Why is it my job? You brought up the negative, and it's my job to bring up the positive? For both populations?
But bisexuality does. So, there's that. In which case, someone would be plausibly be engaging in homosexual and heterosexual acts, and perpetuating the species, as if that is an...
My problem with this Act is:
a) not understanding what it applies to exactly. I currently understand it only applying to foreign reported news that is seen as propaganda/disinformation being used against the U.S. If this is all it is, then would hope the U.S. is not caught doing the same thing...
In answer to OP. I'd pick up the trash, make sure the neighbor noticed I did, and ask sternly to let the child go. If the neighbor resisted, I'd do all I could to get the neighbor away from the child and probably would call the police. I'd think an investigation would ensue and that not...
Right back at you.
Who is this someone? Or is this another conversation in your mind that we are not having. Kinda like the MTV thing.
To me, the 'problem' is prejudice and allowing it to exist. I see no way around it, and have either never or very infrequently not seen it in a...
So, are you confirming the idea that some black people are racist toward other black people?
In what way do they identify themselves? I ask, cause again, I am currently not in contact with anyone that identifies themselves with the claim that black lives do not matter.
Definitely spin. Just...
Civil unions and marriage both are manmade versions of 'joining together.' Technically, neither one actually joins two together, but are symbolic of that. To signify commitment and devotion to another, as physical beings in a loving relationship. Our Father (Creator God) has, in reality, already...
This is not explaining benefits of sexual behavior for either population. Thus not possible to put into context the weight between costs and benefits, at this point, other than through inference, which stems from the debate you are engaged in, and that likely varies from person to person...
You'd like me to prove that something "could be said" about what I said it "could be said" about it? Is that the proof, by argument, that you'd like me to prove?
Unsubstantiated. You're ceasing to be cogent in the thread. Given how off topic from OP you are, it's quickly arriving at point...
Prove it.
And I know for a fact that a poor person can lease a vehicle. And interesting how you bypassed my point on American version of poor compared to other nations. The idea that a poor person would even consider purchasing a car (for $5000) makes me wonder if we are talking about actual...
A percentage would make it equal, a specific dollar amount would not. The impact will be different because taxation is inherently repressive. No typo this time. We are talking about a mandatory expense, one you say if you don't pay, you are likely to go to jail.
With all other expenses you...
This ignores the $0 being paid by the poor. And the same type of rhetoric could be said about anything the poor would buy other than food (and rent/housing payment). So, if poor person wants to go watch a movie in a theater, it is inherently disproportionate for society to charge poor people for...
That typo (by me) makes a difference, but doesn't explain how poor people would have disproportionate amount compared with others, unless saying poor people ought to pay the 10%, rather than $0. Is that what you're saying? I'm also unclear on how a flat tax is inherently disproportionate...
I see the inherent problem as winner takes all. One side wins, the other side is treated as having engaged in epic failure and now must resort to being on the sideline. In reality, less than half the country voted (let's make that clear). Of the half that did vote, not even half of them voted...
I disagree it remains the same. Poor people would pay 0 income tax. Please explain how that is repressive?
What I hear you saying is that all taxes are repressive, which I would concede.
And I refer back to the question after reading and dissecting your entire post.
Which comes back to the...
Would you concede that some of these people are black?
Otherwise, I'd like to understand what you mean by a lot of people. I mean you say I need to understand this, and yet I'm unaware of anyone I've met that concludes as such, so if there's a lot of people like this, I'd like to hear of where...
I see the MSM as beginning again to engage in its job, being critical of POTUS. They had an 8 year vacation, now it's back to work. Though for some, work will be zealotry couched in occasional bouts of critical analysis, all designed to convey the message of "do we really want another 4 years of...
Why are they -$2200 if they are paying at rate of $0 for making under $25,000 in the year? Where in OP do you see wanting to take additional $600 from this person?
Same point as above.
How is 10% for all, not equal? Of course the impact would be different. Like saying the scientific method...
I hear what you're saying, but feel you are overlooking the fictional portion and thus negating it as fiction.
You saying I've encountered them in some way, tells me you think what I dream about is possible, or possibly actual. If you disagree, then let me know why, cause it's the part where I...
When it comes to night dreams, I disagree. These are not always from experience, or at least none that we are consciously aware of. Same goes with imagination. If someone imagines a dragon, would you say that is drawn from memory? Perhaps not a great example because almost anything I'd say that...