I will say what I have said on the comment. Religion quite essentially tells us how our BEING came to Be, Science tells us how our BODIES came to be. Not Our Being, whether Evolution or Creationism is correct I could careless, I'm not worried whether my body came from Apes or God! What I am...
If i could suggest a book read this one: The Secret Book of John Annotated and Explained by Skylight Illuminations. Great book describing the Gnostic Creation Myth.
Im not sure if Plato is a Gnostic but what we know is that. Gnosticism has been founded through Plato's Philosophical works of Neo-plato-ism. This help develop Gnosticism into what it is today
Heremeticism is the Gnostic Equivalent. Found by I believe a wisdom teacher of Egypt. That is your Pagan version of Gnosticism. Here in fact is a graphic to help you understand it better.
comparitive-religion on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
The ends justify the means in the case... "The ends" is The Search for Gnosis and "The Means" is to understand it. To get a good idea read this:
"What makes us free is the gnosis
of who we were,
of what we have become;
of where we were,
of wherein we have been cast;
of whereto we speed,
You need to watch out where one gets the information about the Gnostic's. The church called them heretics do you think they are going to give you a truthful definition? In fact I hear the same response from the RCC all the time when in comes to Gnosticism: "Gnosticism is a heretical root from...
Actually, through a Gnostic Priest he told that its about simplicity. Simplicity is a message Jesus talked about when he tells us to fast from the world, in one of the many gospel of Thomas sayings. The World wants extravagant things, it wants complexity. When you fast from it Jesus wants you to...
In my search to understand Gnosticism, I will share you this excerpt I wrote on Wikipedia when discussing Comparative Religion:
Knowing that Gnosticism is about the mind, its about you... You are all the aspects and characters being discussed in Gnostic texts and in them it discusses how you...
Doctrine and Dogma is not what Gnosticism is about originally it was for people who discovered Gnosis and wanted to share there experiences with others who had similar experiences. To put a personal experience one that is different for everyone into doctrine is wrong without a shadow of a doubt...
I came to Gnosticism as a Christian because, I largely felt that what Christianity has turned into has largely become an enterprise. Megachurches in the Midwest USA, the Pastors *cough* claim there doing it because God wants them to but as for me I feel like there ego wants them to make money...
I just find the major world religions as well, not to be the ultimate source of salvation or anything. I said to myself... Is that all for my religion. I didn't believe in religious exclusivity but, religious inclusiveness.
Before being a gnostic I was a Christian. Born in a Catholic Household...
Hell... Hell is different than what those fundamentalist promise you if you don't listen to them and what they say. Hell can be found in two places in my understanding as a Gnostic:
First of all it can be placed right in front of you, Hell is the belief and acceptance of the of the cleverly...
I see the body as an effect not a cause. For example, When you feel sad you cry. First you need a reason to be feel the way you do and that needs to be separate from you (A stimulus). Than you need to connect the reason with your need to be sad. From there your brain (part of your body) begins...
LoL in my opinion... Existence and God is used inter-changeably. When I say God I think of all the things God Represents one of them is Life Giving Force. Without this Life Giving Force nothing would exist its dead. When I say existence I mean it has life its living so its part of the Life Force...
Knowledge meant Gnosis... The Non-Canonical Texts are of Gnostic origin right? These things are opened to reveal to us Knowledge of the Heart... Knowledge of things once forgotten. With the discovery of the NHL and Dead Sea Scrolls we shall learn and know things that God wish to reveal to us...
I say its better to be a "knower." Its better to know yourself and do some introspection to come to your own beliefs and conclusion when it comes to choosing between Atheism or Theism. You see though the problem is with western dogma, IMO tells us to believe not to know and understand to put...
That depends if it is in conflict with your beliefs, to me its possible to have both in your life. To me evolution explains how our bodies came into existence not our being. That comes from something higher ;) So knowing that if you have come to the conclusion that I came to that you are not...
The emanation as said earlier are aspects of God. However, God is the many aspects of the mind that have been personified. If you have read CG Jung you would see how he ties it into Psychology. The Fullness is were all aspects of self have reached there highest actualities but the potentiality...
My name is Jim, I have been searching for a Religious forum for awhile now, glad to finally have found one. I am a Gnostic who is Christian, I believe that all religions and philosophies are here for a reason and that we should learn from what our religions and other religions have to tell us...