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Ask any questions about Islam!


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continue ...

Does not the Islamic law establish the concept of dhimminitude , which basically makes all other religion's followers , second class citizens in a Muslim country?
One must read the history first to understand this thing. In other nations rather than muslims, the muslims or any other religion rather than the main religion for that specific country for example were victims if the country was under attack and they care more about thier own people. For Muslims, they establish rules "which do not exist in the other nations" to protect the rights for non-Muslims within the muslim society and you will not imagine or understand this unless you are familiar with the Islamic law. We have "hodod" which can apply to Muslims but it's different in the case of non-muslims and we pay "Zakat" which the non-Muslims must not pay because it doesn't exist in thier religion and it's not fair if they pay the same as Muslims do so but instead they pay tax which sometimes is much less than what Muslims pay in "Zakat". I roccomand that you become familiar with the Islamic law to understand the things which is not fair to apply to non-Muslims. So, we conclude that it's just for the sake of them, to protect thier rights and saving them from any outside attack for example because they weren't sometimes part of the Muslim army but, definitely, Muslims must defend them too.

isn't it a fact that there is no other religion that can proselityze in a country ruled by Islamic Law?
You can hear many people in this forum screaming this is proselityzing because they feel that it's not right to do so and definitely for a country like saudi arabia with 100% muslims there it's not allowed but for example in Malaysia (60% Muslims, 40% chinese, etc) is allowed because there are a non-Muslims Malaysian "even though the country is Islamic one" so they have the right to do so overthere.

Is it not true that under islamic law the testimony of a Muslim male is worth more than that of a believer in another religion , as well as, the testimony of a woman?
I can't give you a short answer for this rule but i may come later on to explain it for you in details unless any brother came and did answer the question.

Is it not a fact, that any one in a family that converts to Islam in a country under Islamic law, gets to inherit all of an inheritance disowning the rest of the family if he so wishes?
I'm not familiar with such a rule but i'll try to search for it ASAP "God willing".

I got more questions , but I will await your answers on these ones.
You are most welcome to ask as much as you can and you have to know that what i just answered may not be true 100% because it's according to my own understanding but not the offcial law. So, don't be surprised if another Muslim brother came here to correct anything for me.;)

If there is a mistake so it's my own fault because i represent myself but not Islam because i'm not aware still of many things in Islam but if i'm right so this is because the help of Allah Almighty.

(Allah knows best) but not me, not you and not anyone in this world.

Peace ... :)


Active Member
Ushta einsteins

My concern is that Muhammad's behavior is not that one of a prophet called by God, not that he behaved like the typical Arab of the 7th Ceturuy, I can only say,because of space and time limitations, that all interested in both sides of the issue should check out throughly www.answeringislam.org. This site while Chrisistian has an encyclopedic amount of information which raises all sorts of questions not only in the issues I attempted to raise with my questions before but on many others. While I am sure that they are partisans, still, the questions they raise and the information they provide are very valid and ought to be answered by those Muslims here as well as elsewhere in the West

I for one will remained extremely troubled with what I do know about Islam and Muhammad , until I I get convincing information that changes my mind So far , unedfortunately, I find many excuses but no explanations. In the hope that you might be able to provide valid answers and explanations I as partr of minority religion under Islamic rule wait for your response.

Ushta Te


Active Member
Judgment Day

Even granting answering Islam is not pro-muslim, which obviously it isn't, their site raises questions that deserve answers. I do not want to start a free for all here, but, the claims of any religion have to be evaluated both by what the religion says, its history , reported both by pro and con authors, and by what others say about a religion. To just go to one source is not acceptable.

i have many friends for example that consider Dhimmnitude offensive, discriminatory and an affront. It has been used in the past, to discriminate and brand minorities in Islamic countries and I have quite a bit of evidence for this. Even assuming that it was meant to 'protect' minorities, one of its requirements was the payment of Jizyah or poll tax, in many cases expropiatory, and enforced, usually, by degrading the payer.

The question of the staus of minorities and Dhimminitude is revealing of the structure of islam to me. In Iran, for example, for centuries, if a Zoroastrian were to meet a Muslim in the road, he must dismount his animal, and if the Muslim asked he was to give up his animal to the Muslim. Indeed, in Yazd, Kerman and elsewhere, Zoroastrians were not even allowed to interact with Muslims as they were consider impure.

To buy groceries, for example, Zoroastrians had to approach the rear of the store and ring a bell three times . A basket would be lowered to them in which they would place a list of the things that they wanted and money, when all the muslims patrons had been served, and only then, the store employees or owner would then fill the Zoroastrian's request and lower back the basket to them. At no time, was the zoroastrian allowed to talk to the Muslim or come in close proximity to him.

These procedure is well attested but it is old. However just last year an Islamic judge held, that the provision of islamic law for inheritance, namely, that if one member of a family were to convert to Islam he or she would inherit all the inheritance of a family ( if he or she so claimed), was still in force.

I myself have read police reports from the 1930's, in Iran, documenting the practice by extreme Shiites , of abducting and force marrying Zoroastrian girls so that they would automatically convert and be entitled to claiming the whole of a family's inheritance upon the death of the family's head.

Ushta te


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Are you claiming now that what happened in Iran at that time represent all Muslims in the east, west, north and south? White, black, latin, arabs, african, asian, european, etc?

Just because you heard or read about somthing happened in one country so that means it must happen to all?

Then, I guess i'll advise you to read what happened to the Muslims in Spain after the Christians controlled the country.

I still have difficulties to understand why others think Muslims live in one country, having one leader, and they all can gather everyday and decide all what they want to do. !!!!


Active Member
Why is the islamic doctrine of abrogation necessary if your god dosnt make mistakes? To an outside reader it just seem like your "prophet" made up "prophecies" as they suited his situation and circustances.


World Leader Pretend
Steve said:
Why is the islamic doctrine of abrogation necessary if your god dosnt make mistakes? To an outside reader it just seem like your "prophet" made up "prophecies" as they suited his situation and circustances.

Actually, the Koran is supposed to be the only scripture that was directly written by god. I don't believe it, but that is the myth.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Steve said:
Why is the islamic doctrine of abrogation necessary if your god dosnt make mistakes?
I have doubt that you are a Christian :confused:

Ask your priest or anyone who knows about Christianity what does God means.

All of the Abrahamic belief, believes that there is only ONE God but when you say somthing like (your god) so that means you are contradicting yourself as a Christian.

We all have One God.

I hope you will ask someone about it soon. ;)

Peace ... :)


Active Member
The Truth said:
I have doubt that you are a Christian :confused:

Ask your priest or anyone who knows about Christianity what does God means.

All of the Abrahamic belief, believes that there is only ONE God but when you say somthing like (your god) so that means you are contradicting yourself as a Christian.

We all have One God.

I hope you will ask someone about it soon. ;)

Peace ... :)
I am a Christian.
Why dont you answer the question i asked.

And i know there is one God, although i dont believe you worship him. I believe the god of islam is false, that your prophet was wrong and denied the real God - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
You can disagree and claim that the god described in the koran is the real god and we will just have to agree to disagree but lets not pretend we worship the same God, its absurd - my God provided a attonement for my sin through Christs sacrifice on the cross yours did not - they are not the same God.


To Save A Lamb
And i know there is one God, although i dont believe you worship him. I believe the god of islam is false, that your prophet was wrong and denied the real God - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
You can disagree and claim that the god described in the koran is the real god and we will just have to agree to disagree but lets not pretend we worship the same God, its absurd - my God provided a attonement for my sin through Christs sacrifice on the cross yours did not - they are not the same God.
Good for you.

How does this relate to me?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Steve said:
I am a Christian.
Why dont you answer the question i asked.

And i know there is one God, although i dont believe you worship him. I believe the god of islam is false, that your prophet was wrong and denied the real God - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
You can disagree and claim that the god described in the koran is the real god and we will just have to agree to disagree but lets not pretend we worship the same God, its absurd - my God provided a attonement for my sin through Christs sacrifice on the cross yours did not - they are not the same God.
So, you mean the Jewish are worshipping a false god because they believe like us in one God not three? :sarcastic

How old are you dear :) ?


Active Member
I have a question?

What is the stance that Islam has on LDS and their prophet Joseph Smith? Do they accept Joseph Smith as a prophet like Muhammad? Do they accept the writings of the Book of Mormon?


Well-Known Member
wmam said:
I have a question?

What is the stance that Islam has on LDS and their prophet Joseph Smith? Do they accept Joseph Smith as a prophet like Muhammad? Do they accept the writings of the Book of Mormon?
Not as Rasul, for sure, I do not know if any discussion in Islamic circles has ever been done about whether Smith might have been Nabi, but then the general consensus in Islam is that Muhammad is the LAST Prophet and there will be none after Him, nabi nor rasul, so I think the point is that Joseph Smith would not be a prophet and his book would not be true.

The Baha`i version would be much more complicated.



To Save A Lamb
What is the stance that Islam has on LDS and their prophet Joseph Smith? Do they accept Joseph Smith as a prophet like Muhammad? Do they accept the writings of the Book of Mormon?
That's more of Christianity's area, not Islam's. I can tell you Islam says that Muhammed is the last prophet and the Qur'an is the only holy book.


Active Member
Ushta The Truth

I am not claiming anything! You did claim that Dhimminitude is for the protection of minorities and I pointed out that that has been historically not so.

If instead of just putting words in my mouth, you would at least, acknowledge that Dhimminitude is not perceived as good by the people is supposed to protect and, in fact, that they would do away with it tomorrow if they could, then you would show me, and those with serious worries about Islam, ( Not what Muslims say but what they too often do) that you are indeed tolerant. And you would answer a tough question and not play the victim game or the others did it too game Those do are not conducive to solutions but to perpetuating the problems.

Ushta te


Veteran Member
Premium Member
ashai said:
Ushta The Truth

I am not claiming anything! You did claim that Dhimminitude is for the protection of minorities and I pointed out that that has been historically not so.

If instead of just putting words in my mouth, you would at least, acknowledge that Dhimminitude is not perceived as good by the people is supposed to protect and, in fact, that they would do away with it tomorrow if they could, then you would show me, and those with serious worries about Islam, ( Not what Muslims say but what they too often do) that you are indeed tolerant. And you would answer a tough question and not play the victim game or the others did it too game Those do are not conducive to solutions but to perpetuating the problems.

Ushta te

OK, you think i'm playing the victim game?

Now bring for me in anytime in the history how other religions were tolerant with Muslims when they get the chance to role the country. Read in history books how independent true historical non-Muslims men wrote about how tolerant were the Muslims with people from other religions. I think you study that too in schools "Muslims in Spain".

You will not understand today how these rules were so fair at that time because you weren't there.

Therefore, Do you have any evidence that in that time Muslims were treating them badly? Any stories about non-Muslims victims.

Most of non-Muslims at that time prefered to be under Muslims rule when they saw how Muslims treat them.

I don't want just claim, you have to back it up with real sources not anti one.


Active Member
jamaesi said:
That's more of Christianity's area, not Islam's. I can tell you Islam says that Muhammed is the last prophet and the Qur'an is the only holy book.

So I am to ask a Christian about the stance of Islam on LDS and their prophet?


Perhaps I should ask these questions here.
Is it true, Muslims want the whole world to follow 'Islam'?
If it is true, will the world be run by the Tali Ban? (or don't you like them either)
will people have to live as they did when the Koran was written?
will the world become 'Third world' (because most Muslim countries are.)
will millions die of starvation? (everyone praying all day)
will women be just used for breeding? (uneducated)
shytot said:
Perhaps I should ask these questions here.
Is it true, Muslims want the whole world to follow 'Islam'?
If it is true, will the world be run by the Tali Ban?
will people have to live as they did when the Koran was written?
will the world become 'Third world'
will millions die of starvation?
will women be just used for breeding? (uneducated)
I see you have been affected my the media and stereotypes.

Muslims cannot make the whole world follow Islam. Only God has the choice to guide someone or not.

Tali Ban? are u serious. Muslims don't even like the Taliban.

The Qur'an was revealed, and many of the teaches and values it has can be applied to our lives today.

WIll the world become 3rd world? How can i possibly answer that, who knows what will happen 2morrow Will millions die or starvation, if the rules of Islam are followed (everyone gives 2.5% of there wealth to charity) then no one would starve.

Women are not used for breeding like animals. Islam does not stop anyone from seeking knowledge, whether they me man or women, young or old.

The Qur'an in describing the origins of human beings tells them, the translation of which would be something like "O humanity! Verily we have created you from a single male and a single female, and have made you into tribes and peoples so that you may know one another. Verily the most honorable of you are those who are most pious with God." [49:13] This verse in the Qur'an teaches that humans come from a single male and a single female. The indication here is that the male and female in terms of their human nature are at an equal level. Likewise another verse, from a chapter which is known in the Qur'an as the chapter of Women - because most of the issues discussed there are laws dealing with women - starts off with a verse which could be translated as "O humanity! Verily We have created you from a single soul, and have made from it its mate," this is a reference to Adam and Eve, "and have made from both of them many people, men and women, and scattered them throughout the earth." [4:1] So here again is the issue of men and women and all human beings coming from a single source, a single family, a single set of parents. This shows that women share in full humanity with men."
