That's great. My brain tells me something can't come from nothing, therefore something must have created the Universe. My brain tells me the code written in DNA must have come from a outside source, a source beyond our senses. Likely the same source as created the Universe. Nothing about...
Likely because we know DNA is like code found in programming, only this code is so complex and mind boggling, that only a ALL Powerful, ALL Intelligent Being, ie GOD must be behind it as the Ultimate Programmer.
This has been explained many times. There is ONLY ONE GOD. He is known by...
Does make sense to me, because you are demanding tangible evidence, whilst being unable to provide any yourself. You have faith in theories and Science, and I have complete and total faith backed up by evidence pointing to GOD.
Nice way of saying, we have no CLUE, just a bunch of theories. Nothing wrong with that of course, Science has it's place and is a invaluable tool to understanding how things work. However, as a tool is it totally ill equipped to answer the ultimate question, does GOD exist. For that we...
That's just common sense. The past life I was referring to was the one which I lived before being born to my current mother.
What happens when this current life is over?
You don't hold to the Pantheistic view? GOD is everywhere and in everything? Thus the Universe, Nature and we humans are...
There's no evidence for this. If true, we would all have knowledge of our 'past' lives and actions, so tat we could learn from them, but that's not what we see.
What you've done is fall into the deception of worshipping creation rather than the Creator.
Energy can not magically create itself...
I would have thought you'd go to a accepted Jewish online Torah:
5 And now, if you obey Me and keep My covenant, you shall be to Me a treasure out of all peoples, for Mine is the entire earth.
6 And you shall be to Me a kingdom of princes and a holy nation.' These are the words that you...
God speaking to Moses pbuh:
Exodus 19:5 So now I tell you to obey my commands and keep my agreement. So if you do this, you will be my own special people. The whole world belongs to me, but I am choosing you to be my own special people. 6 You will be a special nation—a kingdom of priests.’...
He lives by His own rules.
We have revelation from Him, which is ample proof for us.
Pantheism is the view that the world is either identical to God, or an expression of God’s nature. It comes from ‘pan’ meaning all, and ‘theism,’ which means belief in God. So according to pantheism, “God is...
Sorry but as HE is outside of the closed system, HE is not subject to the Laws HE Created.
Think of a computer program as being our closed system, with the programmer naturally excluded from the rules of the program.
The majority opinion amongst Scientists is, it started from a Singularity. GOD says, HE Created it and is outside of the closed system.
GOD creates the Laws governing everything in Nature. Whilst He is above His Creation, He is still closer to us than our jugular vein, and knows every thought...
Those verses appear to be about man being top of the food chain. We have the ability to cast terror into the hearts of beasts, we can kill them, cut down their habitat, use our fishing nets to decimate the seas etc. The animal kingdom is rightly weary of humans in most instances, but for sure...
Birds and Animals instinctively know.
Babies know too:
And [mention] when your Lord took from the children of Adam - from their loins - their descendants and made them testify of themselves, [saying to them], "Am I not your Lord?" They said, "Yes, we have testified." [This] - lest...
Yes faith backed up with MANY good reasons grounded in FACTS. Don't mean to shout at you, just wishing to make it clear to the 'unbelievers' on here :D
This Universe came from something, it is perfectly balanced for life.
This Planet is finely tuned for life to sustain itself...
It's a FACT, people who dislike Islam VERY often quote verses without giving ANY context. Like I said before, if I see such instances, I'll be amongst the first to pull them up on it. On the other hand, if anyone feels I myself have quoted something without context, then please do feel free to...