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Search results

  1. Atheologian

    Should Agnostics shut up, since they don't know?

    I'll admit, we are all, in truth, agnostic, as NONE of us know if God exists or not. Sure, there are opinions either way, and most people either believe in God or they don't, but the firm agnostic simply has the attitude, "I don't know, and you don't either." While this is a pretty honest...
  2. Atheologian

    Let's Present Some Evidence ...

    Atoms are also NOTHING like what we used to imagine them as. We now know an atom is not a bunch of charged balls sticking together. It's mostly empty space, made from electrons and different combinations of up-quarks and down-quarks. What makes atoms fundementally different from "God", is that...
  3. Atheologian

    Are there Aliens?

    I think the Catholic church would be the first to adopt aliens as "angels" and theologians would spin the existence of extra-terrestrial life as proof of God. The pope would suddenly be "ambassador to the stars". How else could the aliens accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior?
  4. Atheologian

    Scientific methodology to study alien presence on earth.

    I'm not sure if I'd put all my chips on the validity of ANY of the evience for UFO's. I am not suggesting intelligent life does not exist in the Universe, what I'm saying is maybe they aren't sneaking around our planet in flying saucers. Gross oversimplification out of the way, I will admit some...
  5. Atheologian

    For PureX, a philosiphical look at God

    I'll start by saying that I choose not to assign the roll of God to any aspect of life or the real universe. A philosophical god, one that exists only as the representation of purpose and meaning in the universe, I can believe though. At least, I can believe he exists philosophically. In that...
  6. Atheologian

    For PureX, a philosiphical look at God

    I can be a real dick sometimes when it comes to a discussion of reality vs. philosophy, but I do recognize the two are not entirely exclusive. They are both derived from, and analyzed by, logic. Curiosity and the thirst for knowledge seem to be a charactaristic of intelligent life, and the...
  7. Atheologian

    To the Anti-Religious

    This is where most atheists draw the line between abhorence and tolerance of a religion. While I don't think practicing Budhism or Taoism or Doasim is harmful to those around the believers, I do think religions based on fear and repression are, and should be treated as such.
  8. Atheologian

    Let's Present Some Evidence ...

    The criteria required for truth is FACT. Not philosophical nonsense. And as far as A,B,C,D and E go, I can spin meaningless equations all day and apply pretend significance, but the point is, if A is true as far as B and C are concerned, as long as were are not speaking of bodies moving through...
  9. Atheologian

    Let's Present Some Evidence ...

    Who are you to say a God that sacrifices humans doesn't work for someone else? You are the only one that can't answer that question. And, like I said before, something that makes you happy != Truth.
  10. Atheologian

    To the Anti-Religious

    If it's not fear that is required, it's usually stupidity or gulliblity that reigns Consider the Tuka Movement in Fiji in 1885 or the Taro Cult in northern Papua New Guinea in 1919. These were "cargo" cults. The native people built planes, control towers and runways out of straw and sticks...
  11. Atheologian

    To the Anti-Religious

    That isn't true. Fear is the staple of most religions. You can't look a few eastern religions and suppose most religions are like that. Religion, throughout histroy, has used Fear to propogate itself and keep the faith.
  12. Atheologian

    To the Anti-Religious

    No, actually the exact opposite of my disbelief in God.
  13. Atheologian

    Let's Present Some Evidence ...

    If you try to make a theist speak in absolutes and tangibles, they always regress into namecalling and hurling insults. This is because "God" is intangible, insubstantial, and indescribable. Therefore he/she/it is undiscoverable, unprovable and not only improbable, but illogical and incompatible...
  14. Atheologian

    Let's Present Some Evidence ...

    You are trying to bend the theory of relativity to something as intangible and unreal as "Truth". There is no "relative truthfulness". Truth is only an idea. However, the notion of truth allows only ONE of any number of alternatives to be "True". if A is only true in relation to B and C, than...
  15. Atheologian

    Let's Present Some Evidence ...

    That doesn't make any sense.
  16. Atheologian

    Let's Present Some Evidence ...

    The Modern Theist: God exists in the minds and hearts of those that believe. He as an idea. He is energy. He is love. He is the thought behind the thought. He is a mystery, that I will never understand, I can't see, touch, feel, hear, smell or taste him, but I know he's there. I have no proof...
  17. Atheologian

    Let's Present Some Evidence ...

    Regardless of whether it works for you, it doesn't mean it's real or true. Believing something does NOT make it so. Since you pride yourself on being practical, what are the chances that the god you put together in your own head is REAL? What makes him any more real than a god that encourages...
  18. Atheologian

    Let's Present Some Evidence ...

    Just out of curiosity, would you consider yourself agnostic? As in, you don't know and we'll never know, so it's no use to debate the unforseeable?
  19. Atheologian

    Let's Present Some Evidence ...

    Sorry, that was a little rude. But you still need to give up the "believeing excersize" thing. That's nonsense. You can't take part in a theoritical situation if you don't "presuppose" the necessary angle. The John Frum experiment is typical of any thought expirement, only condensed to fit on...
  20. Atheologian

    Let's Present Some Evidence ...

    Just give it up already. You have no idea what you're talking about. An excercise in believing is called FAITH, or RELIGION.