Then teach me! Tell me why they don't sacrifice anymore. I have a open mind and would really love to know. Being that RF is for religious education, right!
The point I made was trying to make is that Jesus was the final sacrifice, the entire reason the OT was inspired.
So Booku why don't they...
I know, that was my point. They had no temple to sacrifice to, yet they still sacrificed. If you were a true to word Torah reading and beliving Jew then you must give sacrificed for your sins. Blood must be spilt!
Temple? What about Cain and Abel? Noah after the flood? No temple's there.
I think Sandy has made a great point. If you have no sacrifice for your sins then there still there.
I like to think Jesus is God. I'm glad God became man and walked with us and showed us the right way to live. Being human we love to compare ourselves to other humans.
Jesus did claim to be God and you can twist and torchier the text to try to elude from the fact, but thats what the entire...
Meatbag! What a funny word...:biglaugh:
I don't think we can comprehend what we are. Becky has the right idea here in that we're unfinished, a work in progress. Until our time in this world is over and we can look back at the whole picture we're blind to the entire truth.
I go to many different churches, but my favorite is the Baptist. It might just be the preachers of those churches but their sermons are great.
So... if I had to choose call me Baptist. I don't know anything about be the first church or a splinter of a church but a good Baptist preacher will...
Thanks for all your support! I just scheduled a lesson with a local instructor to give it a try. I'll let ya know how it goes. I'm kinda embarrassed because I'll have to try to sing in front of someone. :o Its something I only do alone in my car.
I love to play piano and have been doin it for a little while now. I've started to write some of my own instumental songs. I have lyrics that I've started to write to put on top of one of the songs. There is one problem? I can't sing! I suck, terrible, awful! I don't want to start a band and...
Thats true! If I put my Jesus goggles down I can see your point real clear. But when I put them back on and having experienced lust destorying my life. I remember porn being a problem for me. Thats me though. And masterbation always led to porn.
But it could happen that way, right? Not for everyone, but if it did and you ended up watching porn to help masterbate (and if porn in your view is a form of lust), then becomes sin. So it could lead to sin...
Your only 16..:eek:
You write like your so much older, I'm very impressed!I always pictured a 40 year old married man with 2-3 kids, sitting in you office full of books.
231 years old! No, its not a typo! Me and a friend found the fountain of youth a little over 200 years ago. )( I still look and feel like I'm 30 though, all except the back hair, receding hair line with spots of gray.