hi littlenipper, being a virgin here i hope you would take my post in a more light way, just tryig to help and educate here, i have no opinion about your religious views.
evolution is a fact as much as gravity or the existence of atoms and so on, that you do not accept this can only mean two, or possible three reasons, either you are ignorant of the evidence, you do not want to accept the evidence or you are stupid.
i do not think you are stupid, most people denying evolution aren't directly stupid but have had a sad upbringing with the lack of the educational knowledge we have about the world, perhaps you do not even fit into that, perhaps you had a big accident in your life and when it went away you decided to believe in god as the cause for your continues fortune in life, i do not know, but either way, whatever opinion you have this does not change that evolution is a Fact.
if you are curious about something specific, just ask me or others to explain what it is you do not understand, but yor belief is not relevant to the evidence we have, and evolution has all the evidence you could imagine to be called a fact, denying it is like denying the holocaust or a spherical earth, it is really as simple as that.