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  1. HexBomb

    Magical elitism

    I think it's also because of so many different "kinds" of magic that draw different people, both how complicated some things can be and the kind of "magical elitism" that the thread talks about, as well. Some people find value in quests to make or find things, and put much more of themselves...
  2. HexBomb

    Is the "Church" as a group or the Church as the people more important?

    I'm frustrated because my father agreed to be on church council as an interim post after someone moved, until they found someone new, but once they had him in, they refused to even look for someone new, and told him that they needed his experience, and couldn't/wouldn't be able to train someone...
  3. HexBomb

    Is the "Church" as a group or the Church as the people more important?

    Personal frustration leading to debate thread time! What should be more important? What the church needs, as in the organization and such, or the individual members of the church? Is it okay to take advantage of someone with a strong sense of duty and faith to cater to the needs to the...
  4. HexBomb

    Magical elitism

    I have mixed feelings on this, and I may just be about to get called an elitist, but oh well, I have to be honest. I think everyone can do magic. I don't think witches are born and not made. I think some people have more talent with it than others, just like I can't draw so much as a stick...
  5. HexBomb

    How Do You Define a "God"?

    Having been adopted, perhaps I have a slightly different perspective on this than others, especially since my birth parents are alcoholic drug addicts who wanted nothing to do with the poor ickle sick child with prenatal alcohol and cocaine exposures. But, being myself, I can't help but come...
  6. HexBomb

    Women want to look sexy.

    I like to feel as though I am sexy. It makes me feel more confident about myself. Women tend to be judged more on their appearance than men, in my experience. However, I henna my hair because I don't like my haircolor. I wear high heels because they change my balance, I even like corsets...
  7. HexBomb

    To What Extent, if ever, are Religions Escapes from Reality?

    I think degrees of escapism can vary. Someone who believes God will not let them die, or that they are immortal. or can handle poisonous snakes without harm, or that disabilities can be solved by praying are very escapist. I think faiths that recognise that people live and die and get sick...
  8. HexBomb

    Is it OK to make fun of religions?

    I think it depends on the spirit of the making fun. My friends tease me about my faith, but they do it in a spirit of friendly teasing, and I do the same. Me saying something like "Oh, you're going to have to go to confession for that one," or "Isn't gluttony a sin" to one friend in the same way...
  9. HexBomb

    Religion vs Spouse

    Bouncing in to put my two cents in, with a similar example, albeit not religious, but religious parallels could be drawn, especially I think, with Hinduism and Judaism. My Da married my Mum knowing she was Romani. He knew he was in for her keeping house her way, following her purity laws and...
  10. HexBomb

    How Do You Define a "God"?

    Why would creation make it better to decide your fate? I'm honestly curious, why would something be worth worshiping because of creation, or know better because they created you? Isn't that a bit like going into the career your parents choose for you because they are your parents, rather than...
  11. HexBomb

    Should the Boys Scouts and Girl Scouts be allowed to exist

    I was a Girl Scout, much to people's shock who know me. Yes men and women are different, but that doesn't mean gender stereotypes are okay. However, by the same token a lot of people who push for more "equal" organizations get snippy when people choose things they don't agree with. For example...
  12. HexBomb

    How Do You Define a "God"?

    I suppose my angle of this comes from beliefs I've encountered, my family never considered the Fair Folk to be gods, but when I met Celtic reconstructionists, they considered them to be gods, which for me raises all sorts of questions about the nature of gods.
  13. HexBomb

    How Do You Define a "God"?

    So to you, are there greater and lesser gods? So would you consider something that came into existence after or with the universe to not be a god? So if something ceases to be worshiped, it ceases to be a god? Like Tinkerbell in Peter Pan?
  14. HexBomb

    How Do You Define a "God"?

    This is something I've struggled with for awhile. In my experience, I've come across so many different definitions of what makes a deity, that I'm just not sure if there is a single working definition that can be agreed on. So, what traits, to you, are required for something to be a god or...
  15. HexBomb

    Unsure where I fit, but...

    Thanks! it's always good to meet new people, and I love a mosh pit. :D
  16. HexBomb

    Unsure where I fit, but...

    Hi! I'm new, I joined because I really liked the look of the forum, even though I'm not quite sure where I would fall in the DIR forums. Let's see, about me... I consider myself agnostic about the existence of any deity** (depending on the definition of the word.) From age 7-19 I was an...