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  1. Cassiopia

    What's playing on your TV right now?

  2. Cassiopia

    What's playing on your TV right now?

    The Olympics (without Zeus)
  3. Cassiopia

    is the financial transaction tax a good idea?

    And a group that brought the whole world to the brink of financial collapse. But hey, if you don't like capitalism... I suspect actors are taxed more heavily than banks and financial institutions anyway.
  4. Cassiopia

    How do you view other faiths

    How do I view other faiths? I don't regard them all the same way. Obviously I know more about some than others. Some I couldn't comment on at all because I don't know enough. I have difficulties with the Abrahamic faiths because I don't believe any of the things they are based on, and overall I...
  5. Cassiopia

    Powerful line of evidence for creation

    How can there be a powerful line of evidence for something we know isn't true? (And no, it isn't a question of beliefs, it's a matter of fact).
  6. Cassiopia

    Describe your philosophy of life with a song

    My personal anthem. 0xgQ3qPKF58 Yann Tiersen--Les Jours Tristes
  7. Cassiopia

    First thing that comes to your head about the above poster

    Wirey-Slush puppy. 4consideration-snap
  8. Cassiopia

    The Mind Steroid!

    I'd also go with books of all descriptions, conversation, debate, experience, many kinds of meditation and coffee as black as my soul.
  9. Cassiopia

    I love sex....But I blame it on Satan

    Well I apologise if you are just being ironic and if your irony is too sophisticated for me to see... :rolleyes: But your last few posts seem to indicate that you consider yourself a sex addict and the title of this thread seems to indicate you would like to blame Satan for that fact. Then you...
  10. Cassiopia

    Climate Change Sceptic Changes Mind

    I suppose when a person of integrity discovers he has been wrong about something of global significance it is fitting that he should call attention to that fact. We should applaud him.
  11. Cassiopia

    Climate Change Sceptic Changes Mind

    Prof Richard Muller A formerly sceptical climate scientist says human activity is causing the Earth to warm, as a new study confirms earlier results on rising temperatures. In a US newspaper opinion piece, Professor Muller said "Call me a converted sceptic." Writing for the New York Times...
  12. Cassiopia

    I love sex....But I blame it on Satan

    You're so funny. :rolleyes:
  13. Cassiopia

    What's the story with Romney?

    The degree to which education and critical thinking are looked down on and discouraged by the most popular media in America (and elsewhere) is indeed worrying. Not quite as worrying as having another brain doner in the White-house though..
  14. Cassiopia

    I love sex....But I blame it on Satan

    I think most of your questions have been answered. I would indeed argue that the sexual urge is natural for humans, even if I weren't a Satanist. In the same way, yes, being horny is natural although I am not sure how many people actually want to have multiple partners. However the title of...
  15. Cassiopia

    Evolution by Natural Selection is a fact

    Where???? 1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it...
  16. Cassiopia

    Evolution by Natural Selection is a fact

    Really? I missed that. Could you give me the biblical reference that explains particle physics and the theory of special relativity. Then we can tell the folks at the LHC in Cern they can go home and put their feet up. They could do with a day off.
  17. Cassiopia

    'Suu Kyi after Muslim-free Myanmar'

    This is certainly a tragedy which is being largely ignored by the world. I do think the report was biased but I grant that this story hasn't received much coverage elsewhere. However, as the news report itself shows, the UN has raised concerns about this. What more do you think the intentional...