Neither Da Vinci's painting nor Dan Brown's book have any bearing on the actual first century Last Supper, for anyone to be deriving lessons from it. Although, Ian McKellen was right in the movie when he defended against the accusation of Mary Magdalene being a prostitute, "She was no such...
I once saw this documentary on Enron. They released a financial statement to all employees in the company and the financial statement itself said how much trouble they were in. However, the statement came with a commentary telling the employees only to focus on certain parts of that...
Actually exegesis is the good one. Eisegesis is the bad one. I was not implying that you used eisegesis. In my original post to you I was just saying that seeking the original intent is what we ought to do. And we're on the same page with that.
I think the Holy Spirit would be...
Very true.
Let me know what you think of my two threads on this subject.
I agree except for one thing. There's no place for interpreting the scriptures 2 Peter 1:20-21. Instead we need to seek the original intent of the Bible authors.
I didn't before. I did now. They describe it as a religion of/by/and for humans with no deity. Same conclusion. It sounds like dianetics/Christian Science and Jim Jones - People's Church secular kind of stuff. It may not end with the Kool-Aid because Jim Jones was deranged, but it started with...
The Papal States were based on Roman governing. Ignatius of Antioch had the "brilliant" idea of implementing a Roman system of governing over the growing churches. Papacy took even more Roman control over the churches, as well as the Papal States. By the time it got to them, it was no longer a...
I've never heard of any government that was based on Christian principles, not politically anyway. I've sometimes wondered what that might look like. If you know of any that you could point out, I'd be happy to discuss it.
It was strict, I'll give you that. I don't see it as oppressive, at least...
Thank you for explaining. And yet we don't have a society such as that show in real life. I think the question in the op was if Christianity could lead to such a society. I don't think it can. I think that kind of society would have to exist first, and then pull Christianity into it after the...
It's absurd and completely fantasy driven. The entire premise of the sexual enslavement of these women was based on an event where somewhere in the Old Testament someone used a surrogate to produce a child. This society hijacked that event and turned it into a command, something which the Old...
It is a mind-altering drug. Totally not in the same category as, let's say comfort food, which puts us in a good mood. It is also known as a lazy man's drug, as it suppresses motivation. It has medical uses, like Marinol, which does have some benefits under a doctor's care. but there's also a...