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  1. S

    Another view from the outside.

    I would like to ask a question, I do not expect it to be answered. How many Muslims would prefer not to be Muslims? I ask this question because I have watched newsreel footage of demonstrations from Muslim countries, and if you look at some of the faces in the crowd, some of the people there...
  2. S

    A view from the outside.

    Please read this as I have said, it is a view from the outside, I am not a Muslim. Religion at it's best is a wonderful thing, but religion at it's worst is diabolical, certain parts of Islam is slowly being twisted to suit some nut cases on the fringe, and they are saying they are doing...
  3. S

    Atheistism:a down-side to it?

    I suppose the bottom line for an Atheist is, 2+2=4 you can be told all of your life it's 5, but no matter how much you tell yourself they are right, something deep down keeps telling you it's 4. So if you know the answer is 5, you have got religion, if you think the answer is 4, your an...
  4. S

    Do you believe in God, do you believe in fate

    When there is no way to find the answer to a question like this, one can only speculate, and it would be the same for almost every subject where it was 'impossible' to find the answer, that is the reason religion has and will just keep on going and going, in fact that is the beauty of it, you...
  5. S

    Do you believe in God, do you believe in fate

    Someone once asked me if I believed in fate, I ask what fate was, and they said it was, 'what ever happens is meant to happen, and you cannot change it, if you try and change it, that is what was meant to happen, and nothing changes'. I said if it cannot be changed what is the point of having a...
  6. S

    We were all born atheists,

    As we all know we were all born atheist, we were then indoctrinated, told about or brainwashed, [call it what you will] into a religion, usually our parents religion, if they were Jews you will be brought up a Jew, no 'may I' or 'do you want to be' you will be, because they are, some religions...
  7. S

    I must admit that I don't know

    I believe we all know what it's like to be dead, ask yourself what you were doing at 10 o'clock on the morning of December 3rd 1735, and when you say "I did not exist" that is what it's like to be dead,absolutly nothing to worry about. or maby now that you have been born, we are doomed to live...
  8. S

    A new religion.

    I must admit, it must be wonderful to be able to believe in something someone told you, just because they said it was the truth, life would be so much easier, to go with the flow, but if it makes no sense, then it makes no sense, you can talk until your blue it wont change anything, what most...
  9. S

    A new religion.

    Religion is not free, to belive in everlasting life, you must kill at least half of you brain, stop reading between the lines, believe ideas to be the truth, tell yourself not to think, just because I can imagine a heaven does not make it real, for you heaven is a real place. how much denial...
  10. S

    A new religion.

    I am starting a new religion, it's called 'Get it all for $100' I will guarantee to get you into heaven or anyplace else you would like to go when you die, and you can have anything you want when you get there,anything, all you need do is send me $100, for that you can have anything you want, be...
  11. S

    Love is blind.

    Whilst being interviewed, the distinguished broadcaster Sir David Attenborough said, he receives lots of letters every year, asking why he doesn't give credit to God for all the wonderful animals and plants he sees, he said he replies to these letters saying, if he did that, then presumably he...
  12. S

    I was afraid before, but I am scared stiff now.

    Apart from religion, we allow people to have the craziest rights, A man bred rottweilers in a fenced off area in his back yard, he was filmed throwing dolls to these dogs,for the dogs to rip apart, he was reported to the police, but they could do nothing, because he hadn't broken any laws, two...
  13. S

    I was afraid before, but I am scared stiff now.

    Candidates who run on a "Pro-God" or "Anti-God" platform are only seeking power. Does this mean,anyone who comments 'for' or 'against' god, are not just commenting, they are seeking power? I am not seeking power, I am seeking protection for my family, not me, but my grand children, they are the...
  14. S

    I was afraid before, but I am scared stiff now.

    I don't know if I am allowed to say this in this section of the forum, but I suppose it will be moved if I'm not. After reading more and more of the postings on this site, I have come to a conclusion, most of the postings were written by nutters, the way you write about things that can only be...
  15. S

    Everyone knows what it's like to be dead.

    I really don't know what else to say to you, your obviously happy thinking the way you do, so let's just forget it, and all go on our merry way.
  16. S

    Everyone knows what it's like to be dead.

    Why do we always try and complicate things?, life and death is so simple, living things have been living and dying for hundreds of millions of years, and if we don't blow up the earth, will continue to live and die for hundreds of millions more, evolution hasn't stopped with us, the dinosaurs...
  17. S

    Everyone knows what it's like to be dead.

    As an Atheist, I like to think about things, I cannot accept things on face value, if I am told a thing and it makes sense, I tend to belive it, but Faith, faith can move mountains, and make people believe all kinds of things. So when did you start to 'exist'? was it at conception or birth? and...
  18. S

    Everyone knows what it's like to be dead.

    Everyone knows what it's like to be dead. I suppose your thinking that must one of the silliest sentences you have ever read, on the face of it, you could be right, (but to an atheist this makes perfect sense) after all, to know what it's like to be dead, you must die, and if you die, you wont...
  19. S

    Holy books

    You're right Ronald, but it is not me who is enlightened, it is everyone who has a religion, I am in the dark, happy, but in the dark, different religions can not come together,(unless it's in a common cause) so we must go our separate ways, it takes all kinds, I was told there are more...
  20. S

    Holy books

    Engyo, is being a Buddist the answer? I expect it is for you. for you, being a Buddist is the only way to go.