There you go, your using the one thing that Jesus gave us that separates us from angels. Free will.
Actually No I wasn't raised as Christian. Though I would be lying if I said that I didn't go to a couple of church services when I was a kid( I went for the food). I Only consider myself saved...
You stopped our healthy discussion, why? I was having fun...*pout*
Sorry I'm Thesavorofpan and you sounded like a cool guy/girl and just had to introduce myself.
I have to disagree with you on there. The bible is not corruptble, but it is the man reading the bible who is corrupt.
I shall restate my first statement on this topic. It would be a sad world because without the bible we wouldn't have Jesus and without Jesus we would die in our sins.
If you would remove the whole corrupt Catholicism you would never have Calvin or Luther instead you would have a One God(non-trinity) Christians spreading Jesus's love not by force, but with persuasive words. Never once did you see the apostles spreading God's word through Violence.
I'm sorry, but I don't understand what your trying to say. But this what I think your trying to say. That God used some kind of cellaur science to create Eve and since they didn't have that kind of knowledge when Moses won't Genesis some guy came up with the idea that we were made from dust?
What do you expect? You have a corrupt Catholic church that corrupted the doctrine of Jesus Christ who taught love and peace. This corrupt church used the word God to gain power and etc... Then you have a religion who was created by an inmoral man so therefore your only result is an inmoral...
I guess you can call me that. Though I tend stay away from this subject, but I believe the creation story is fact and every word in is the truth and the only thing that can expect to be true.
I would love to share my belief.
I believe in Jesus Christ the one and only true God
I believe that we should repent of our sin, be baptize in the name of Jesus and then be filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost with speaking of other tongues (Though the baptizim and gift of the holy ghost...
Your concept of Jesus is wrong. Jesus is God wrapped in flesh and definitely not the son of God. God is One and not three. If God was a trinity then this concept would be right since he is one your concept is wrong.
But without the Bible how would we know his teaching? Would there be another form of writting he would use? In that case wouldn't it be just another "bible" You can't have Jesus without the Bible and You can't have the Bible without Jesus. So I'll make my statement again It would be a sad world.
I disagree with that. It didn't rain right when God told Noah all Noah knew was that he had to build an Ark. Just like us we don't know when Jesus is coming back, but we know that we should be ready for his second coming because he will be like a thief in the night.
Though I do agree with you...