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240 days left until the world comes to an end


Well-Known Member
No, not changing facts...
Finding more and more instances of false prophesy.

Please remember Campings own words, especially in the coming days...

"Predicted dates passed by and the world continues to exist...Thus the prophets who made the predictions have been shown to be without authority and without wisdom". (1994?, Pg. 311).
We are NOT talking about false prophesy. We are talking about predictions of the end of the world.
You are changing the goal post now.

You initially posted a picture in which Camping was standing, and the caption said May 21 2011 "third time is a charm"
I said "third time?"
You then posted crap. Now you are saying that isn't what we are discussing and are saying we are talking about prophesy, which of course widens the discussion to something different.
Focus on the picture with the caption for now, and then we can move on. There is egg on your face right now, and you don't see it.


Well-Known Member

You want facts?

Third time? I think this post has its date setter confused. At least get the facts straight.
Les you forget my initial rebuttal...
I am still waiting on the three dates please. This should get us back on track, or you can go ahead and retract this photo you posted as false.


Resident Liberal Hippie
We are NOT talking about false prophesy. We are talking about predictions of the end of the world.
You are changing the goal post now.

You initially posted a picture in which Camping was standing, and the caption said May 21 2011 "third time is a charm"
I said "third time?"
You then posted crap. Now you are saying that isn't what we are discussing and are saying we are talking about prophesy, which of course widens the discussion to something different.
Focus on the picture with the caption for now, and then we can move on. There is egg on your face right now, and you don't see it.

  1. 1978- As reported by former members of the Almeda Church. (Hearsay)
  2. 1994- As predicted in Campings books '1994?' and 'Are You Ready?', followed by a warning that Christmas 1994 "may be the date".
  3. May 21st, 2011-Third times the charm...

I will admit only that their may be more than three instances of false prophesy, and for that mistake I am sincerely apologetic.


Well-Known Member
  1. 1978- As reported by former members of the Almeda Church. (Hearsay)
  2. 1994- As predicted in Campings books '1994?' and 'Are You Ready?', followed by a warning that Christmas 1994 "may be the date".
  3. May 21st, 2011-Third times the charm...

I will admit only that their may be more than three instances of false prophesy, and for that mistake I am sincerely apologetic.

No need for a facepalm. What you need to admit to you partly have. Thank you.
1978 never happened, and there is no source so why bother posting it?
1994 is freely available to the public it is titled with a question mark on the cover, and in the book says it might be 2011. Not a huge surprise.
2011, there is no question mark about it.

However, the way you make or at least are trying to make it sound. is that dates are just being slung around arbitrarily and that isn't the case if someone actually bothered to check out their dirt before posting.

Not your best effort, but thanks for manning up. I'll move on to something else now.


Well-Known Member
Your welcome...
You can keep playing games, but the fact is, YOUR facts, did not fit the picture and caption you posted of camping. You can admit it or not, viewers are free to see for themselves, and you know yourself, you were wrong to claim that picture/caption was correct.

What you are trying to do now, is weasel out by saying you were generally referring to prophesy, when you know good and well that picture was talking about a specific prophesy, the end of the world. So again, your facts did not and still do not match what that picture claims... :facepalm:


Resident Liberal Hippie
  1. 1978- As reported by former members of the Almeda Church. (Hearsay)
  2. 1994- As predicted in Campings books '1994?' and 'Are You Ready?', followed by a warning that Christmas 1994 "may be the date".
  3. May 21st, 2011-Third times the charm...

(BTW, in his book 'Are You Ready?", Camping claims Christ "must return in 1994."...oops)


You can keep playing games, but the fact is, YOUR facts, did not fit the picture and caption you posted of camping. You can admit it or not, viewers are free to see for themselves, and you know yourself, you were wrong to claim that picture/caption was correct.

What you are trying to do now, is weasel out by saying you were generally referring to prophesy, when you know good and well that picture was talking about a specific prophesy, the end of the world. So again, your facts did not and still do not match what that picture claims... :facepalm:

Just a minute, Mike.

TW's original post was well sourced and fairly read for a post on an internet forum, even if there was one minor error. He's not abusing the sources, but plainly quoted them to prove a very small point - just counting the prophesies that are published.

It's not like there was some odd and difficult to prove number - like more than a hundred - there's only three. That's hard to dispute, especially if it comes directly from the horse's mouth.


Well-Known Member
Just a minute, Mike.

TW's original post was well sourced and fairly read for a post on an internet forum, even if there was one minor error. He's not abusing the sources, but plainly quoted them to prove a very small point - just counting the prophesies that are published.

It's not like there was some odd and difficult to prove number - like more than a hundred - there's only three. That's hard to dispute, especially if it comes directly from the horse's mouth.
BS, his post was only partially related to the picture with Camping.
He posted a picture specifically about the end of the world prophesy, and then proceeded to post facts in another thread after being called out, to which didn't really address the picture of Camping. In fact the one fact that did address the photo was hearsay.
How am I out of line here?


Well-Known Member
Had he posted a photo of Camping that said he makes false predictions about a bunch of stuff than fine, post away all your material. I have no problem with that.

What he did though was posted a specific picture that misrepresented facts about Camping's end of the world dates. I called him on it, and instead of staying specific he posted facts that had nothing to do with the end of the world. What am I missing here AE?


Resident Liberal Hippie
From 'Are You Ready', by Harold Camping.

Page 315

"But having said this, we must realize that a number of paths of this nature can be found which also go to years other than A.D. 1988 and A.D. 1994. For example, if we had some reason to believe that Christ's return would not be in the Jubilee year A.D. 1994, but instead in the following Jubilee year which would be A.D. 2044, a number of paths would be found from these forty-nine calendar milestones to the year A.D. 2044. The year A.D. 2044 is being offered as an example because the evidence of the Bible points so strongly to the return of Christ in a jubilee year.".

Page 315

"It (2044) is also being mentioned because more paths from these forty-nine calendar milestones would go to it than to any other year other than the years A.D. 1988 and A.D. 1994."

"Must we, therefore, consider the year A.D. 2044 as an alternative possibility for the end of the world and the return of Christ? The answer must be a resounding NO!"

"Only the years A.D. 1988 and A.D. 1994 are in the same league with the numerous paths that go to the year A.D. 33, the year when Christ was crucified."

Page 316

"The second reason the year A.D. 2044 as well as any other year other than A.D. 1994 must be rejected as having any possibility of being the year of Christ's return is the fact that none of these will harmonize with the numerous Biblical time paths that were identified in the book 1994?.".


The fact of the matter is that end-of-the-world prophesies are notoriously inaccurate and the prophet and his followers end up either moving the date or justifying/re-interpreting the prophesies after the fact.

Obviously no prophesy concerning the end of the world has ever been realized, and there is no shortage of them. Because of this, end-of-the-world prophesies are irrelevant, unoriginal, and quite boring. This makes these kinds of "prophets" easy targets for ridicule: every single one of their peers have been complete failures.


Well-Known Member
Whatever guys, I am just pointing out that TW posted a photo that was wrong. He won't admit it, and instead is posting crap about other prophesies.


Resident Liberal Hippie
From '1994?', by Harold Camping.

Page 495

"We must conclude that the return of Christ will not be 2011 A.D. but some years before this. How much earlier than 2011 A.D. Jesus will come depends entirely on how much God shortens the final tribulation period.

page 505

"The twenty-three year tribulation period, however, was reduced in length by seventeen years to bring it down to a period of twenty-three hundred days. This is so because by the 2300th day the last of the elect will have become saved."

"Because God's timetable for the existence of the earth is tied to the time required to save all of the elect, the world will be brought to an end seventeen years earlier than 2011 A.D. This avoids the possibility of the earth continuing beyond the time required to save the elect. For the sake of the elect the perfect 7000 years will be reduced by seventeen because there will be no one left to become saved during those seventeen years. "


Whatever guys, I am just pointing out that TW posted a photo that was wrong. He won't admit it, and instead is posting crap about other prophesies.

OK, man. :D

Perhaps a better tactic would be to just say that whatever Camping wrote or said in the past is irrelevant, and despite these previous sayings, you believe that he is correct this time.

As a matter of curiousity, have you ever read the books that TW is quoting from?


Well-Known Member
From 'Are You Ready', by Harold Camping.

Page 315

"But having said this, we must realize that a number of paths of this nature can be found which also go to years other than A.D. 1988 and A.D. 1994. For example, if we had some reason to believe that Christ's return would not be in the Jubilee year A.D. 1994, but instead in the following Jubilee year which would be A.D. 2044, a number of paths would be found from these forty-nine calendar milestones to the year A.D. 2044. The year A.D. 2044 is being offered as an example because the evidence of the Bible points so strongly to the return of Christ in a jubilee year.".

Page 315

"It (2044) is also being mentioned because more paths from these forty-nine calendar milestones would go to it than to any other year other than the years A.D. 1988 and A.D. 1994."

"Must we, therefore, consider the year A.D. 2044 as an alternative possibility for the end of the world and the return of Christ? The answer must be a resounding NO!"

"Only the years A.D. 1988 and A.D. 1994 are in the same league with the numerous paths that go to the year A.D. 33, the year when Christ was crucified."

Page 316

"The second reason the year A.D. 2044 as well as any other year other than A.D. 1994 must be rejected as having any possibility of being the year of Christ's return is the fact that none of these will harmonize with the numerous Biblical time paths that were identified in the book 1994?.".
Let's focus TW. It seem impossible for you to do right now, but please try.

If you want to talk about failed prophesies that aren't specific to the photo you posted than just say so. However burying your initial photo post with all this other information, you and I both know doesn't make that photo any truer. In fact, it shows you can't man up to your mistakes.