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  1. R

    Why does God let bad things/suffering happen?

    Honestly the most beautiful answer ever, please listen to it: http://www2.alislam.org/askislam/mp3/MEI_19840817_05.mp3
  2. R

    Help Me Please

    Pray exactly what you desire in your own tongue as you are most comfortable. If you don't know any formal method of prayer yet that is okay, just raise both ahead of you and let your heart out. Ask Allah to teach you how to pray, tell him you feel like you are dead, ask him to grant you...
  3. R

    Why the Quran was ordered from shortest to longest Surahs?

    I am going to present an excerpt from a book that will finish of this misconception once and for all. Please read it before you ask this question again. The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets
  4. R

    Heaven and Hell in Islam

    Sorry came on this thread and realized I had missed this question.
  5. R

    Researching Islam

  6. R

    Researching Islam

    Well everyone has their own opinion on which to follow. Generally there is Sunni, Shia, and there millions of other fractions that don't conform to either. As a Muslim who believes in the Messiah, for me the True Islam is that which came to eradicate all sects. The best introduction to...
  7. R

    How do you reconcile the issue of Hell

    The fact that they say لعل "that I may" shows they aren't affirming that they will do truth. If they affirmed it, then "it is but a word he says" may refer to this statement. To me it is referring to the fact that there is no second chance to go back here, it is too late. So...
  8. R

    How do you reconcile the issue of Hell

    I still don't see what you are finding in this verse. To me Allah is not rejecting that they would do good things rather that they will not be sent back as their is a barrier till the day of judgement. Please clarify.
  9. R

    How do you reconcile the issue of Hell

    In verse 23:100 it says لعل expressing doubt ("that I may"). It shows they are deeply impressed by Gods Greatness and Majesty and have recognized their wrong doings, they themselves express uncertainty. But from where do you conclude that they will continue to do evil...
  10. R

    status of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed in Ahmadiyya?

    Non-Ahmadi Muslims say that Ahmad (as) did not fulfil the prophecies of Imam Mahdi which is why they reject him. The reality is the true Prophecies have been fulfilled but just weren't to their own flavour. Allah does not send a Prophet as per the liking of the People nor their interpretation of...
  11. R

    why you are proud to be a sunni or wahabi?

    Please open a separate thread. Put it in Islam Ahmadiyya DIR. Ask kindly and humbly you will get all the answers. But if you have already decided you are on the right path just by reading one side of the story then nobody can help you except Allah. Remove all ill intent, all preconceived...
  12. R

    why you are proud to be a sunni or wahabi?

    Your argument may convince someone who hasn't read the book themselves. Please read the book and then come back to discuss. Until then don't quote things you have not verified. The blatant lies in your prior post are disgusting. Take heed and verify this information from Ahmadi Muslims...
  13. R

    Surahs in Quran

    So much hate in this thread. I love all Muslims and hope that they can stop hating each other whether they belong to the sects that are Sunni, Shia, or Non-Sunni-Shia. "Love for All, Hatred for None"
  14. R

    why you are proud to be a sunni or wahabi?

    @Farouk Do you follow Quran and Hadith? Where has it been said that whoever accepts a Muslim Prophet after (saw) is not a Muslim? Please share if you actually follow Quran and Hadith. Here is how Holy Prophet (saw) HIMSELF defined Muslim: 'One who observes the same prayer as we do, faces the...
  15. R

    Surahs in Quran

    Here is a brief answer to your question. If more time permitted I could summarize from a very large article called "Purity of the Text of the Holy Quran"
  16. R

    why you are proud to be a sunni or wahabi?

    When someone says "I am not Sunni Shia but just a Muslim" it sounds like to me "Hello I have my own sect named after my own name". At the time of Holy Prophet (saw) there were even sects (as in divisions) they were hypocrites. In reality there is one Jamaat at the time of a Prophet (as) and...
  17. R

    First Muslim Missionary to the USA

    I thought this would be an interesting read. He essentially convinced the USA that Islam does not conflict with their laws against polygamy thus opening a gateway for Islam. Especially wanted to share as he was an Ahmadi Muslim.
  18. R

    Robot teaching kids how to pray :D

    The first thing in my mind is, "do we really need this?" But other than that interesting none the less. Jazakallah for sharing.
  19. R

    Abrogation in the Quran

    Sorry Ahmadi Muslims disagree here. We don't believe there is any errors, false claims, etc in the Quran. What ever contradictions other Muslims today find is due to their lack of understanding and their decay spiritual state. I don't remember saying that. Maybe some other statement of mine...
  20. R

    Abrogation in the Quran

    I am aware of Bahai beliefs. So the purpose of this thread is to debate using the Quran if is is abrogated. Surely Allah (swt) can do as he pleases (in ref post 17), but that is not a basis to argue that he has done so. Especially if we find it contrary to verses that clearly state religion has...