Perhaps this should be a separate thread but I am wondering what your threshold is to accept that God exists?
For most of my life, I thought of myself as a humanist. Then I had a series of experiences. I’ve come to the conclusion that I do not have enough faith to be an atheist.
I think it is because he expects us to take the first step toward him in faith. It is brilliant, really.
By people thinking the roles are reversed, that the Creator of the universe is required to reveal himself to you, unbelievers set themselves up as god’s.
Movies are a form of entertainment. The movie, The 10 Commandments, is very entertaining and compelling.
IMO, the producers, Cecil DeMills, of the movie acted out of love and devotion to the law giver. Having said that, they are in the entertainment business and not even claiming to be...
Sad. Trump is a Patriot of the first order. Putting your nation first does not require a racist agenda. I'll pray for the indoctrination you - and millions - are a victim of. Peace.
You know you are in the extreme minority viewpoint, right? Trump received a higher % of the Evangelic vote than any candidate ever.
I'm afraid you are the victim of the propagandists in the legacy media. I thank God every day that I broke with it infecting my mind over 25 years ago.
While there are mountains of evidence the point is mute in this day and age of Guilt By Accusation.
Isn’t that what we learned from the Kavanuagh hearing for SCOTUS? Whatever happened to BELIEVE HER? Both Press Secretary AND Sidney Powell detailed the fraud. Maybe it’s because they are...
I heard he won but saw the fraud and Judases allow the election to be stolen.
I guess Genius of Trump is lost on you as Biden created or invented the office of President-Elect. To mock the Left, Trump invented the office of the Former President.
It is incorrect doctrine to say 'hate the sin, love the sinner.' That is modern day feel-goodism.
There are six things the LORD hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises...
Trump is the best POTUS since Reagan. God'a Anointed.
if you don't know, many have received prophecies of him becoming POTUS and getting a 2nd term. I eagerly look forward to that.
Agreed. There are only 2 beings or persons, which a trinity does not make. God and his elect.
One big problem with trinitarianism is that the trinity is not in the Bible - not the word, not the concept. The Bible is wholly written by Hebrews who are monotheists. That is, the authors of the...