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Search results

  1. rsd

    Was Jesus actually crucified?

    Blame it on the heat outside. :) It's frying my brain. I certainly never used Javier Sierra's book of fiction as a source of inspiration, here. I bought it because it is the only other book on the subject I could find. I simply wanted to find out more. Now the other book, THAT is more than...
  2. rsd

    Where are you?

    Right now I think I am trapped in a grand illusion. That's WHERE I think I am. But you also seem to be asking, what am I? Two different questions. As far as what I am, I am my blessings.
  3. rsd

    Was Jesus actually crucified?

    Fallingblood, I simply started this tread because it is interesting. Can I tell you what isle to walk down in some old library in Madrid where all the records are kept in such and such numbered drawer. No. Does that bother me? No. I was upfront. One book is a Dan Brown kind of book. The...
  4. rsd

    By the Power of "Jesus'" Name!

    Sorry I didn't reply sooner. Hmm...a bit of an odd question, but I would say no and to then get yourself new friends. To respond, that's up to you. If you could look deeper at your question, how would you now say it?
  5. rsd

    Was Jesus actually crucified?

    I mentioned that a few post back. Got to go gas up the wife's car. Tomorrow is a work day for both of us. Logging out for now.
  6. rsd

    Was Jesus actually crucified?

    Sorry, they were never mentioned. But the life of Sister Maria is well known. Things like...she only went to school for a couple of months when she was six years old. Yet, she penned 14 books during her life. The authorities at the convent knew she was different and gave her a private room...
  7. rsd

    Was Jesus actually crucified?

    The only way Jesus could NOT have been crucified is the obvious, He was never there. But how can that be? Eventually investigators traveled to Agreda and knocked on the door of the covent. Apparently they just came right out and asked all the sisters if any of them had any knowledge of nun...
  8. rsd

    Was Jesus actually crucified?

    My God, what a tough bunch of character here. You know, I joined the other day and I feel like I've been thrown into a den of lions. Oh well, onward... I think I will just tell everyone how this is is all connected to the crucifixion of Jesus, but it takes a little telling. In order to "get...
  9. rsd

    Was Jesus actually crucified?

    Wish there was some of that cold air here in Texas. Another 104 scorcher. I have today off and am enjoying being off. Got the AC running and some fans. Makes it tolerable. I just posted the source material. 1600-1640 is a ballpark figure for the events surrounding the events I am...
  10. rsd

    Was Jesus actually crucified?

    I had first heard about this maybe way back in the early 90s when I didn't have Google and didn't look into it. Then when I was visiting my mother-in-law, on the front page of the San Angelo newspaper was a large picture of a nun and subsequently, for the first time I read my first account of...
  11. rsd

    Was Jesus actually crucified?

    Actually I was addressing another memeber of this forum. Worthless gruel? Sorry. I'm not putting my thoughts down very well. Anyhow, after the 50 indians had settled down, the chiefs were invited into the convent so that the priests could make sense out of the odd circumstances surrounding...
  12. rsd

    Was Jesus actually crucified?

    I hope you follow my postings. Of course, many "stories" that date back 4-500 years can read as "myth." But the rosaries beads that the Indian Chiefs had on their possession actually ended up being an artifact. The main Spanish investigator, Fr. Benavides - was given one of the rosary beads...
  13. rsd

    Was Jesus actually crucified?

    You come across a bit rude and sarcastic. You say there is nothing to discusss. I guess I am pretty shallow to even suggest the opposite. However, when 50 Jumano Indians from Texas arrived at a Spainish Mission around 1625, their arrival created quite a stir amoung the priest. As far as...
  14. rsd

    Was Jesus actually crucified?

    Please help me out. Name what after myself? As far as my topic, putting aside your thoughtful comment for the sake of moving forward, this is why I first asked if anyone even cared to look into this.
  15. rsd

    Was Jesus actually crucified?

    I recently discovered a Catholic history dating back to around 1600 that strongly suggest to me that Jesus Christ was never even in the hands of his Roman tormentors, what to speak of being crucified. I wonder if this is something that anyone would even be interested in discussing.
  16. rsd

    the right religion

    Your question reminds me of something I once read.... “When we are on the material platform, there are different types of religions - Hinduism, Christianity, Mohammedanism, Buddhism, and so on. These are instituted for a particular time, a particular country or a particular person. Consequently...
  17. rsd

    God is an exhaulted Man

    That just reads, "God is a man" I think He is more than that.
  18. rsd

    Pornography. What's wrong with it?

    One day it will lead to having pornographic thoughts about the pure, innocent, angels and you will be very sad.
  19. rsd

    How's the Weather?

    8.2.11- Here in the Austin, San Antonio, Texas area it has been a summer smok'in hot with only two days of rain. That is all a distant memory now. Was 103 today and will be 104 tomorrow and the 10 day forcast looks the same. Been over 100 for over 70 days this year.