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Search results

  1. M

    These answers to the problem of evil are unsatisfactory to me

    On this so-called "problem of evil", we must humbly acknowledge that we don't have all the answers. As finite human beings, our understanding is limited compared to God's infinite wisdom. We should be cautious about claiming to fully comprehend God's reasons for allowing evil and suffering...
  2. M

    The Gospel - Is it only that Jesus died or is it that we celebrate The Resurrection?

    The Gospel - the Good News of Jesus Christ - encompasses both the profound mystery of his sacrificial death on the cross and the glorious triumph of his resurrection. These are not separate events, but two inseparable aspects of Christ's Mystery that together form the heart of our faith. In...
  3. M

    Why do many Christians claim the Spirit of God is a Holy ‘Ghost’?

    In older English translations of the Bible, such as the King James Version, the term “Holy Ghost” was used. This usage has its roots in the word “ghost,” which in Old English (“gast”) simply meant “spirit” or “soul.” Over time, the common usage of “ghost” shifted to primarily mean the specter of...
  4. M

    The Garden of Eden

    Your observation that "no man was born as he is now" underscores the transformative journey each person undergoes. From the innocence of infancy, where we are untouched by the full spectrum of emotions, we grow into beings capable of profound feelings and thoughts. This transformation reminds us...
  5. M

    Not even Christians believe the *edit* of creation

    The concept of Theistic Evolution has been accepted by most major Church institutions since at least the 1960s, except for a small group of very loud and aggressively stupid christians in the US. Everyone else agrees that you can't read the bible like you'd read a scientific text because the...
  6. M

    Did Jesus Christ Actually Exist?

    Just because there have been resurrection myths in other cultures before, doesn't mean that Jesus didn't exist. Lots of evidence that a historical person named Jesus actually existed and lots of evidence of people who were willing to die for the fact that he rose from the dead. So either it...
  7. M

    The debate is on

    I don't care about anyone's orientation but I do care about LGBT issues being shoved in my face at every opportunity, small children receiving hormone therapies to permanently change their genders, and trans men competing in women's competitions, to name a few things. It's absolute madness and...
  8. M

    The debate is on

    It's a shame that the dems went all in on gays and trans because that will be their downfall. I'm not a fan of Trump but I'd vote for him just to stop that crap from spreading even further
  9. M

    question for those who reject biological evolution

    The concept of Theistic Evolution has been accepted by most major Church institutions since at least the 1960s, except for a small group of very loud and aggressively stupid christians in the US. Everyone else agrees that you can't read the bible like you'd read a scientific text because the...
  10. M

    How can you justify the sheer complexity that evolution would have to evolve?

    There is the concept of Theistic Evolution, which has been accepted by most major Church institutions since at least the 1960s except those hardline conservative maniacs in the US
  11. M

    Why do young and old people hate eachother on internet comments sections ?

    There is also the fact that whenever people are anonymous and/or don't see the person they are talking to directly in person, their empathy centers tend to shut off
  12. M

    Why are people on the internet highly sexual but people out in public aren't ?

    This is so on point. When folks are on their keyboards(and probably also on drugs), it's easy to fall into a hedonistic fantasyland that doesn't match up with reality.
  13. M

    According to the Bible, ALL people will eventually be in Heaven

    If you are able to just repent after you die and then go to heaven, what's the point of having faith and doing good in the world? Wouldn't that mean that I can just go on a hedonistic binge, die, and still go to heaven? Sorry but even without going deep into specific doctrinal debates and...
  14. M

    Surely Christ Knows Everything

    Thank youso much for sharing your reflections on these scriptural themes. It is such a blessing to engage in thoughtful discussions about our faith and the mysteries of God's Word. Your exploration of Mark 13:32 beautifully highlights the humility and love embodied in Jesus' earthly ministry...
  15. M

    The first millennial saint

    This makes me so happy to read :) thanks for sharing
  16. M

    Favourite Church Father?

    My favorite is St. Augustine of Hippo. He stands out not only for his theological and philosophical brilliance but also for his personal journey from sin to sanctity. His life and works offer timeless insights into the nature of God, humanity, and the path to salvation
  17. M

    Searching for community

    Hi all, happy to have found this forum. In my neck of the woods, you don't find a lot of people to discuss faith with. I'm 40 years old, married for 5 years. My dad was a Southern Baptist minister who didn't live by christian values. I've always found myself drawn to Christianity, but have never...