People suspect men more because they are usually right about them, your husband is fine but it's not often
Most good men are not really good just tolerable because the average is bad
It is not about lament, and women begin to oppress other women originally and firstly due to men it is a...
It is clear as day that women have life worse under men all the time
Men feel an instatiable need to pipe up when womens issues are spoken of to talk about their problems and say they have it bad too, go fix them
"Disgusting" and "gross" are subjective and pronouncing death for a subjective judgement seems worse that the crime. But again, two consenting adults? Who's to say otherwise? Certainly not someone pronouncing a death sentence.
Made up, so I made up mine, I just won't approve of that:)
No, they don't remember, its disgusting to think about I don't mean what you think no physical harm but it is evil
You made up your own rule I made up mine, you made up none of our business, I say it is
I decided that its my business same as I decided murderers and rapists are my business, my own affair my own to do list
Yes they are wrong, maybe you have not developed a sense of right and wrong