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  1. Z

    God is not in the Big Bang

    Bight-ness: Your initial assumption, “You cannot create something form nothing”, contains the premiss that there’s “something” here. In reality, it’s fairly well established that, in total, there’s nothing here: no [net] electrical charge, no [total] momentum, and the total energy of the...
  2. Z

    Religion and science...enemies or friends ?!

    Well, Maro, I wish you well.
  3. Z

    Religion and science...enemies or friends ?!

    Anti-world (continuing): "There's so many questions I can't answer so I don't know why scientists are so quick to throw out the theory about God." Well, scientists "throw out" the speculation that any God exists not only because it's an untestable "hypothesis" (and summarizing zero data...
  4. Z

    Religion and science...enemies or friends ?!

    Anti-World: I'll try to respond, point by point -- and in two parts, to try to overcome the word restriction per post. "You talk a lot about probability, zoro, and this is discussed in-depth in the book "The G.O.D. Experiments" by Gary E. Schwartz PH.D. and it is something you should really...
  5. Z

    Religion and science...enemies or friends ?!

    Well, that's quite a bit to respond to. I'll quote you and then respond, step by step. "Are u telling me that just because science made some suggestions (which can't be proved) about the origin of the universe and the origin of life on earth , this is enough and satisfactory for u ?"...
  6. Z

    Religion and science...enemies or friends ?!

    Maro: You state and request "I think that science... can never answer our deep questions about the origin, purpose, and fate of life. It can never prevent us from following the survival-for-the-strongest rule... I would like to know, to what extent you agree or disagree with that." Although...
  7. Z

    Science or Scripture?

    I rather like what God HIMself allegedly said about the matter [as reported in Jeremiah 8, 8; Jeremiah 14, 14; & Jeremiah 23, 16 & 32 and to which I’ve added the notes in "square brackets", such as these]: "How can you say, 'We are wise, we have the law of the Lord' when scribes with...
  8. Z

    Where did God come from ?

    Well, I sure don't know why that happened! Seems to be an echo somewhere!
  9. Z

    Where did God come from ?

    Cordoba: The errors you make in your logical anaylysis (the fallacy of "argumentum ad ignorantium"), your apparent failure to appreciate the inadequacies of any argument by analogy and the impossibility of proving any "existence" via logic, your apparent unawareness of the scientific method...
  10. Z

    Where did God come from ?

    Cordoba: The errors you make in your logical anaylysis (the fallacy of "argumentum ad ignorantium"), your apparent failure to appreciate the inadequacies of any argument by analogy and the impossibility of proving any "existence" via logic, your apparent unawareness of the scientific method...
  11. Z

    Where did God come from ?

    Cordoba: Re. your statement that I quote below. "OK, lets take it step-by-step "The universe exists, and it is not eternal as it's only around 14 billion years old. "Right?" I agree that such is what the data suggest. "Can you (prove) where the universe comes from?" Well, as far as I know...
  12. Z

    Where did God come from ?

    Doppelganger: You state: "It's much simpler than that. The universe is an idea. It exists in my thoughts as part of the way I define my experience of my self in relation to other. It takes the form of a word. "What is God? Where does it exist and in what form?" I'd argue that most of us...
  13. Z

    Where did God come from ?

    Darkpenquin: Perhaps no one was tempted to "bite" on your "egg" because they got a hint that it was quite old -- a whiff of H2S perhaps?! For example, in his "Dictionary of World Mythology", Arthur Cotterell describes the Tahitian genesis myth as follows [to which I've added the note in...
  14. Z

    Where did God come from ?

    Codoba: Go easy, there! The bases of (Aristotelian) logic are just two scientific principles that have been tested so many times (by fish, monkeys, and most humans) that few people now question them, namely, that things exist (viz., A is identically A) and are distinct (i.e., A is not...
  15. Z

    Where did God come from ?

    Cordoba: What evidence supports your suppositions? What predictions are available from your hypotheses that can be tested? And please refrain from providing predictions that can be tested only by dead people, for as one of your countryman wrote more than 4500 years ago (in the Song of the...
  16. Z

    Where did God come from ?

    Well of course "the answer" isn't yet "known", but maybe we're getting closer. To respond more rapidly, then (if I'm allowed!) I'll just paste, here, what I posted earier today for a different thread. Relative to your question "what… action… caused…it [the Big Bang]?", the...
  17. Z

    Where did God come from ?

    doppelganger: On what do you base your statement "It is true that God was created at the same time and by the same person as our univese was created." What evidence supports the idea that some "person" created our universe -- especially given that "people" seem to be rather "late comers".
  18. Z

    Where did God come from ?

    Ozzie: If by "dualism" you include the idea of yin and yang (or positives and negatives), then I'd agree. Thus, it's suggested that "in the beginning" (when time, itself started!), the original "total nothingness" separated itself into positive and negative components (energy, momentum...
  19. Z

    Where did God come from ?

    Michel: In response to your (rhetorical?) question, "Where did God come from?", I expect that, eventually, everyone will agree that "God" came from people's thoughts. As for accepting the "possibility" of God, surely every (sane!) person does accept such a possibility -- just as every (sane!)...
  20. Z

    the bible and the big bang.

    astarath: Your statement and questions: " The big bang I feel happened but it was a reaction. What was the action that caused it and who performed the action" doesn't seem to adequately reflect what's known about nature's ability to "fluctuate". For example, all tunneling phenomena (such as...