Acts 1:9 After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.
10 They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 11 “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into...
Science does not have to consider D or any other so called unevidenced possibility (but the Bible God is evidenced).
Science is just flawed like that and cannot consider creation in any verifiable way.
Science is just a tool, it is what people do that is important.
I could defer belief in...
It has been shown to be not a legitimate science. That is what the court was deciding surely.
I think you mean that Irreducible Complexity is part of Intelligent design.
And I suppose it is, and both are not seen as legitimate sciences, but that does not mean they are wrong in what they say...
At least you can see that it is a default assumption.
Maybe the evolution denier is doing that, but all I'm doing is pointing out that much of this type of science is not built on a solid foundation, in that it is not verifiable.
But science can and does whatever it will. My post is not to...
I don't and atheists can't verify what many of them say that science knows.
That's not my stance.
You can say who/whatever you want, but my bet is that you can't see that the science cannot be verified, so you will keep saying that your beliefs are better than my religious beliefs.
Yes you believe those scriptures in the way you interpret then then end up denying the passages where Jesus tells us He is coming back,,,,,,,,,,,, so you believe part of the Bible but not all of it, as you say.
Then when it comes to the rest of the NT where Jesus disciples tell us of Jesus...
Yes fulfilling prophecy is what Jesus and Baha'u'llah need to do to be considered as whom they say they are.
For 2000 years there has been disagreement between Jews and Christians and really it is a disagreement between Jews, since the first Christians were Jews.
So Jewish Jesus and God and...
You are replying to a post about passages from the New Testament. That is not the Torah.
The only part of the Hebrew scriptures used there is the prophecy of Joel (Acts 2:17-21) and I was explaining the plain meaning of how this passage was used in the New Testament.
Jewish beliefs have nothing...
There is no logical reason to think that John 14, 15 and 16 were referring to anything other than the promised Holy Spirit which came at Pentecost.
Logic tells us, when I compare verses, that the Holy Spirit is the Advocate whom Jesus promised to His disciples to teach them and remind them what...
As the Son of God and as Jesus said, all that the Father has belong to Jesus. (John 16:15)
A Trinity God is 3 persons in the one God. When we see (if we could) and one of them, the other 2 are there. It is intrinsic to the Father that the Son and the Holy Spirit are in Him.
Sounds like another...
Life imo is more than chemical based, so that would be one thing about life that Christians might not want science, which can only deal with the material universe, making pronouncements on.
I also was brought up a Catholic and Catholics also believe life is more than chemicals. But I suppose...
So for you science, which can only deal with the material universe, is dealing with all of reality. Sound like a belief to me.
And you think that prophetic fulfilment and promises by God in the Bible which come about is creative speculation. But really promises that happen show a God who can...
A designer would be intelligent and real intelligence is alive and artificial intelligence implies an intelligence to design it.
What mechanism? The supposed mechanism, or is there a verified mechanism?
However I suppose evolution might work to improve something that was complex from the...
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
There was no, "before the beginning," because time began at the beginning.
The first cause lived in timelessness and the cause and effect happened together at the beginning imo. (the cause did not have to precede the effect)
If God...
When it comes to Baha'i belief about who the prophecies apply to, that is not interpretation, that is just believing the claims of Baha'u'llah and subsequently denying what the New Testament tells us about whom the prophecies apply to.
If we did it by interpretation only the prophecies apply to...
@Truthseeker #512 says that the Manifestations have existed forever, but of course that is a denial of the Bible which tells us that all things have been created (whether by the invisible God or by Jesus is unimportant for this question).
However Col 1:15-16 is saying that all things were...
Phil 2:6-11 tells us that Jesus was in the form of God and equal to God but became a servant.
God is greater than His Son in authority and greater than His servant in authority. However Jesus the Son of God is exactly like His Father, iow lacks nothing of what the Father is.
I know that what...
So you are showing the fruit of your false Prophet and are, along with any other Baha'i, denying that the Bible is true and the Word of God. That is your opinion it seems.