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  1. M

    When it changed from LAW to GRACE ?

    If we go on the idea of law and everyone who fails to keep it would be smited then when Moses took the tribes out of egypt they all should have been smited pretty much straight away as at the first hurdle they complained against Moses and God, the sea was parted all went well, second hurdle...
  2. M

    Are all self professing Christians Believers of the same Biblical Christ?

    No they all do not believe in the same Christ, the Jews are still waiting, the mormons belive Jesus was just a good man and the devils brother, the jw's believe Jesus was a good teacher, I don't know about other groups.both the mormons and jw's believe you are not saved by accepting Jesus as...
  3. M

    Why can't I go to heaven?

    God did not impose a sentence on man at all, he gave us all we needed, he by his grace looked over our sins, then man asked God for rules that could show how they could earn God's favour, the ten commandments was the level God expected, it is that simple.If you do not believe why are you worried...
  4. M

    in the beginning was the "word"

    If it is most fitting how come only the Jehovas witnesses actually translate it as such, while I understand the majority are not always correct it seems a tiny minority would be unlikely to be right above all the rest.besides how many gods are we talking about if the word is a god, God the...
  5. M

    Why can't I go to heaven?

    Quite the contrary, they show that man cannot save himself by his own actions it shows the level of righteousness God is looking for.
  6. M

    is being in this forum on the sabbath a violation?

    Thank goodness the old rules have passed away for some.
  7. M

    in the beginning was the "word"

    Yet they did not change other verses in a similar way but only when it suited their doctrine, if it was with some sort of consistancy it would probably be more acceptable.
  8. M

    Christening or water baptism is it biblical?

    could you please quote the scripture about infants and children being baptised please.
  9. M

    What does being a Christian mean to you?

    To me being a Christian is about trusting God and the finished work of his son Jesus, because of Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross, God now sees me as righteous not through my own deeds but through faith accepting Jesus as my Lord and Saviour.My daily work is to rest in the knowledge Jesus...
  10. M

    Christening or water baptism is it biblical?

    I was told that christening children was adopted by the catholic church to keep up attendance and numbers in the church.I believe water baptism is for people old enough to be responsible for their own actions and is biblical.
  11. M

    is it part of your belief to reject data that opposes your belief?

    the way to do it is to read the bible for yourself and take the whole bible in to account, the fact that some denominations decide to omit or over emphasise a certain scripture or gifting is their problem not the bibles.
  12. M

    Why can't I go to heaven?

    The ten commandments were given to show mankind they will never attain the standard God requires by their own good works, they are specifically to show you need a saviour.
  13. M

    in the beginning was the "word"

    God is one, three in one and why would anyone change the text to add something that should not be there such as "a god" not just God.
  14. M

    Christening or water baptism is it biblical?

    what is the difference if any?
  15. M

    Is there any evidence for the Truth of Islam ?

    I always thought that the only support for the koran was the hadiths, yet many muslims have told me the hadiths are not considered 100% reliable, so I don't know what does support the koran as truth.
  16. M

    Speaking in tongues

    You do not have to speak in tongues as some would have you believe, I was saved in a pentecostal church and there is great pressure to speak in tongues it is proof of being in filled with the Holy Spirit to them but if it comes it comes it does not make you any more or any less saved but...
  17. M

    is it part of your belief to reject data that opposes your belief?

    Of course there is a way to know what the bible means, it is called context, if you just take one line out of a chapter yes you can make it say what ever you please, this is how two major american cults began, If you take the time to read the whole chapter even the whole book and by that I mean...
  18. M

    Why can't I go to heaven?

    Excellent post.
  19. M

    Why can't I go to heaven?

    Out of range??
  20. M

    Why can't I go to heaven?

    I never set the rules, I think it is based on the idea that breaking one makes you just as guilty as breaking them all and therefore not worthy to enter heaven.