You just showed yourself...of not knowing anything about God..
For God sat the boundaries for science not to step over..
But as it is science over steps it's boundaries...being set forth by God..
When you have science saying that humans came from monkeys..
When God's Word explicitly said God...
Those boundaries so that science does not over step what God has written down in his word..
In other words...when science tells that we came from monkeys.and God's word tells exactly that God created us from the dust of the earth..
This is where science over steps it's boundaries..
If you knew anything about the scriptures you would have know that Yahushua
( Jesus Christ) was putting forth the example for us to follow..
As Yahushua ( Jesus Christ)
praying in the garden of Gethsemane Puting forth the example how we are to earnestly....
As written in
1 Peter 2:21--"For even...
You being a Muslim and me being a Christian we do have some common ground that we believe in..
In the Bible it's written in
1 Timothy 6:19-21,
19--"Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.
20 O Timothy, keep that...
Seeing that Yahweh is the Almighty God and Yahushua ( Jesus Christ) claims to be the Almighty God..
Then how is Yahushua ( Jesus Christ )
Yahweh Son????
As Yahushua ( Jesus Christ ) said himself in Revelation 1:8--"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, Saith the Lord, which is, and...
As to why do I need to ask a man?
When in fact I have The Lord Jesus Christ Word to go by..
Are you saying that a man's word stands about The Lord Jesus Christ words.
There's your problem you listen to mans teachings and doctrines.
The Lord Jesus Christ condemns man's teachings and doctrines in...
Well if Jews do not object to particular bloodlines..
As you say..
Then the Samaritan woman must have lied telling Jesus Christ that the Jews have no.dealing with the Samaritans..
There's a reason why the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.
It's quite obvious when the Samaritan woman...
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
And Jacobs son Joseph was way before the book of Leviticus was written..
Why are you bringing up the book of Leviticus when the book of Leviticus was not even written at the time of Jacob and
Jacobs son Joseph Married
As-e-nath the Egyptian and had two sons by her and...
That s because the Samaritans are half breeds, because of Joseph being a Jew of Israel and Joseph wife being a Egyptian.
Which the Samaritans are The offspring of Joseph and Joseph's wife.
Jew of Israel and Egyptian.
If you notice back in John 4:5--"Then comes he to a city of Samaria, which is...
This where you show that your knowledge of the bible/ scriptures are limited..
That fish that swallow Jonah was not a fish as we know a fish to be.
God created that whale for a special purpose..
As written in Jonah 1:17--"Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah"
My question is to you is who exactly said the flood of Noah's as being a worldwide flood?
In case you didn't know..the flood of Noah's was not a worldwide flood.
And how exactly do we know that..
In Genesis 10:1-5.
1--"Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth, and...
Nope not at all it's more like someone who's adopted into a family.
That's not their biological family.
They're just adopted in..
The same with Jacob son Joseph.
Joseph's wife was Egyptian, making Joseph sons not a full blooded Jew of Israel.
Unto which the Samaritans are not full blooded Jew...
So you say there's no fully lineage of Jews.
That's where your wrong at..
As The Lord Jesus Christ to be born had to come from a Jew who was a full blooded Jew.
From Abraham to Isaac to Jacob to king David to Mary the great granddaughter of King David to the birth of Jesus Christ...
The Lord Jesus Christ himself came across such Jews that were saying that they were of seed of Abraham and were not..
These sect of Jews were cross breed and not fully blooded Jew's..
In the book of
John 8:37-44,
here you will find Jesus Christ speaking to these that call themselves Jews and...
Maybe on Judgement day you can tell the Lord Jesus Christ how wrong he is..
Even The Lord Jesus Christ came across such Jews who was trying to proclaim to be of Israel..
Even disciple Paul of the tribe of Benjamin. Said in Romans 9:6--"Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For...
First of case you didn't know..
There two groups of Jews in Israel..
One being the True Jew of Israel,..
And the other Jew is a false Jew trying to steal the true Jews of Israel birth right.
As disciple Paul written in
Romans 9:6--"Not as though the word of God has taken none effect...
As for The Lord Jesus Christ saying in
Matthew 5:17--"Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets, I am not come to destroy but to fulfill"
Now the question arises which law do you suppose Jesus Christ is speaking about..
A lot of people will say it's the
10 commandment law...
You need really read again what I said..
I said in referring to atheists why argue over something that you don't believe in.
That's just foolishness to argue over something that you don't believe in...
If I don't believe in something I'm sure not going to argue with anyone over something that I...