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Search results

  1. S

    Religion and Terrorism

    George Bush is either a religious fanatic, or he is a con man using peoples religion to further his own ends, a bit like Saddam when he went to the mosque, once a year to be photographed.
  2. S

    All Religions

    That is why I said 99% because there is always one.
  3. S

    Should the incitement of racial hatered be made illegal?

    I would really like to know how you can be educated not to hate, the more you know about people and their beliefs, the more you realise there is no sense to any of it, if I say there is no God, people will dislike me because I am not seeing things their way, and visa-versa. Education only gives...
  4. S

    Religion and Terrorism

    You are now just like all fanatics, trying to defend the acts of one of his own religious nuts. using religion to rally people around him has got to be the lowest form of blackmail there is, if you do not go with him, you must go against him, if you wrap yourself in the flag, all who oppose are...
  5. S

    Saudi Arabia

    I was in SA in 1980, Dahran for 11 months and Tabuk on the Jordan border for 13 months, I know what I saw, and the religious police carried guns and bamboo canes, and they would move you on if you were looking in a shop window during prayer times, I had a colleague who lived next door to a man...
  6. S

    Let us take a vote.

    See, we can all get along together, I think it's wonderful so many peoples religions, faiths and creeds are there for everyone to see, to believe or not believe, it is your choice, there must be a religion for every way of thinking there is, and when you have selected the one you want, you will...
  7. S

    Saudi Arabia

    As I say, you have been well and truly captured. You are obviously happy with it, so stick with it. Good luck. Keep quoting the Quran, you can go to sleep at night thinking how wonderful the words are. Like you, I feel that it is me who is right, but we can't both be right!!!
  8. S

    Let us take a vote.

    Please put your name here if you were fortunate enough to be born into the RIGHT religion, by RIGHT, I mean the TRUE, the ONLY. I expect only one religion to be put forward, and that is mine. My tongue is firmly in my cheek, but it might make you think a little.
  9. S

    Saudi Arabia

    All you seem to do is quote the Quran, (that is kept in Saudi Arabia) your head is full of saying of a long dead man, or men, they were written for people of THAT time, they have absolutely no relevance today, they may have for you, because I have a feeling you would like to sit around all day...
  10. S

    Saudi Arabia

    I agree, I only lived there for 2 years, but I moved from the top to the bottom in those 2 years, and I saw things that should not be happening in this century let alone this decade, to say things were backward and barbaric is putting it mildly, if you are suspected of doing something wrong...
  11. S

    We were all born atheists,

    Judgement Day,,, As I said, 'I suspect you have the ability to convince yourself to believe anything you want' and now you are trying to tell us, everything in the universe was put there just to impress us!!!! all there so that when we die we will go somewhere else to be with, who knows what...
  12. S

    Saudi Arabia

    I could tell you things about Saudi Arabia you would not believe, but a few you might, I worked for the SA air force. during Ramadan, the Saudi's turn night into day to get around the law, they sleep all day, and are awake all night, the shops open all night, they ban drinking anything in the...
  13. S

    We were all born atheists,

    The problem you seem to be having is, you are starting from the wrong place, you are turning an IDEA into a FACT, you are saying the laws of nature were designed by some fictitious being just because it is written in a book, let me ask you something, If you were born to a Muslim couple who were...
  14. S

    We were all born atheists,

    We are not born believing anything, we are born with a sponge for a brain, ready to learn anything that will be of value to help us survive, we are animals like any other animal, a little bit smarter, but animals none the less, we can learn to speak any language devised by man, in order to...
  15. S

    Ask any questions about Islam!

    Perhaps I should ask these questions here. Is it true, Muslims want the whole world to follow 'Islam'? If it is true, will the world be run by the Tali Ban? (or don't you like them either) will people have to live as they did when the Koran was written? will the world become 'Third world'...
  16. S

    Saudi Arabia

    I worked in Saudi Arabia for two years, some parts of SA are still living in about the time the Qur’an was written, it prompts me to ask a few questions, 'If the whole world was converted to Islam, would humanity be forced back in time? would millions of people starve to death? would the 'Tali...
  17. S

    We were all born atheists,

    HALCYON said, You can't be atheist if you have no concept of divinity to reject. that is just taking things too far, Religions, any religion is an 'IDEA', not a fact, it comes from the mind of a 'MAN' (or WOMAN) it is put forward as a way of making sense of our existence, that is why there are...
  18. S

    Suicide bombers against other Muslims

    What are your thoughts about Muslim suicide bombers against other Muslims in Iraq. What does the Koran say about Muslims killing Muslims? How many versions of the Koran are there? is the Sunni and the Shi'ite Koran different? or do they just interpret it differently.
  19. S

    Another view from the outside.

    Thankyou Nehustan for at least trying to answer my question, I am sure you can understand where I am coming from, I have never in my life talked to a Muslim about religion, and it is alien to me to even think about a religion that takes over your life so completely, I am just blown away to...
  20. S

    Another view from the outside.

    If you believe in a faith then of coarse you will not want to change your faith, but the way you are talking about Islam, makes it seem, once a Muslim always a Muslim, wether they like it or not, it is out of their hands, they stay a Muslim until they die, what about choice, surely a person has...