The correct answer is we don't know the begging of the universe, but the bb is best explanation for how our universe currently is, this still doesn't validate you creation myth.
No it just happens when you have a lot of letters put together you have more chance of making new letters when you run them through a machine.
The Bible Code - RationalWiki
Do a little more research since you claim to hold a masters degree.
The Act of Forgiving and Forget is a very toxic Christian behavior in my opinion. The idea is that if you can't forgive your neighbors faults how can jesus forgives yours, but that leads to very toxic people to continue to hurt you. So **** that. If someone you know abuses and misuses you. You...
You know a lot of Atheists were Christians before and studied the bible.
Genesis 3:22
And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil
Interpretations can vary between doctrines between Christian Churches, but the structure of that sentence implies that...
Your ignoring the fact that Adam and Eve didn't understand the consequences of their action because they weren't created with the sense of right and wrong. This is stated in Genesis 3:22 when God says " and the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil" That...
Sounds like one of those "Everyone will eventually worship Jesus text all knees shall bow kind of thing" But if you can give me book chapter and verse I can help with a bit of context.
I use to be a member of the UPCI a oneness Pentecostal Church. Which is if you're familiar with their doctrine they are very bible literal in their faith. So that means a form of creationism. So a lot of the beliefs relied on certain things to happen. So I started researching and found out the...