While John Locke was the most referenced non-Biblical source, the most referenced source the Founding Fathers used was the Bible.
If you don’t see that, there is no point in looking with a flashlight for you don’t have eyes to see or ears to hear.
Jesus is not more of a son of God than any of his brothers and sisters. This is just trinitarian nonsense!
I am not more a child of my father because I came first than my younger siblings. Or do you deny Jesus said we were his brothers?
Agreed! What’s even more, there is a compelling reason JESUS CANNOT BE GOD. He is our ONLY mediator to God.
Jesus, as non-God mediator is irreplaceable in restoring us being in God’s good graces.
Of course, dualistic trinitarians suppose an illogic AND for being a mediator, necessarily means...
Irrelevant. The reality is Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as he. Father (God), Son and the Spirit of God are all male.
Beyond the simple reality stated above is the role men and women play. And no, I am NOT referring to the feminist theory of false equality! While women give birth, men give...
You are in denial. The role Satan played in the Fall of Man has been known for 4,000 years.
Denying history, you are doomed to repeat it.
The biggest lie Satan has convinced people of is that he does not exist.
Appeal to Strawman. The basic argument is the nature of ANY society is incompatible with the concept of individualism. By definition, a society is formed by conventions - such as religion, language and customs.
American society is and has always been based on the Christian convention.
Fortunately, America is not nor ever was a secular democracy. Our Christian nation established a secular government.
That America has some but not all religious influence is undeniable. The Law Giver, Moses, is depicted on the Supreme Court door and the Office of the Chaplain was established by...
I never said it does. I said the proper interpretation of John 1 is through Deut 18:15-18. (Jesus himself said he was a prophet in other verses). Click here.
Nonsense! Jesus has a God. Jesus God is the only God. See John 20:17 and Revelations 3.
The Bible says in Genesis 1:1 that God is the Creator. 1 Cor 8:6 says it explicitly, 'For us, there is one God, the Father.'
I've learned that trinitarians eject logic and just make up one lie after another. Of course, they do not call it deception. They call it mysticism and dualism.
It goes like this. He is in the house. True and logically, this means he is not out of the house. Trinitarians so, on contraire! He is...
Except the Bible says nothing like this at all. Indeed, the Bible says that God raised the lifeless corpse of Jesus in Acts. The trinity is not in the Bible - not the word, not the concept.
This is a sad trinitarian myth. The Word of God is not Jesus. The proper interpretation of John 1 is through Deuteronomy 18:15-18. God will raise up a Servant among the people and put His words in the man's mouth.
And this invalidates the role of the devil/Satan in history?
In re-reading Genesis, what impressed me was how God chose to reveal himself. For instance, he did not lay out the 10C for centuries. Saint Paul write how Jesus is a mystery for the ages finally revealed.
Given these facts, it's...