Devoted

    Man - 'Created in the image of God'

    Scripture interprets Scripture. When one portion of the Bible is called false, all other parts of the Bible that are built on that part or that refer to that part must then also be false. It is your opinion that there are bits and pieces missing. I believe that the canon of Scripture is...
  7. Daily Devoted

    Man - 'Created in the image of God'

    If you question one portion of Scripture, what is to stop you from questioning the other parts? The Bible has to be taken as wholly true or wholly false. It comes down to faith.
  8. Daily Devoted

    Man - 'Created in the image of God'

    Just what exactly do you believe as far as the origin of the earth? Do you believe theistic evolution, the day age theory or the Gap theory? Or is it something else?
  9. Daily Devoted

    Man - 'Created in the image of God'

    I don't know more than they did, but they were not perfect. You don't have to know more to find mistakes. There are many places where the chapter and verse divisions are in a bad place. I am not the only one who says this. There are many very educated and studied people who do.
  10. Daily Devoted

    Man - 'Created in the image of God'

    What's your point? I was talking about after they were placed into one manuscript. It was originally without chapters and verses.
  11. Daily Devoted

    Man - 'Created in the image of God'

    Perhaps you are unaware that in it's original form, the Bible had no chapters. This is simply a bad chapter break placed by men later, not by the authors.
  12. Daily Devoted

    Man - 'Created in the image of God'

    Chapter two goes back and explains in detail the account in chapter one on day six.
  13. Daily Devoted

    Man - 'Created in the image of God'

    Exactly as you said: He did so in an organized matter. Evolution is not at all an organized matter. Also, I do not believe the Bible to be a science book, but when it discusses scientific matter it is 100% correct. Scientists have changes their minds so many times. No matter how overwhelming the...
  14. Daily Devoted

    Man - 'Created in the image of God'

    Can you present to me your proof for the old earth view that you hold?
  15. Daily Devoted

    I think that it is a subtle hint, nonetheless. yes it refers to humans, but it makes a...

    I think that it is a subtle hint, nonetheless. yes it refers to humans, but it makes a distinction between flesh and blood and the Father. Like I said, it was just something I cam across while reading. I can't say for sure until I look into more.
  16. Daily Devoted

    Man - 'Created in the image of God'

    Yes, there are some symbolic things. You have to take several things into account though before concluding that it is metaphorical. For instance, the style of writing (poetry, prose).
  17. Daily Devoted

    "My God, My God, Why Has Thou Forsaken Me?

    I am really confused as to what you are getting at. You are being quite vague. I don't see your argument.
  18. Daily Devoted

    "My God, My God, Why Has Thou Forsaken Me?

    So you don't believe the Bible?
  19. Daily Devoted

    Man - 'Created in the image of God'

    Actually, if you don't take genesis literally, it causes the whole Bible to be in error. God inspired the words, not just the ideas. The only way the different men affect the Scriptures is their style's of writing.
  20. Daily Devoted

    Man - 'Created in the image of God'

    Yes, I take Genesis literally. It is God's infallible Word.