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  1. MaddLlama

    Wear Black Today - Support the Jena 6

    It's still not an excuse, and neither side of this deserves to be defended. As I've been saying this whole time - they're both wrong. One side isn't more wrong than the other. So, is violence a good way to stop racism? Is defending violence a good way to stop racism?
  2. MaddLlama

    Wear Black Today - Support the Jena 6

    Well, maybe if you'd be clearer in explaining what you're saying, I wouldn't need to make such assumptions, because it certainly sounded like that's what you were saying.. I simply don't see what the controversy is. Racism exists. Duh. :sleep:
  3. MaddLlama

    Wear Black Today - Support the Jena 6

    So, in your view then, it's legally acceptable to assault someone if they do something racist? I'm not saying it's ok to be racist, I'm just saying that two wrongs don't make it right, and the suggestion that violence is equal to justice makes no sense to me. It isn't fair to paint just one...
  4. MaddLlama

    Wear Black Today - Support the Jena 6

    Ok, so when did it become legally acceptable to assault someone?
  5. MaddLlama

    Should faith without an authority be banned?

    What's so fantastic about religious authority? What's so terrible about religions without it that makes them not on the same level as ones that do?
  6. MaddLlama

    The Ordination of Homosexuals

    I think you misunderstand. This isn't about celibacy to attain the priesthood, this is about homosexuals being celibate so they won't be labeled as "living in sin".
  7. MaddLlama

    The Ordination of Homosexuals

    Celibacy is against Christianity? Where does it say that every Christian must have sex?
  8. MaddLlama

    Wear Black Today - Support the Jena 6

    Maybe I'm just daft, but when did it become OK to assault someone? If these kids had a problem, then surely there was some other way to solve it than beating another one to a inch of his life. Know what? They're both wrong. End of story. :rolleyes:
  9. MaddLlama

    If you don't believe Christ, do you still celebrate Christmas?

    It varies from year to year. Before I moved upstate I was a member of a Pagan group, so we would celebrate together with a circle and then a pot-luck type thing. Now, it all depends on where I'll be, and whether or not I join another group in the future. I still go to my mother's place for...
  10. MaddLlama


    Yuck. I don't care how comfortable they are. They're so ugly. Probably one of the, if not the, ugliest type of shoes I have ever seen.
  11. MaddLlama

    If you don't believe Christ, do you still celebrate Christmas?

    If it honors God, or mis changed to do so, then what's the problem? To be honest, I think all the "Pagan Origins of Christmas" tirades are exaggerated, and blown out of proportion. I celebrate both Christmas and the Pagan counterpart of Yule, and the only crossover between my celebrations...
  12. MaddLlama

    the truth behind hip hop ex ministries

    And, you just said you did, but you offered no other statement onto how, or where you researched these things. To be totally frank, I just don't believe you, because the evidence suggests that your research skills leave something to be desired. Maybe you can take some of the evidence provided...
  13. MaddLlama

    the truth behind hip hop ex ministries

    So, what exactly are the sources of research for these claims? Have you don't any research or fact checking yourself? From what I see here, you're just an uninformed parrot who is happy to just accept what this guy says without employing any modicum of critical thinking. And, most people don't...
  14. MaddLlama

    Can a God be Insane?

    I don't think the Gods are insane. They do, however, often have a twisted sense of humor.
  15. MaddLlama


    Yucca Mountain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  16. MaddLlama

    Why have Christians forgotten the fourth Commandment?

    Did you receive a Special Revelation from God to give you that name?
  17. MaddLlama

    If you don't believe Christ, do you still celebrate Christmas?

    Oh yeah, us Pagans and our dirty Christmas trees, gifts, and other plant related decorations. It's all pard of our insidious plot to get people to become tree-hugging, peace-loving, granola chomping hippies. Insidious, I tell you. :rolleyes:
  18. MaddLlama

    Why have Christians forgotten the fourth Commandment?

    OMG, this thread is still going? :areyoucra
  19. MaddLlama

    Christian: The Need for a Fresh Word from God

    Aww, so this means they're not kissing cousins? *running away now*
  20. MaddLlama

    what do you consider the us soldier that get killed in Iraq?

    And, I'm sure plenty of Americans would say the same thing about Iraqi insurgents, so it doesn't make a bit of difference.