The follow-up question is, How is the law written on the heart?
You appear to have assumed that writing the law on the heart is exactly the same as writing the law on a man's memory. But such an interpretation fails to deal with the fundamental issue of sin.
There are many people with good...
Trinitarians also believe in one God, and Father of all.
Ephesians 4:6. 'One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through [amongst] all, and in you all'.
Ephesians 4:6 was part of an address made to the Church at Ephesus, and the message clearly states that the Spirit of the Father...
You are moving toward a position that makes Jesus (the 'suffering' servant) superfluous. Yet, what stands out from Jeremiah 31 is that a new heart and spirit are not given until sin is removed.
The last to come to faith are those that have clung to the law, awaiting the arrival of the Messiah...
I would not be the first to recognize the presence of God in an angel of the Lord.
Judges 13:13-23. Manoah and his wife entertained an angel whose name was 'wonderful' ('secret'). Of this angel, Manoah said, 'We shall surely die, because we have seen God'.
Neither Manoah nor his wife died...
The commandments were not being kept by Israel under the law.
There needs to be a change of heart and spirit to keep the law.
Jeremiah 31:31-34.
'Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that l will make a new covenant with the house of lsrael, and with the house of Judah:
Not according to the...
1 Corinthians 10:4 does not say 'Jesus Christ', it says 'Christ'. The name Jesus is not applied until the baby of Mary is born. He was the Son of God because Mary was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit (God), and conceived as a result.
Confirmation is given by the Father, who says, 'This is my...
I don't accept your interpretation of scripture, because the message you proclaim cannot be upheld consistently. As mentioned in previous posts, if you have to chop up the scriptures to make it fit then it can only be a personal opinion.
Malachi 3:1 (using Christian verses), talks about two...
You're having to go to great lengths to twist the scriptures to fit your own interpretation.
Angels under authority are not referred to as 'the LORD'. The 'angel of the LORD' was clearly different from other angels. The central angel of Genesis 18 also negotiates with Abraham, whilst the other...
But they were there. Jesus himself chose them. And John the Baptist witnessed to the coming of Jesus. And Malachi prophecies John's coming [Malachi 3:1], as does lsaiah [lsaiah 40:3].
You seem to have overlooked an unbroken chain of events.
They shared their goods, ensuring that the poorest were able to live during hard times.
Here are the words you clearly failed to read:
Acts 4:34,35. 'Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things...
Yes, and they are part of this temporal world, too.
The Bible teaches that there will be a new heaven and a new earth:
Revelation 21:4. 'And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall thee be any more pain: for the...
Truth would not be truth if it wasn't inerrant.
The surprise to me is that you feel the need to enter a discussion forum on the scriptures when scripture holds no truth for you.
The Gentile nations are not the Church. It's made quite clear by Jesus that those 'born again' enter into his kingdom, which is not of this world.
If you read the passage from Joel that you have chosen to quote, then you should see that judgement is coming to all who don't know the deliverer...
All scripture, to my understanding, points us to one person, Jesus Christ. If you cannot see Christ in the story of the flood, or in any of the other OT stories, then l suggest you start reading the Bible again as a parable. Every earthly story in the OT has a spiritual significance from which...
Okay, but now we need to make a clear distinction between the angel (messenger) that speaks God's words and is called 'the LORD' [see Genesis 18:1 and 18:33], and the angel that speaks God's words and is not called 'the LORD'.
Take Gabriel, for example. He delivered messages from God, but...
That suggests that 10 000 times you have chosen to ignore the teaching that you are a sinner!
According to scripture, you will go to the grave as a sinner and your sin with be judged. And, the outlook is not good because 'the wages of sin is death' (of the soul).
I acknowledge my sin, and...
You need to get this false idea out of your head.
I'd like you to tell me where you get the dating from, and on what evidence the late dating is based.