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40% of Americans belive the world was created 6000-years ago


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Because those feeding you all this uniformitarian/evolutionary theories have no room for GOD in their equations. You say you believe in GOD. Do you believe HE created the universe? Do you believe CHRIST calmed the storms and walked on water? Are not both these things against scientific principles. Do spit and mud make the blind see?

If you do believe in GOD, YOU have to come to the conclusion that GOD made the entire universe for HIS honor and glory, and that it is not HIM, but an illustration of HIM and he is eternal. The universe appears eternal, but GODly people know that it is not.

This "GOD reality" tears at human scientific reasoning. It makes a joke of it. Those who think that science is the end all are vulgar in their presumptions. They will miss the mark as long as they continue in their misguided humanistic beliefs.

You know, as long as people like you continue to see the world in harsh dualities like this we'll be stuck in the exact paradigm of only right/wrong, up/down, male/female, good/evil.......and in your case, science that never is inspired by monotheistic belief systems as opposed to theologians who never investigates or analyzes empirical data to come to conclusions that don't quite fit their assumptions.

Of course, it's no wonder there's this supposed war happening in front of your eyes when you already paint people with such a large brush and into two distinct and opposing camps.

There are more than a few scientists and theologians who have found common ground. It follows that grey areas actually do exist. ;)


Well-Known Member
No they don't, which is why I find it surprising that the omnipotent son of god would have had recourse to such crass props. If he were just a run-of-the-mill itinerant faith healer, on the other hand, they're exactly the kind of gimcrack hocus-pocus I'd expect him to use.

The SON created everything. HE most certainly can manipulate whatever in whatever way HE wishes. And it would seem JESUS was demonstrating just that principle.


Veteran Member
Because those feeding you all this uniformitarian/evolutionary theories have no room for GOD in their equations. You say you believe in GOD. Do you believe HE created the universe? Do you believe CHRIST calmed the storms and walked on water? Are not both these things against scientific principles. Do spit and mud make the blind see?

If you do believe in GOD, YOU have to come to the conclusion that GOD made the entire universe for HIS honor and glory, and that it is not HIM, but an illustration of HIM and he is eternal. The universe appears eternal, but GODly people know that it is not.

This "GOD reality" tears at human scientific reasoning. It makes a joke of it. Those who think that science is the end all are vulgar in their presumptions. They will miss the mark as long as they continue in their misguided humanistic beliefs.

i personally don't care if limited scientific studies are not able to cover metaphysical stuff. metaphysics is for real. if it's laws were uncovered by man, they would be able to explain it scientificly, if not, they could not but still noone can make metaphysics vanish away. you know what, before a person physically gets ill, his energy field shows the sign of sickness. things first appear on metaphysical plane before physical. we are shadows of ourselves that live on the other side. so? who cares if scientists can not explain it with what they know. if their lack of faith prevent them from understanding supernatural, then it is their lost, not ours. the reason why i ask you why God appears to be the missing link to you is that i don't find relation between age of earth and God. planet being ageless is not an option. so what's the difference between Earth being 6000 years old or being million years old? it is still creation of God and scientists can not explain where the matter came from. it came out of nowhere by will of God. that's what i believe



Well-Known Member
You know, as long as people like you continue to see the world in harsh dualities like this we'll be stuck in the exact paradigm of only right/wrong, up/down, male/female, good/evil.......and in your case, science that never is inspired by monotheistic belief systems as opposed to theologians who never investigates or analyzes empirical data to come to conclusions that don't quite fit their assumptions.

Of course, it's no wonder there's this supposed war happening in front of your eyes when you already paint people with such a large brush and into two distinct and opposing camps.

There are more than a few scientists and theologians who have found common ground. It follows that grey areas actually do exist. ;)

GREY areas exist to the dull mind.


Well-Known Member
i personally don't care if limited scientific studies are not able to cover metaphysical stuff. metaphysics is for real. if it's laws were uncovered by man, they would be able to explain it scientificly, if not, they could not but still noone can make metaphysics vanish away. you know what, before a person physically gets ill, his energy field shows the sign of sickness. things first appear on metaphysical plane before physical. we are shadows of ourselves that live on the other side. so? who cares if scientists can not explain it with what they know. if their lack of faith prevent them from understanding supernatural, then it is their lost, not ours. the reason why i ask you why God appears to be the missing link to you is that i don't find relation between age of earth and God. planet being ageless is not an option. so what's the difference between Earth being 6000 years old or being million years old? it is still creation of God and scientists can not explain where the matter came from. it came out of nowhere by will of God. that's what i believe


GOD says HE created it in 6 days ----evening and morning.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Because those feeding you all this uniformitarian/evolutionary theories have no room for GOD in their equations. You say you believe in GOD. Do you believe HE created the universe? Do you believe CHRIST calmed the storms and walked on water? Are not both these things against scientific principles. Do spit and mud make the blind see?

If you do believe in GOD, YOU have to come to the conclusion that GOD made the entire universe for HIS honor and glory, and that it is not HIM, but an illustration of HIM and he is eternal. The universe appears eternal, but GODly people know that it is not.

This "GOD reality" tears at human scientific reasoning. It makes a joke of it. Those who think that science is the end all are vulgar in their presumptions. They will miss the mark as long as they continue in their misguided humanistic beliefs.

The problem is, your line of reasoning is aligned with one book...one book..and that's it. As such followign the ideas of one book is akin to following any other book. In essence your beliefs are those of a communist....or a nazi... In that there is only one way to believe, act, think and be.

I understand you are unswerving in your assertiosn though.

"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'"

- George Orwell, 1984

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
You know, as long as people like you continue to see the world in harsh dualities like this we'll be stuck in the exact paradigm of only right/wrong, up/down, male/female, good/evil.......and in your case, science that never is inspired by monotheistic belief systems as opposed to theologians who never investigates or analyzes empirical data to come to conclusions that don't quite fit their assumptions.

Of course, it's no wonder there's this supposed war happening in front of your eyes when you already paint people with such a large brush and into two distinct and opposing camps.

There are more than a few scientists and theologians who have found common ground. It follows that grey areas actually do exist. ;)

I think some people are beyond hope or help, well in an online discussion forum.
I think the only thing we can do is either remove them (perhaps a wise decision, due to constant spreading of bigotry for instance) and/or to be truly compassionate and simply smile.

The snake bites
The donkey brays
The wind blows
Fundamentalists of any kind are still fundamentalists

At the end of the day, the sun rises, the moon shines....and tomorrow will be another day. It is the intelligent closed minded people that are to be truly feared not the average ordinary kind.

Just a thought


Well-Known Member
The SON created everything. HE most certainly can manipulate whatever in whatever way HE wishes.
Well, yes, if you're a believer you will certainly believe that. But surely someone possessed of real supernatural powers would have no truck with irrelevancies like mud and spit? Aren't they exactly the kind of crude distracting device that is the hallmark of the second-rate stage magician?

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Au contraire, the dull mind is lazy by definition, and accepts easy answers.....like opposing dualities.

Grey areas are by their very nature much more challenging to investigate.

I always preferred Green areas...



Veteran Member
GOD says HE created it in 6 days ----evening and morning.

OK, you lost me now. according to your knowledge how old is this planet?

we also have 6 days of creation subject. if i am not mistaken those days are not worldly days as we know it


Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Well, yes, if you're a believer you will certainly believe that. But surely someone possessed of real supernatural powers would have no truck with irrelevancies like mud and spit? Aren't they exactly the kind of crude distracting device that is the hallmark of the second-rate stage magician?

Yes, they are also symbols...

although the traditional tools of modern paganism to many are:

milk (human)
and sexual fluids

(though not to all of course)

so mud and spit would really be weak things....




Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
OK, you lost me now. according to your knowledge how old is this planet?

we also have 6 days of creation subject. if i am not mistaken those days are not worldly days as we know it


Scripture was never really meant to be read and understood in one way.
If this was the case, scripture WOULD be the same as a book of fiction, for example Harry potter.

As scripture can be interpretted in many ways, this allows for many individual revelations. In turn, scripture can be re-read many times, revealing new things every reading. As such then, scripture like prophecy can actually mean different thigns to different generations. It was always meant to be this way. Scripture is then allowed to be a living breathing thing.

Or it be left as one understanding, a closed book, with which we never actually need to read, because we already know what it says and understand these sayings. As such then, literalism becomes the act of literally throwing scripture away into the garbage.

Like the Nazi party who burned books then, the literalist seeks to destroy any contrary thought...for it is only in a singular vision can their voice be heard.

In line with this, the days of creation can be seen in many ways. I like the Jewish mystical idea that it refers to the 6 directions that can be used to define 3 dimensional space...


Then of course a further 7th day, would be where all the directions meet. Some Rabbis here say, on the 7th day, God had sex. This leads to going beyond the "limitations" of 3 dimensional space....to an 8th day.

Or you could just stick with one answer...it was 6 days..perhaps of a thousand years each...:facepalm:


E Pluribus Unum!!!
Because those feeding you all this uniformitarian/evolutionary theories have no room for GOD in their equations. You say you believe in GOD. Do you believe HE created the universe? Do you believe CHRIST calmed the storms and walked on water? Are not both these things against scientific principles. Do spit and mud make the blind see?

If you do believe in GOD, YOU have to come to the conclusion that GOD made the entire universe for HIS honor and glory, and that it is not HIM, but an illustration of HIM and he is eternal. The universe appears eternal, but GODly people know that it is not.

This "GOD reality" tears at human scientific reasoning. It makes a joke of it. Those who think that science is the end all are vulgar in their presumptions. They will miss the mark as long as they continue in their misguided humanistic beliefs.

Too bad there is no evidence to support your YECer fantasy, and every bit of evidence proving it wrong.


As scripture can be interpretted in many ways, this allows for many individual revelations. In turn, scripture can be re-read many times, revealing new things every reading. As such then, scripture like prophecy can actually mean different thigns to different generations. It was always meant to be this way. Scripture is then allowed to be a living breathing thing.

To be fair, this is true for just about any book.


E Pluribus Unum!!!
Can you create life from rock?

Hydrogen and Oxygen are the two most plentiful gases in the universe, respectfully. They of course combine to make water (or are you going to argue against that as well).

Amino acids, the very building blocks of life, is the most plentiful compound in the universe.

The idea that the earth was a barren, lifeless rock is a YECer invention created so that their poor little brains don't have to work so hard. The seeds of life were indeed present on the earth as the primordial, newly formed earth cooled

DEVOUT "Christians" make no presumptions with regard to human understanding, except they fully realize that such is flawed in one way or another.

DEVOUT "Christians" make up a significant portion of the scientists in the US, from geologists to microbiologists. Every single legitimate scientists (as opposed to YECer pseudo-scientists) all agree that the earth is billions of years old, and there was no WWF.

All physical evidence, which has been offered to you on this thread, points to there being no WWF. There is no invention on the parts of scientists, no delusion, no twisting of reality. This is hard physical evidence.

Delusions, invention, and twisting of reality is found purely in the YECer camp, such as continental hydroplanning, the pressure from non-existant water somehow pushing mountins into the air, et cetera ad nauseum.


E Pluribus Unum!!!
GOD says HE created it in 6 days ----evening and morning.

Let's take a look, shall we?

We know the universe nearly 14 billion years in age. We know the earth is nearly 5 billion. Wow, nearly 10 billion years difference, that's a loooooong day.

Your bible claims the stars came AFTER the earth, on "day" three. Do you seriously believe the earth is older than the stars?

Your bible claims that life began on the land. We know this to be false, life began in the oceans.

Your bible claims, in book one, that the animals came all at the same time, including livestock (book 2 claims man came first, BTW). We know this to be patently false. Livestock are a human invention, developed through breeding programs, and we have dated fossils showing when species developed and if applicable, when they died out.

And this is the short list.


Premium Member
Why couldn't the poll say "40% of Americans polled believe the world was created 6000 years ago". That would be a more true statement. :)


Well-Known Member
OK, you lost me now. according to your knowledge how old is this planet?

we also have 6 days of creation subject. if i am not mistaken those days are not worldly days as we know it


According to what GOD has revealed in HIS HOLY WORD, the entire universe is unlikely to be over 12000 years old. That is arrived with a possible hint at one day equalling one thousand years or visa versa. I tend to accept that the universe is likely no more than 6000 earth years old. The problem is that GOD saw fit to qualify HIS WORD with "evening and morning" being the defining of the day. Wherever it is used in Hebrew, it always means an approximate 24 hour period.


does anyone know the history of APPLES? because the bible says eve ate from a apple, but arent they domseticated apples? cant be older then a couple of thousands of years? i dont know i am asking?