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  1. S

    All Religions

    That will teech me to reed wat I rite, point taken. I must admit, I was completely unaware I was a target, I was under the impression we were telling each other about our ideas and thoughts on a range of subjects, no matter how outlandish they might be, (silly me) It has just struck me, I...
  2. S

    Religion and Terrorism

    I am not a fan of George W Bush, but just for a minute, let everyone try and imagine what would happen, if a Muslim country had the awesome power at it's disposal, as is available to George W Bush.
  3. S

    Religion and Terrorism

    All Muslims please take note, that is the reason the west is against IRAN having the atomic bomb, you may think it's their right to have it, but they would kill you just as quickly, like a disease, radiation is no respecter of borders. They would decimate this planet, and die happy. That is one...
  4. S

    Religion and Terrorism

    People will believe what they want to hear, and disbelieve what they don't. that goes for, politicians, religion and stories about people. If people dislike you, they will believe any kind of rubbish said about you, if they like you, they will not have a word said against you. everyone of us is...
  5. S

    All Religions

    Perpective changes from one view point to another, absolutely right, I am just giving MY perspective, is that so wrong? I obviously think I am right, (as you do) if I didn't, I would think something else, and you would. If you are speak and write English you speak and write English, if you...
  6. S

    All Religions

    Yes I do overgeneralize. but I am writing to be read by twenty different beliefs and ways of thinking, whatever I write, I write to get people thinking, I may get their backs up as well, but at least I am trying to think away from the norm, sometimes slightly off centre, (that is the correct...
  7. S

    All Religions

    I think you are missing the point, I want there to be religion, because without it, we would have chaos. religion is necessity, but not always a good thing, all I said was, it keeps people thinking about themselves, and not about the people who really run this world, the people who amass...
  8. S

    All Religions

    Enough already. I take back everything I have said, I am a lot of things, but one thing I am not is 'Stupid'. I realise, in fact I know it to be completely true, the world needs as many religions as it can get, the more the better, and if religion did not exist, we would have to invent it...
  9. S

    Saudi Arabia

    I am not concerned about 'verses', I am talking about real life, some people are obviously not reading the 'verses' and people are dying every day, all in the NAME of religion, (and please don't say they are not, because they are,) they are killing each other because of a mosque being bombed, or...
  10. S

    All Religions

    Well I asked for it and I certainly got it. I must be exceedingly slow, because I am just unable to get it into my thick head, I still do not UNDERSTAND....let me try and explain my problem, I think I have said it before, there is a religion to fit everyone, whatever your needs, there is at...
  11. S

    All Religions

    (IF I SEEMED TO BE RIDICULING YOU, IT WAS NOT INTENTIONAL, I AM SORRY) Forgive me also, because I thought religion was ONLY about the 'After life', why else would anyone bother with religion, You said 'religion is about the NEED to live the best life that one can in this life', if it is about...
  12. S

    Saudi Arabia

    I am sorry I did not make it clear about the girl, she lives in the UK, and she was on the radio here, she said her brothers would kill her, and her parents would make her marry a stranger, I guess she was telling lies. I was under the impression, that when a Muslim dies, they go to Paradise...
  13. S

    All Religions

    MAY, I am sorry but you have missed the point, I believe the exact opposite, I am going nowhere, when I say the 'next world', I meant 'Dead'.
  14. S

    The Concept of God In Islam

    But I was under the impression we were all created by god! so what you are saying is, after he made us, he stood back and let us get on with it, and God is essentially just watching over us, taking no part whatsoever, (so why do some religions pray for things?) God has nothing to do with...
  15. S

    The Concept of God In Islam

    Absolutely nothing to do with linguistics or anything else, when I said 'which is the way WE are going now, with everyone doing 'their own thing'.' I meant the people of the UK, a lot of people know their rights, but not many of them know their obligations, they demand a lot, but give very...
  16. S

    All Religions

    First off, Please replace 'next world' with the word 'DEATH', I find that word a little more permanent, don't you? Lilithu, you said 'I need the wisdom of those who came before me'. I agree, you do, but they only have the wisdom of the here and now, not one person who has ever lived has had...
  17. S

    Saudi Arabia

    They were rounding the young men up to go to mosque, they were shouting at them, I don't know what would have happened if one of them had refused, (you tell me) Being taken to jail after a car accident was true, it happened to a friend of mine, he was taken there until he could prove he had...
  18. S

    All Religions

    I am sorry if I 'lumped' them all together, but my meaning was, they all talk about what happens somewhere else, and how it will be one day, and the 'after life', and give rules on how you should live this life. And why should I do some research? it is all meaningless to me anyway, it is a bit...
  19. S

    All Religions

    So I should 'listen' to some 'Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, Pagans, Jews, Process Christians... ' why, they will only spout more of the same, all coming from different angles, all representing different countries, cultures, languages and ideas, but all basically saying the same, there is an all...
  20. S

    All Religions

    Of coarse I 'rant against religion in general' it is all hogwash, think about what they are telling you, just stop and think for 5 minutes, everyone is afraid of what will happen when they die, it has been like that since humans became human, so they make up nice stories to tell children, and...