A matter of perspective perhaps, our lives, experiences , memories, all exist as our mind perceives them,
so balanced against the education, life experience and culture we grow up amongst, our perspective holds the bias of the culture...... therefore the returnee report from their perspective ...
No sadly it makes eating a daily chore, as the memory of taste and smell faded into distant memory, I lost the will to
eat, it now is because I have to, ... perhaps if I had friends or family around me at meal times it could be easier....
but alone.... an effort.. 5' 4" and only 78lbs
Perhaps we need to step back to a more "Victorian" culture in our society ....
not that I can really talk from experience, being Androgen deficient ( congenital eunuch )
Like other days on call 24/7 .... but a nice mainly salad dinner grown in my garden, a glass of Merlot and
a quiet evening with my feline housemate ..... Summer Solstice here ....
1.. met my Grandfather without his hare lip or cleft pallet .. (I forgave him for passing on when I was only 14,
and preventing me from keeping my promise to become a Dr. and cure his heart condition)
2. he ^ predicted my Grandmothers death (soon) and condition (bowel...