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Search results

  1. james bond

    Is Blood The Evidence Of A Christian God?

    Let's see if there is something to this. @tas8831 asked why do fish and chipmunks have blood? What do you think? I thought it was because they have bones as we have marrow. Can you think of a creature without bones that has blood? The true believers know that we will be of new flesh and new...
  2. james bond

    Should Abortion Be Made Illegal Based On The State You Live In?

    It seems that you are willing to accept killing of a human in order to get parents off the hooks for an unwanted pregnancy. These couples should have the known about birth control and contraceptives. Why didn't they take responsibility for their actions beforehand? If abortion wasn't legal...
  3. james bond

    Should Abortion Be Made Illegal Based On The State You Live In?

    Where's your study for the children who do not get adopted? There is a problem with abortion used as after-the-fact birth control, and that is it is being used as birth control. For whatever reason, having legalized abortion causes people to not use birth control. See my study below on...
  4. james bond

    Is Blood The Evidence Of A Christian God?

    This isn't an easy argument to make. I presented one in post #12 as 1 Corinthians 15:50. We cannot enter heaven like we are now. What about Luke 24:36-40? A spirit does not have flesh and bones as Jesus had after the resurrection? He wasn't our flesh and blood anymore. He was new flesh and...
  5. james bond

    Is Blood The Evidence Of A Christian God?

    So, you would believe Satan tempts and God warns? Would atheists just believe that? Anyway, what does blood represent to you from the Bible? We have: "I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable." 1...
  6. james bond

    Should Abortion Be Made Illegal Based On The State You Live In?

    I think you're picking and choosing what is fact based on your own views. The Bible is non-fiction and historical. What sources do you have to back up your reasoning?
  7. james bond

    Should Abortion Be Made Illegal Based On The State You Live In?

    The murder argument, especially as a planned (pre-meditated?) one is a difficult one. Previously, all we had was the Bible to go by, but now we have science defining life begins at conception. We had abortion which would fit the technical murder argument, but it was made legal for the reasons...
  8. james bond

    Is Blood The Evidence Of A Christian God?

    I guess I should've added the reasons God required a blood sacrifice. I didn't have the whole story myself. In ancient times, one had to do with having faith in a Savior yet to come as opposed to today having faith in a Savior that has came and will come a second time. "The whole of the Old...
  9. james bond

    Is Blood The Evidence Of A Christian God?

    I don't think we all experience that. It's more an abnormal situation for those who die of organ failure, diseases, and other terminal causes.. If we are healthy and live to a ripe old age, which I should've stated, then there are three causes of death and this is blood related Haha. There...
  10. james bond

    Is Blood The Evidence Of A Christian God?

    I eliminated accidents as usually those are God's warnings to humans, equivalent to how Satan tempts. However, I don't think atheists would believe this, so I limited to what we die of if we live a full life, i.e. old age. I think the other causes of death you mention would be more non-natural...
  11. james bond

    Is Blood The Evidence Of A Christian God?

    Well, Mr. Biologist who was inundated with the ToE, evolutionary thinking and history, and will probably die, i.e. spiritually die, for evolution (I think that's in the Bible, too). Can you name say ten other ways related to blood? The Bible explicitly states God wanted those that had to do...
  12. james bond

    Should Abortion Be Made Illegal Based On The State You Live In?

    If the fetus is a living human, then it probably has a right to birth as part of their rights and it becomes the duty of the woman to give birth as well as the father to provide support. Afterwards, there are support procedures put in place such as adoption. As for the other negative things...
  13. james bond

    Should Abortion Be Made Illegal Based On The State You Live In?

    Not just my opinion, but the opinion of experts. That's why we have ways to overturn outdated rights when we find some new rights such as life for the living. Thus, this will not stop until the pro-abortion advocates are run over. Horse puckey. The 14th Amendment guarantees the right to...
  14. james bond

    Should Abortion Be Made Illegal Based On The State You Live In?

    Please answer my question. Can you handle the influx of US immigrants to your country? They're your type of people as ones who will eventually turn to communism. Call it whatever you like -- secular humanism, socialism, or atheism, but eventually it will lead to communism. As for your Pew...
  15. james bond

    Should Abortion Be Made Illegal Based On The State You Live In?

    It must've been good as the atheist scientists thought that spark or the brightest spark was the one to use for in vitro. Of course, they were wrong about using it for their own purposes of destroying life than realizing it is the beginning of life. “It’s a way of sorting egg quality in a...
  16. james bond

    Is Blood The Evidence Of A Christian God?

    I may not know enough about blood, but it seems to me that it was important to God of the Bible as he wanted blood sacrifices. We know that blood is life, but doesn't that mean it is also death? We love our blood, so we want to keep it positive. Yet, this is looking at blood's flip side...
  17. james bond

    Those who believe there is no God live by faith

    The atheists will LIE with answer their no doubt. If there is no God, then we should have evidence for it. What evidence do they have? 1. It would be a logical fallacy if someone said it was. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. 2. Yes. It also applies to their fake science of...
  18. james bond

    Should Abortion Be Made Illegal Based On The State You Live In?

    We know that life cannot be created outside the cell. With sexual reproduction, all of it takes place inside the cell as the sperm finds the egg. Here's more evidence for it as again science backs up what the Bible states --...
  19. james bond

    Should Abortion Be Made Illegal Based On The State You Live In?

    It's possible after the 2020 election. Let's review what has happened. I just searched: "Donald Trump wants exceptions for rape, incest in abortion laws Kirk A. Bado USA President Donald Trump called himself "strongly Pro-Life" in a several tweets late Saturday night while at the same time...