The dems would need a super majority to impeach a judge. The republicans will not side with the dems on this matter because the conservative scotus is doing exactly what they want.
I can see were your coming from, but evangelical christians get abortions around the same amount as other religions. So it's not like there too scared.
We as a species have been through a lot of things over the thousand years we have existed and we should be able to get through climate change as well, but a certain group of conservative people in power are trying their hardest to make our extinction happen.
Your first problem is the belief that Republican's see lgbqt as humans. They don't. They want too overturn lawarence and obergefell. They want to make our existence illegal.
Abortions in the usa didn't become a popular political subject until the religious right realized that advocating for desegagration was no longer a popular choice.
Oh yes, if aborition are illegal and the person pregnant can't get one. Falling down the stairs or being thrown down the stairs is going to be looking pretty good for some people.
If you're a mental health worker and you have zero understanding of gender identity and all you do is spit conservative talking points about trans than you should take a leave of absence from your place of employment until you educate yourself.
I don't know man when the most vocal religious groups are shouting to kill me because their God doesn't like my sexual preferences makes me really question the need for religions especially when all the good things we get from religions is possible in secular communities.
Your analogy doesn't fit the situation. It would be more akin to say the bridge is destroyed. God want you to fix the bridge and cross it, but you don't know how to fix bridges and the instructions he leaves is vague and often contradicts itself. If you don't do what he says he promises to kill...