Sex is a powerful force, almost coercive in its effects on the actions of people, men especially. There is scope to pursue sexual relations primarily and solely for the pleasure involved. I would think that such an engagement if employing reasonable measures of contraception implies a desire and...
When we talk frankly about what we take credit for in this world, hard work and things earned being among them, we could find ourselves realising that we no more 'own' those things we earn than those things that seem to occur by accident. To what degree is a person to be congratulated for having...
Ye i think as a rule art warrants some level of support, because not all that is of value in this world thrives or even survives in the capitalist framework that dominates, of which many art institutions and organisations are perfect examples. How much however is another question, perhaps more...
I think that welfare is a very powerful force for good for many people. Its presence helps provide a quality of life for those in unfortunate circumstances that would otherwise be completely unreachable. However as with most systems nothing is perfect, and i do think that, although the huge good...
I think all aspects of the conscious sentient life are inherently more than simple chemical reactions. Even though our experiences are fundamentally linked to a whole host of organised neurochemical reactions in the brain, they arent necessarily best talked about in those terms. It would be...
Im better at not being better at doing what everyone else can do.
Im almost ashamed of this post and the fact that it was all i could think about on viewing the OP.... :p thats my logic cheap shot for the month as its something that needs to be rationed!
I always like to think about how best to live my life. I’m compelled to deliberate on the subject most days. I tend to harbour a strong sense of justice, and its probably that that drives my desire to ponder the subject ever further. I try to articulate as much as possible, even if its...
As has prob been said already, always switch.
3 boxes, 2 incorrect and one correct.
Situation 1, you pick a box that’s incorrect to begin with. The other incorrect box is revealed, leaving the correct box available to switch to.
Situation 2, you pick the other incorrect box to begin...
:P good question. Lets just stick with human for now.
Perhaps consider it from the point of view of being the agent responsible urself, which might you detest the idea of doing more, and also from the perspective of a witness to some1 else. What do you make of that person, and what kind of...
Yeah i know what u mean. Both situations are likely pretty equivalent in the suffering caused, but on top of that, what probably annoys me about the torture of the dog, is that its clear that the person responsible has likely justified it through considering the dog to be a 'lesser' creature...
Good points. The degree of suffering is indeed hard to measure, and in some sense actually impossible as u mention. When I frame the question in terms of morality Im not only asking which might be objectively worse in terms of absolute suffering, that of a human or a dog, but also to consider...
That's a true point. Could that inherent bias lead to someone more easily mistreating an animal who actually deserves better? (perhaps deserving at least as much consideration as a human is given, esp. regarding pain as in the example). What legitimately justifies they way we treat creatures?
Context is indeed always paramount i agree. Remove all or as many complicating factors as you can, and imagine someone delivering harm for the sake of it to a human/dog.
Can one legitimately decide one to be more deserving of the pain? Or rather, that its more ok to harm one over the other...
There are practical considerations and difficulties with introducing a ban or forbidding it. That is a slightly different question with a more complicated answer. (that is, once concluding its wrong or undesirable, how could a sensible and responsible society deal with it in practical terms).
Sure, i mean my OP and attached poll was simply meant as a springboard to provoke thought around the subject thats all. Its inadequacies are i think hopefully permissible so long as it tempts people/frustrates people/makes one ponder and ultimately gets the ball rolling so to speak. Also Im...
When i concentrate on selfish ideas, and think of all the things that i not only suck at doing, but also burden my day, such as doing the dishes, the laundry, cleaning the house, keeping my days organised, and paperwork in order, I truly love the idea of being in a position whereby i can get...
No, ultimately one cant justifiably throw personal blame at some individuals for atrocities performed by others simply by reference to them sharing something arbitrary in common.
Its not a strong enough argument, and also not a fair way to treat people as individuals in themselves.
They key...