If you cannot state your cause of your faith to a "Polythiest", then your faith isn't strong,
The rape and treatment of women in India is a national tragedy of the first order. It is not much better anywhere else in the Middle east and Africa. This is not a good trump card for you to have.
Again. Why do you support the people who killed the Bloodline of your prophet? Why do you accept people who where strangers over his family? Why where the Umayyad sycophants somehow more worthy the Ali?
"I am the city of knowlage and Ali is it's gate"
Is Mohammad wrong? Why would he lie?
I suppose so. I am just saying this is not a cause of saber rattling into todays age. The Saudi's destroyed many Shia holy sites back in the late 1700s
Bush was found of them. Obama is too. The Saudis specialize in two things; being all things to the Westerners, and destroying all forms of Islam that is not theirs. Obviously this sometimes conflicts.
I found this to be the proper forum for this.
Why the hell do your glorious Jihadists love nothing more to slaughter the Shia? What the hell have the Shia ever done to you? Assad, the evil person he is, was just another Saddam. But people like you sing Saddam's praises...
I am only Human, but I try to be understanding. I cannot say I may understand, but I too have strange truths. If you are willing to share, here or in private, I am willing to hear. Nothing much offends me.
May I respectfully comment to Whiterain?
In Hinduism, the one god and goddess incarnate in many forms to the understanding to devotee. Thorbjorn is right. Lord Krishna did say that it is very, very hard to focus on God the Transcendent, so he incarnates in myriads of forms we could better...
I don't think anybody really wants to outlaw Scientology. I think we want them nailed for crimes. I think people (I sure do!) assume that there is current crime, that warrants a full body investigation.
Their beliefs aren't the issue. It's the profoundly unethical behavior is. People have been...
Christian Science is bad news but for totally different reasons.
It was a cancerous outgrowth of New Thought.
In New Thought, it said that faith and right thinking could cure disease. That is ok because they also did not deny Medicine.
In Christian Science, that is the ONLY way people should...