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20 Signs that God exist, and Quraan is the word of God


Libertarian Egalitarian
Yes indeed, first muslim thinking and asking questions similar to an atheist, such as why not eating pork, and then the title is muslim.:D:facepalm:

Because God forbid people ask questions, because that could actually lead to... *gasp* thinking for one's self!:thud:(Btw, Deist, not Atheist) :D


Freedom Of Mind
Because God forbid people ask questions, because that could actually lead to... *gasp* thinking for one's self!:thud:(Btw, Deist, not Atheist) :D

It is OK to ask, but not stupid questions.

It is like an atheist saying in this thread "i believe god does exist".


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
It is like an atheist defending Islam and prophet Muhammad,how silly you make out of yourself.

Dude, I don't know if you were there, but despite what I've said thus far about the "scientific miracles", I have enough respect for Islam to defend it, and have done so on these forums in the past.

I don't have to follow a religion to defend it from false/unfair accusations or interpretations.


Freedom Of Mind
Dude, I don't know if you were there, but despite what I've said thus far about the "scientific miracles", I have enough respect for Islam to defend it, and have done so on these forums in the past.

I don't have to follow a religion to defend it from false/unfair accusations or interpretations.

Do you believe that Muhammad was prophet of God or a false one ?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Do you think it is a wise question to ask for explaining the connection between God and the explosion of the universe.

If the connection is not clear, yes it is wise.

Especially since "explosion" is not at all an accurate description of the "Big Bang" event.


Freedom Of Mind
If the connection is not clear, yes it is wise.

Especially since "explosion" is not at all an accurate description of the "Big Bang" event.

Of course it isn't an explosion,as the quran mention it as expansion of the space (sky) and also the quran mentioned that God was the originator.

So it is similar to ask for explaining why the moon made to appear at night and how that is connected to god.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Do you believe that Muhammad was prophet of God or a false one ?

That question is not very applicable to me, since I'm a polytheist. Then again, I don't believe the Gods need human messengers.

I believe Mohammad was a highly intelligent and highly charismatic man, who probably believed everything he was saying. I believe that either he was delusional, speaking metaphorically, or being tricked by some Elf or trickster God. I don't believe he was lying, and I've never seen any indication that he was a bad person.

I also believe that Islam as a religion is worth existing and defending. I will defend its integrity and dignity from the anti-Islamic propaganda that's so common in the West, and engage in purchasing protest by not buying Modern Warfare games which too often demonize Islamic culture.

Or do you think I shouldn't call other gamers out when they use Islamophobic slurs as insults, or when someone calls my game camping "Jihad"?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Of course it isn't an explosion,as the quran mention it as expansion of the space (sky) and also the quran mentioned that God was the originator.

Which is still wrong. The universe itself is expanding, and the Earth is part of that. Space isn't expanding.

So it is similar to ask for explaining why the moon made to appear at night and how that is connected to god.
Which is still a good question when that connection isn't clear. (The moon appears in the day quite often, by the way).


Freedom Of Mind
That question is not very applicable to me, since I'm a polytheist. Then again, I don't believe the Gods need human messengers.

I believe Mohammad was a highly intelligent and highly charismatic man, who probably believed everything he was saying. I believe that either he was delusional, speaking metaphorically, or being tricked by some Elf or trickster God. I don't believe he was lying, and I've never seen any indication that he was a bad person.

I also believe that Islam as a religion is worth existing and defending. I will defend its integrity and dignity from the anti-Islamic propaganda that's so common in the West, and engage in purchasing protest by not buying Modern Warfare games which too often demonize Islamic culture.

Or do you think I shouldn't call other gamers out when they use Islamophobic slurs as insults, or when someone calls my game camping "Jihad"?

Thats it, you are a polytheist and hence you don't believe about human messengers, but if you defend Islam as religion then that doesn't mean that you believe Mohammad as prophet,but in a case that you are a muslim and then asking what is the connection between God and the universe,then this is what i call a silly question.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Thats it, you are a polytheist and hence you don't believe about human messengers, but if you defend Islam as religion then that doesn't mean that you believe Mohammad as prophet,

...what? :confused:

but in a case that you are a muslim and then asking what is the connection between God and the universe,then this is what i call a silly question.

That's not for anyone to judge. Different people are confused by different things, and the way its presented may make sense for you, and confuse someone else. The US system of schooling really works for some people at clearly conveying information, while simultaneously being terribly confusing for others.

That's why there's no such thing as a stupid question.


Freedom Of Mind
Which is still wrong. The universe itself is expanding, and the Earth is part of that. Space isn't expanding.

No,it isn't wrong

The Universe is expanding. Distant galaxies are moving away from us in all directions. It’s natural to wonder, is everything expanding? Is the Milky Way expanding? What about the Solar System, or even objects here on Earth. Are atoms expanding?

Nope. The only thing expanding is space itself. Imagine the Universe as loaf of raisin bread rising in the oven. As the bread bakes, it’s stretching in all directions – that’s space. But the raisins aren’t growing, they’re just getting carried away from each other as there’s more bread expanding between them.
[FONT=arial,helvetica][FONT=arial,helvetica]"...We have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it.... " (51:47). [/FONT][/FONT]

Which is still a good question when that connection isn't clear. (The moon appears in the day quite often, by the way).

So explain it, why the sun made to rise in the morning and the moon at night and how that is connected to Gods


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
No,it isn't wrong

[FONT=arial,helvetica][FONT=arial,helvetica]"...We have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it.... " (51:47). [/FONT][/FONT]
Okay, I sort of stand corrected. I say sort of, because the expansion of the universe doesn't apply to objects in it because their gravity is strong enough to hold them together. But the expansion is hardly steady; it's accelerating, and could eventually overtake gravity's power, causing those objects to expand.

Of course, whether "Heaven" here is referring to "Space" as we understand it today or the "Sky" as they would have understood it back then (under the Ptolemic Geocentric model) is up to individual interpretation; far as I'm concerned, it's the latter.

Besides, the Yusuf Ali translation reads:

47. With power and skill
Did We construct
The Firmament:
For it is We Who create
The vastness of Space.

Nothing about expansion there.

So explain it, why the sun made to rise in the morning and the moon at night and how that is connected to Gods
Its not.

Sun and Moon, both Giants, were there long before the Gods. Sun doesn't rise at all; She only appears to because Earth (also a Giant) rotates. Moon, who is the Firstborn of Earth by the now-dead Giant sometimes named Theia or Orpheus, shines at night because She reflects Sun's light, but can also be visible during the day.


Freedom Of Mind
Okay, I sort of stand corrected. I say sort of, because the expansion of the universe doesn't apply to objects in it because their gravity is strong enough to hold them together. But the expansion is hardly steady; it's accelerating, and could eventually overtake gravity's power, causing those objects to expand.

Of course, whether "Heaven" here is referring to "Space" as we understand it today or the "Sky" as they would have understood it back then (under the Ptolemic Geocentric model) is up to individual interpretation; far as I'm concerned, it's the latter.

Besides, the Yusuf Ali translation reads:

47. With power and skill
Did We construct
The Firmament:
For it is We Who create
The vastness of Space.

Nothing about expansion there.

I know Arabic and hence i can judge which translation is correct, (we are expanding it) in Arabic is

The verse in Arabic

Google translation


Its not.

Sun and Moon, both Giants, were there long before the Gods. Sun doesn't rise at all; She only appears to because Earth (also a Giant) rotates. Moon, who is the Firstborn of Earth by the now-dead Giant sometimes named Theia or Orpheus, shines at night because She reflects Sun's light, but can also be visible during the day.

That doesn't explain how they came to existence and the connection of Gods to their existence besides that you don't have any evidence to support your view.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I know Arabic and hence i can judge which translation is correct, (we are expanding it) in Arabic is

The verse in Arabic

Google translation


Google Translate sucks, and Yusuf Ali knew Arabic, too. Nevertheless, here's three other translations:

47 We have built the heaven with might, and We it is Who make the vast extent (thereof). (Pickthall)

And the heaven--we have built it with might, and, verily, we do surely give it ample space! (Palmer)

And the Heaven--with our hands have we built it up, and given it its expanse; (Rodwell)

It appears that the verse is saying that God gave Heaven a highly expansive space in the past (and just from the ground, the Sky looks quite expansive), but no longer does. (Even here in Google Translate, the word is rendered in the past-tense).

That doesn't explain how they came to existence and the connection of Gods to their existence

There is no connection of the Gods to the existence of Giants. Giants, the Primal Powers that are the Stars, Planets, Moons, Forces, etc., were here first; the Gods came after.

How they came into existence from Chaos is still Mystery. That is, it's not explained because we don't know.

besides that you don't have any evidence to support your view.

Actually, what I said was nothing more than a poetic way of explaining the current scientific consensus.

The Earth rotates, giving the illusion of the static Sun rising and falling every day. The Moon at night does reflect the light of the Sun, as evidenced by Lunar Eclipses and Phases. The Moon was formed after another body roughly the size of Mars collided with the proto-Earth, destroying the colliding body, and sending pieces of the mantel into orbit, eventually forming the Moon; evidenced by comparing the chemical makeup of the Moon with that of the Earth and other bodies.


Admiral Obvious
Do you think it is a wise question to ask for explaining the connection between God and the explosion of the universe.

One is beginning to think that you do not know the answer and have labeled the question "stupid" simply because you do not know the answer...


Well-Known Member
Doesn't really negate my point.

Technically, neither did anything else. All Things are ultimately Stardust.

But iron can still form on Earth.

...and that also doesn't address my point at all.

Likely Mohammad was simply drawing upon that commonly used motif.

IOW, basically, yes. No scientific miracle here.

Why'd Allah allow that to happen? Why not reveal in a language that's actually more easily translated to other languages? Heck, knowing that English would become so commonplace during the time when the world can rapidly communicate over long distances, why not reveal it in, say, Latin, which translates easily to English and hundreds of other languages, and still widely spoken at the time?

Point is, that verse has nothing to do with how Earthquakes happen.

Yes, "lest it should shift with them"; in other words, "so it[Earth] doesn't shift with them[Mountains]." In English, that sentence is literally saying that the mountains are there so the Earth won't move.

Because it is. I've still not seen any of these "signs", and all the ones people point at are, in fact, not.

Which later verses say will ONLY happen on Judgment Day. But stars die all the time. So, it's wrong.

Yuppers. No scientific miracle here.

Oftentimes, metaphorical images also use abstract images of things that don't exist in the real world.

It's an artistic image, not a description of anything.

There's no reason it should be enough. After all, if it were enough, it wouldn't be special because technically, everything would be made of clay.

Not that I'm aware of.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencet...ting-chest-Study-reveals-ants-talk-other.htmlCool. Still nothing about ant communication in that verse.

Personally, I don't even see the need for "scientific miracles". I'm able to confidently believe in the Gods, the Otherworld, Elves, and others without any such thing.

Well the only thing I can do to address your points is search them scientifically and posting them in a scientific sense, but still you would say that this is not the context and maybe this and maybe that. That is why I wanted to direct you to videos in the first place.

Anyways I hope you go to youtube and watch some videos. The point will be more clear. I believe that the more I respond to you the more you will feel that I am forcing a miracle where there is no miracle, and this is false.

So I really hope you seatch the subject.


Well-Known Member
You might like to explain in detail what connection has God with the explosion of the universe? And what are the harms of eating pork? Please clarify. Pork meat contains excessive fat? So does domestic cows. The bacteria lodged in their bodies? So does chickens. The thing is you have to cook them well. Details will help you to achieve your target better :).

Thanks for your advice.

Here is a quick search Why I Do Not Recommend Eating Pork


Freedom Of Mind
Google Translate sucks, and Yusuf Ali knew Arabic, too. Nevertheless, here's three other translations:

47 We have built the heaven with might, and We it is Who make the vast extent (thereof). (Pickthall)

And the heaven--we have built it with might, and, verily, we do surely give it ample space! (Palmer)

And the Heaven--with our hands have we built it up, and given it its expanse; (Rodwell)

It appears that the verse is saying that God gave Heaven a highly expansive space in the past (and just from the ground, the Sky looks quite expansive), but no longer does. (Even here in Google Translate, the word is rendered in the past-tense).

The word isn't about the past, you don't know the Arabic grammars and i can't debate you in a subject which you are totally ignorant about

There is no connection of the Gods to the existence of Giants. Giants, the Primal Powers that are the Stars, Planets, Moons, Forces, etc., were here first; the Gods came after.

How do you know which came first ?

How they came into existence from Chaos is still Mystery. That is, it's not explained because we don't know.

Thats why i said it was a silly question

Actually, what I said was nothing more than a poetic way of explaining the current scientific consensus.

The Earth rotates, giving the illusion of the static Sun rising and falling every day. The Moon at night does reflect the light of the Sun, as evidenced by Lunar Eclipses and Phases. The Moon was formed after another body roughly the size of Mars collided with the proto-Earth, destroying the colliding body, and sending pieces of the mantel into orbit, eventually forming the Moon; evidenced by comparing the chemical makeup of the Moon with that of the Earth and other bodies.

So was it planned and designed or it happened to be so by chance