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Search results for query: imaginary friends,

  1. Banach-Tarski Paradox

    Evidence, science and religion and that evidence matters.

    @Magic Man Let’s try this again. Perhaps I should be more specific. Evidence A is a poll I conducted with sample size one. (My wife, not your two friends, who you might have selected in a biased manner because you knew your friends were wrong. I prefer my own biased sample, which is biased in...
  2. Stonetree

    Why does it feel better in the sort term to stay at home and do nothing ?

    Y You've heard of 'imaginary friends'.....You don't need that!......Brace yourself for some rejection...Ya need a female partner in crime. It may take some work but it's worth it.
  3. TagliatelliMonster

    Irony of the evolutionary belief

    Yes. Every person with minimum level of understanding of scientific models knows this to be the case. No. The prediction is that such a creature would have existed and IF it fossilized, such and such location would be a good place to look for it. When it comes to actually finding the fossil...
  4. W

    What if a Friend Made a Joke You Found Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Disrespectful of Your Religion, etc.?

    I agree. When I was a child, everyone parent taught their children, that sticks and stones can break my bones, but names can never hurt me. This life lesson was about not letter a fragile ego, make you lose track of physical reality; science of matter versus religion of words. Words do not...
  5. Pogo

    Is the evolutionary doctrine a racist doctrine?

    Yeah, a whole bunch of people who have absurd ideas about some imaginary beings can't agree on theirs imaginary friends. From a rational standpoint it is absurd.
  6. MikeF

    The "Kangaroo Court" Debate Style

    What are concepts though? They are abstract constructs meant to represent something. These abstractions can be used to represent physically existing things in reality or they can refer to other, more complex abstract constructions built of multiple constructs. These more complex abstractions...
  7. W

    Wealth acquisition and distribution?

    What Jesus meant by that was money and wealth can indeed be used to create an illusion of competence and character. This is due to the collective prestige effect of money; subjective overlay effect. A rich person can tell you he just built a new mansion. In reality, he did not build anything...
  8. Twilight Hue

    Even Republicans are beginning to notice Trump's dementia.

    Your little assessment is cute. Dosent change the price tags for goods and services though , which speaks far louder than your painted rosy imaginary world of prosperity.
  9. Revoltingest

    God Is a Problem

    I can imagine many things.... Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Allah, Lakshmi, Cthulhu, etc. They don't become real. As adolescents mature into adults, they stop seeking love & assistance from imaginary friends & parental figures. They learn to stand on their own 2 feet. To address life's...
  10. Kenny

    God Is a Problem

    In our understanding, he is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. :) You have a God given imagination… imagine it.
  11. Revoltingest

    God Is a Problem

    I don't & never did have imaginary friends.
  12. ChristineM

    What do you get from being atheist?

    How many days did it take to dig those out? When i looked there were one or two but as i mentioned most were of religious folk dissing Atheists.
  13. Colt

    What do you get from being atheist?

    ...smashing the idols? I don't even trust my own Imaginary friends. Why are you an atheist? It doesn't stop theists from having imaginary friends, or posting in groups where they don't belong. Fairy tails How Can Anyone Not Accept This Biblical Prophecy as Real? It's a tough question but...
  14. PureX

    Question for Christians and those Who Believe in a Personal God

    I think we need to clear a few misconception up, here, first. The main one being that there is 'God'; the great mystery source, sustenance, and purpose of all that is. And there is "God"; the interactive image/concept that we hold to in our minds as a functional representation of that great...
  15. TagliatelliMonster

    What do you get from being atheist?

    Nobody is asking you to do that. Just a couple examples will do. The fact that you aren't doing it, shows that it's not as easy to find as you like to claim it is. You could easily win the argument by SHOWING here how she is wrong, by actually providing a couple of links to example posts that...
  16. McBell

    What do you get from being atheist?

    It is my belief that that Colt already knew this and was hoping no one else would search and find out he is full of it.
  17. ChristineM

    What do you get from being atheist?

    =1&o=date']Search results for query: delusional Search results for query: imaginary friends, Search results for query: fairy tails
  18. ChristineM

    What do you get from being atheist?

    I guess you didn't finish reading my post. Of course you are not going to cat and past, because i can do exactly the same. And i do not bluff, ive done the searches, for assume you haven't.
  19. Colt

    What do you get from being atheist?

    I'm not going to go clip and paste all the threads where believers are called "delusional" and have "imaginary friends" with beliefs based on "fairy tails" by Atheist hecklers on this forum. You can easily search on the top of this page but at this point you are bluffing with more demands...
  20. ChristineM

    What do you get from being atheist?

    ...just done a searches delusional , mostly @Sunstone asking if this or that is delusional, usually nothing to do with religion. imaginary friends, various atheist haters saying thatsbwhat atheist say but no atheists saying it. fairy tails, mostly you griping about atheists. These were only...