I can get behind most of what you said except from the need of a God.
Here's an idea. We often consider love to be the opposite of hate, but what if thats wrong and the opposite of hate is reason?
I don't believe in the concept of cosmic justice.
But when you act against oppressors it's not vengeance, it's social justice. Unless your one of the oppressors.
Ether you love god or he eternally torments. It's an ultimatum implied with a threat of violence, If God was a real person you would call him an abusive jerk.
But no continue to make excuses for you abusive God where everyone can see this abusive relationship.
If there was such clear signs and guidance I wouldn't be a atheist. As such the argument of divine hiddenness continues to this day.
I don't think there's any justifiable reason for anyone to be eternally torment especially if said god doesn't provide enough evidence for his existence...
A favorite Youtuber of mine said on a podcast once on the concept of Hell. Why does the actions of a finite time determine the out come of an eternal time? Utter nonsense thats what hell is. I can't comment on the Islamic Hell because I'm not overly familiar with it's religion, but I know the...
While I'm not familiar with the Quran I know the bible isn't inspired. Still waiting for Egypt to be utterly destroyed with no living things to cross it's lands for 40 years.
Ezekiel 29:10-12