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240 days left until the world comes to an end



Do you retract this AE, I hope you see he was wrong, and did not give a source for this 1978. So currently you both are in error.

Mike, I think that the 1978 date is a typo and should be 1988, which is sourced.


Well-Known Member
CAN I ask a questian here?

before the end of this world, isnt jesus suppose to reign on thiis earth for 1000 years without satan's intervention?

i dont think thats happened yet, right?

if may 21, 20112 supposed to be the end of the 7 year pre-millinial reign tribulation periood, thus ushering in the reign, i'm looking forward to it. arent you?

what a great thousand years that will be. i hope to be part of it.


Well-Known Member
Mike, I think that the 1978 date is a typo and should be 1988, which is sourced.
Camping NEVER taught 1988 was an end of the world prediction. So again, it remains true Camping once hinted 1994 might happen, and now declares it is 2011. So he HAS been misrepresented on this thread by TW. My only point thank you.


Well-Known Member
CAN I ask a questian here?

before the end of this world, isnt jesus suppose to reign on thiis earth for 1000 years without satan's intervention?

i dont think thats happened yet, right?

if may 21, 20112 supposed to be the end of the 7 year pre-millinial reign tribulation periood, thus ushering in the reign, i'm looking forward to it. arent you?

what a great thousand years that will be. i hope to be part of it.
That is a different type of theology. I simply don't accept it, yet there are many that believe in that type of teaching. Simple as that. To each there own.


Well-Known Member
well, just WHAT source or WHAT type of theology is this may 21 thing based on?
A different one than those that believe Jesus will reign for 1000 years.
I claim my belief is strictly from the bible, but so does everyone else. That won't mean much to you, but that is my answer.


Well-Known Member
A different one than those that believe Jesus will reign for 1000 years.
I claim my belief is strictly from the bible, but so does everyone else. That won't mean much to you, but that is my answer.

what part of the bible?

it appears that camping is basing his predictions on the biblical 7 year tribulation (several times without it actually happening) but disregards the rest of the prophesy.

please explain YOUR view on this (including substanciating scriptures) if it is biblicaly based.


Well-Known Member
what part of the bible?

it appears that camping is basing his predictions on the biblical 7 year tribulation (several times without it actually happening) but disregards the rest of the prophesy.

please explain YOUR view on this (including substanciating scriptures) if it is biblicaly based.
You will have to be more specific about your request. Maybe a one on one (discussion, not debate) would be helpful.

However, it basically sums up like this. The bible is chock full of dates, ages, and eras, that at first and even second glance seem very arbitrary. To me they are far from it. This information is used to determine when things have taken place, and when they will take place.

To determine the May 21 date, information from Daniel is used, in conjunction with Revelation. In Daniel we learn that the information concerning the end of time was sealed. Yet, at the end on Revelation we learn God would not speak to anyone ever again, yet there was also to be an opening of the sealed book.
The only way to make that work, is to realize the sealed book was already contained in the bible, yet had to reach its date before it could be understood, and that time is now.

Camping believes that the Great Tribulation started in May of 1988 and from May of 1988 no one was being saved "there was silence in heaven" Rev 8 vs 1
[1] And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.
This half hour was typifying from May of 1988 to 1994. Then in 1994, the second half of the Great Tribulation began, in which people were becoming saved again. Which will end, May 21st 2011.

That is some of the ideas behind it, but there is so much detail left out here, that unless one was to examine it for himself, they simply wouldn't understand how it all works. So I understand how it looks, which is why I spent the better part of the last two years studying this stuff, to debunk it, and found I couldn't dubunk it.
So, hope that sufficed for now.


Well-Known Member
You will have to be more specific about your request. Maybe a one on one (discussion, not debate) would be helpful.

However, it basically sums up like this. The bible is chock full of dates, ages, and eras, that at first and even second glance seem very arbitrary. To me they are far from it. This information is used to determine when things have taken place, and when they will take place.

To determine the May 21 date, information from Daniel is used, in conjunction with Revelation. In Daniel we learn that the information concerning the end of time was sealed. Yet, at the end on Revelation we learn God would not speak to anyone ever again, yet there was also to be an opening of the sealed book.
The only way to make that work, is to realize the sealed book was already contained in the bible, yet had to reach its date before it could be understood, and that time is now.

Camping believes that the Great Tribulation started in May of 1988 and from May of 1988 no one was being saved "there was silence in heaven" Rev 8 vs 1
This half hour was typifying from May of 1988 to 1994. Then in 1994, the second half of the Great Tribulation began, in which people were becoming saved again. Which will end, May 21st 2011.

That is some of the ideas behind it, but there is so much detail left out here, that unless one was to examine it for himself, they simply wouldn't understand how it all works. So I understand how it looks, which is why I spent the better part of the last two years studying this stuff, to debunk it, and found I couldn't dubunk it.
So, hope that sufficed for now.

you got me bumfuggled. the great tribulation is 7 years,

this half hour?

the book with the seven seals starting in revelation
5:1=14 In the right of him that sat on the throne was a BOOK SEALED WITH SEVEN SEALS and in the midst of the throne and all else was a lamb with seven horns and seven eyes = seven spirits of God that was the only one worthy to open the book. Millions of angels round about spoke.
ending with
11:15 7th angel sounded and a voice from heaven said that the KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD ARE BECOME THE KINGDOMS OF THE LORD AND HIS CHRIST SHALL REIGN FOR EVER.
is this the end of the world you speak of?


Well-Known Member
you got me bumfuggled. the great tribulation is 7 years,

this half hour?

the book with the seven seals starting in revelation
5:1=14 In the right of him that sat on the throne was a BOOK SEALED WITH SEVEN SEALS and in the midst of the throne and all else was a lamb with seven horns and seven eyes = seven spirits of God that was the only one worthy to open the book. Millions of angels round about spoke.
ending with
11:15 7th angel sounded and a voice from heaven said that the KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD ARE BECOME THE KINGDOMS OF THE LORD AND HIS CHRIST SHALL REIGN FOR EVER.
is this the end of the world you speak of?
Can we go one on one, so we can discuss it without interruption? If not, that is cool too, I just think it will get sidetracked on here.
Why don't you start a thread and ask some specific questions, or just copy and paste this post.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Camping NEVER taught 1988 was an end of the world prediction.


Read again...

In the original 1983 version of the "Fig Tree" Camping predicted that Israel would be destroyed in 1988.

In 1988 Camping published the book "The Final Tribulation" where he stated that none will be saved once the Tribulation has started which according to him was May 21, 1988 (p.137-8 and 158)

I never said he predicted 1988 as "the end of the world".

So again, it remains true Camping once hinted 1994 might happen, and now declares it is 2011. So he HAS been misrepresented on this thread by TW. My only point thank you.

"The results of this study indicate that the month of September of the year 1994 is to be the end of history." (1994?, pp. 532-533)

Lest we forget...

"Predicted dates passed by and the world continues to exist...Thus the prophets who made the predictions have been shown to be without authority and without wisdom". (1994?, Pg. 311).


Well-Known Member

Read again...

In the original 1983 version of the "Fig Tree" Camping predicted that Israel would be destroyed in 1988.

In 1988 Camping published the book "The Final Tribulation" where he stated that none will be saved once the Tribulation has started which according to him was May 21, 1988 (p.137-8 and 158)

I never said he predicted 1988 as "the end of the world".

"The results of this study indicate that the month of September of the year 1994 is to be the end of history." (1994?, pp. 532-533)

Lest we forget...

"Predicted dates passed by and the world continues to exist...Thus the prophets who made the predictions have been shown to be without authority and without wisdom". (1994?, Pg. 311).
Great diversion TW.

You said he predicted 1978, 1994 and 2011. Was 1978 a typo? I think you are out of you element here, and need to slow down. For the first time, you are making a mistake. Out of respect for you, just slow down a bit...

Let's focus on those three claims first without the cloud of all the other material. Are you still stating he claimed those three things?


Resident Liberal Hippie
Do you retract this AE, I hope you see he was wrong, and did not give a source for this 1978. So currently you both are in error.

No, I did not give a source for the 1978 date.
I will admit that that date is based on the hearsay of former members of the Alemeda Church. (Which is why there was no source cited.)

I did however find this little tidbit about April 1996....



Well-Known Member
No, I did not give a source for the 1978 date.
I will admit that that date is based on the hearsay of former members of the Alemeda Church. (Which is why there was no source cited.)

I did however find this little tidbit about April 1996....

Can you tell me what it says? At work I can't use volume cause it would bother co workers, I can watch it later though.


Well-Known Member
So which is TW, Third is a charm, 4th 5th, which one? You are changing your facts around.

For the record, Camping has only ever FIRMLY said the world would end in 2011. His book 1994 even mentioned 2011 as a possible date. Which is why he put a question mark at the end of the title 1994.

Why all the smearing and diversion? What you are doing are taking bits and pieces of Camping's work and smearing him. I really thought better of you.
I am all for learning something new about him, about the subject, etc... I have no problem changing my mind upon further truth, but it is clear your aim here isn't truth but dirt. Why are you doing this?
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Again for the record, Tumbleweed, made some assertions, to which he admitted at least on one assertion it was based on hearsay. Instead of talking directly with me about the subject you have chosen to post more information to cloud the fact you already misrepresented other facts.
You use to have plenty of credibility with me, and still do to some degree, but what you are doing here is immature. It shows a lack of focus, maybe clouded by your disgust of the topic, and it shows your desire to bring someone down so badly, you made some bad judgments and spoke things that aren't true.
No, I did not give a source for the 1978 date.
I will admit that that date is based on the hearsay of former members of the Alemeda Church. (Which is why there was no source cited.)


Resident Liberal Hippie
So which is TW, Third is a charm, 4th 5th, which one? You are changing your facts around.
No, not changing facts...
Finding more and more instances of false prophesy.

Please remember Campings own words, especially in the coming days...

"Predicted dates passed by and the world continues to exist...Thus the prophets who made the predictions have been shown to be without authority and without wisdom". (1994?, Pg. 311).