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40% of Americans belive the world was created 6000-years ago


Veteran Member
How do we know how old the layers are?

Tumbleweed41 explained it clearly, at least better than i could since this is my 2nd language. you are basicly asking the same question. would you explain what you think for a change? what's your answer to these questions you ask?



Well-Known Member
Sorry, you obviously have no understanding of geological formations, or the necessary elements for fossilization.
Again, do you have any geological or anthropological evidence of a Great Worldwide Flood. Do you have ANY evidence AT ALL of a Worldwide Flood occurring in the last 10,000 yrs?

Chalk and limestone are a form of fossilized calcite plates.
Slate is mainly composed of quartz and muscovite or illite, often along with biotite, chlorite, hematite, and pyrite and, less frequently, apatite, graphite, kaolin, magnetite, tourmaline, or zircon as well as feldspar.
Most sandstone is composed of quartz and/or feldspar.
But silica sand is what is usually used in concrete, not sandstone.
As all of the above, are formed from either prolonged weatherization and/or depositing,, or intense pressure, millions of years are usually involved.

Sorry, you are obviously only able to regurgitate what your uniformitarian evolutionist professors taught you. You need to think outside the box on your own. Seems a FLOOD of several hundrend feet would cause intense pressure...


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Sorry, you are obviously only able to regurgitate what your uniformitarian evolutionist professors taught you. You need to think outside the box on your own. Seems a FLOOD of several hundrend feet would cause intense pressure...
When you increase pore water pressure (e.g. by immersing the soil in a worldwide flood), then effective stress, i.e. the thing that pushes the soil particles together, decreases:


Immersing sediments in water would work against them consolidating into sedimentary rock; it wouldn't help the process. This phenomenon is the same reason why slopes fail in heavy rain and why quicksand works the way it does.

Edit: if you can get your hands on a spare aquarium, I can outline a simple procedure for you to test this for yourself.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Sorry, you are obviously only able to regurgitate what your uniformitarian evolutionist professors taught you. You need to think outside the box on your own. Seems a FLOOD of several hundrend feet would cause intense pressure...

Lets test your little speculative suggestion.
The Mariana Trench is under nearly 7 miles of water. Or about 36,000 feet. The pressure at that depth would be about 16000 PSI. Wow! Lots of hydrostatic pressure there!!!Funny thing, No slate has ever been shown to form under simple hydrostatic pressure.Maybe you should climb back into your box and research a little more before regurgitating AiG pseudoscience.


Well-Known Member
When you increase pore water pressure (e.g. by immersing the soil in a worldwide flood), then effective stress, i.e. the thing that pushes the soil particles together, decreases:

Effective stress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Immersing sediments in water would work against them consolidating into sedimentary rock; it wouldn't help the process. This phenomenon is the same reason why slopes fail in heavy rain and why quicksand works the way it does.

Edit: if you can get your hands on a spare aquarium, I can outline a simple procedure for you to test this for yourself.

Which in turn could cause continents to slide and the crust to buckle and form mountains...


Well-Known Member
No, tectonic plates move by other mechanisms.

Edit: did you really think that your comment logically followed from what I posted?

Yes, because buckling plates would generate heat and swiftly dry out hydrated sedimentation. You see, anti-GOD speculators have already established their hypotheses and have tried to "cover all" the angles.


Veteran Member
Some of this is logical; however, GOD is the missing piece of data, I will not ignore and which many do.

why? why is God missing piece? i do believe in God and i do believe God created everything. none of this could prove there is no God. this is about age of Earth, nothing about how it came to life



Resident Liberal Hippie
Yes, because buckling plates would generate heat and swiftly dry out hydrated sedimentation. You see, anti-GOD speculators have already established their hypotheses and have tried to "cover all" the angles.

Ah yes. Geology and it's evil plot to rid the world of God.:facepalm:

Again, your pseudoscientific speculations have no basis in actual geology.
But nice try though:clap


Resident Liberal Hippie
Some of this is logical; however, GOD is the missing piece of data, I will not ignore and which many do.
Some of it is logical?
Some of it?
And you consider inserting the supernatural into natural occurrences as logical?
The only missing data is your lack of understanding, which you seem to be happy to ignore.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Yes, because buckling plates would generate heat and swiftly dry out hydrated sedimentation. You see, anti-GOD speculators have already established their hypotheses and have tried to "cover all" the angles.
I'm sorry - at this point I'm not really sure what you're arguing. Can we back up a few steps? It sounds like you're responding to an objection, but not the objection I just raised.

You claimed that the flood would enhance the formation of sedimentary rock; I responded by saying that water pressure would actually decrease the stress compressing the soil. How is anything about sediments being died out by the heat of buckling plates (which itself is something you're probably going to have to explain in a bit more detail) relevant to what I said?

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry - at this point I'm not really sure what you're arguing. Can we back up a few steps? It sounds like you're responding to an objection, but not the objection I just raised.

You claimed that the flood would enhance the formation of sedimentary rock; I responded by saying that water pressure would actually decrease the stress compressing the soil. How is anything about sediments being died out by the heat of buckling plates (which itself is something you're probably going to have to explain in a bit more detail) relevant to what I said?

Its the pottery argument:

the heat of the kiln (aka the realm fo satan, ie HELL)
Helps the sediment dry out and form special rock candy

Least I think thats what the bible says


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Its the pottery argument:

the heat of the kiln (aka the realm fo satan, ie HELL)
Helps the sediment dry out and form special rock candy

Least I think thats what the bible says
I'll have to take your word for it about the Bible saying this, but how is it a response to my objection? "Dry" is not the same thing as "compressed" or "consolidated".


Well-Known Member
why? why is God missing piece? i do believe in God and i do believe God created everything. none of this could prove there is no God. this is about age of Earth, nothing about how it came to life


Because those feeding you all this uniformitarian/evolutionary theories have no room for GOD in their equations. You say you believe in GOD. Do you believe HE created the universe? Do you believe CHRIST calmed the storms and walked on water? Are not both these things against scientific principles. Do spit and mud make the blind see?

If you do believe in GOD, YOU have to come to the conclusion that GOD made the entire universe for HIS honor and glory, and that it is not HIM, but an illustration of HIM and he is eternal. The universe appears eternal, but GODly people know that it is not.

This "GOD reality" tears at human scientific reasoning. It makes a joke of it. Those who think that science is the end all are vulgar in their presumptions. They will miss the mark as long as they continue in their misguided humanistic beliefs.


Well-Known Member
Do spit and mud make the blind see?
No they don't, which is why I find it surprising that the omnipotent son of god would have had recourse to such crass props. If he were just a run-of-the-mill itinerant faith healer, on the other hand, they're exactly the kind of gimcrack hocus-pocus I'd expect him to use.