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40% of Americans belive the world was created 6000-years ago


Well-Known Member
Too bad there is no evidence to support your YECer fantasy, and every bit of evidence proving it wrong.

You've presented nothing. I had a public educationI and was never convinced by anything the professors nor the textbooks presented concerning uniformatarianism and evolution. The proof is always in the pudding.


Not really. Thinking for one's self is fun.

Yeah, I take great fun in continuously ignoring incoming information because it doesn't support my preconceived notions of the universe's existence; nothing is as fun as 'thinking for one's self' (except the Bible of course).


Well-Known Member
We "know" through the Scientific Method, observation, measurements, repeatable and predictable results, and peer review as well.

Centuries of this process has resulted in What We Know, some of which I listed in the post you replied to above.

In other words, What We Know are Scientific Facts, not the unfounded religious fiction as you subscribe to, such as "kinds".

Feel more than free to show what breeding programs have ever sought to create new species, as opposed to healthier and disease resistant livestock, meatier and more tasty fowl and beef, increased milk production, and other such programs.

Also, there are several dating techniques used to date fossils. And the plethora of peer reviewed dating, DNA/RNA data, and other disciplines illustrate just exactly how wrong you are.

Centuries, centuries! How about around a hundred and 50 years or so... Let's face it. If scientists could create new kinds, they would have by now...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I take great fun in continuously ignoring incoming information because it doesn't support my preconceived notions of the universe's existence; nothing is as fun as 'thinking for one's self' (except the Bible of course).

Being informed is not just listening to what society tells you...

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
You've presented nothing. I had a public educationI and was never convinced by anything the professors nor the textbooks presented concerning uniformatarianism and evolution. The proof is always in the pudding.

Is this an admission that you didn't finish High school lil nip?


Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Not really. Thinking for one's self is fun.

You're not though
The Bible is doing the thinking for you.

How is following the bible literally, thinking?

Its not. Thinking for "one's self" invovles not following anything fully,
be it the bible, geogology or the back of a cereal box:facepalm:

By very definition, anything else is NOT thinking for yourself
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Centuries, centuries! How about around a hundred and 50 years or so... Let's face it. If scientists could create new kinds, they would have by now...

hi littlenipper, being a virgin here i hope you would take my post in a more light way, just tryig to help and educate here, i have no opinion about your religious views.

evolution is a fact as much as gravity or the existence of atoms and so on, that you do not accept this can only mean two, or possible three reasons, either you are ignorant of the evidence, you do not want to accept the evidence or you are stupid.

i do not think you are stupid, most people denying evolution aren't directly stupid but have had a sad upbringing with the lack of the educational knowledge we have about the world, perhaps you do not even fit into that, perhaps you had a big accident in your life and when it went away you decided to believe in god as the cause for your continues fortune in life, i do not know, but either way, whatever opinion you have this does not change that evolution is a Fact.

if you are curious about something specific, just ask me or others to explain what it is you do not understand, but yor belief is not relevant to the evidence we have, and evolution has all the evidence you could imagine to be called a fact, denying it is like denying the holocaust or a spherical earth, it is really as simple as that.


Resident Liberal Hippie
I believe JESUS often spoke using parables. However, a parable doesn't have to be a made up story. It can just as well be a true store that fits the point one is trying to convey.
A parable is any fictive illustration in the form of a brief narrative.
You've presented nothing. I had a public educationI [sic] and was never convinced by anything the professors nor the textbooks presented concerning uniformatarianism and evolution. The proof is always in the pudding.
Then your teachers failed you, or you choose to remain in ignorance.
Which is it?

Not really. Thinking for one's self is fun.
Thinking for one's self is more productive when all information is taken into consideration.

Centuries, centuries! How about around a hundred and 50 years or so... Let's face it. If scientists could create new kinds, they would have by now...
"Kinds" is not a scientific term. New species are observed occurring in nature today.

Being informed is not just listening to what society tells you...
Nor is information on the natural world gleaned from ancient religious writings penned by men lacking the information available to us today.


E Pluribus Unum!!!

well i dont agree with the harry potter thing...but it does illustrate how one can take an allegory and apply it elsewhere....

because actually the story of CRC is the same as Christ, Buddha and others....

How is the lectorium a bunch of kooks in your estimation?

reading something into a book that just isn't there, and then taking it as some hidden msytery revealed and fact, is being a kook.

That site is no better than the biblethumpers banning HP in some areas of the bible belt because "it teaches kids satanic magic".


E Pluribus Unum!!!
You've presented nothing. I had a public educationI and was never convinced by anything the professors nor the textbooks presented concerning uniformatarianism and evolution. The proof is always in the pudding.

Learning never stops, so don't bother with your bland attempt to pick on public education, and go educate yourself.

BTW, if the attempts to educate you on this site, and specifically your reactions to that education, are any indication of your ability to learn, it's no wonder you didn't utilize your public education to it's fullest.


E Pluribus Unum!!!
Centuries, centuries! How about around a hundred and 50 years or so... Let's face it. If scientists could create new kinds, they would have by now...

There is no such thing as "kinds".

And as I said, if there was a need for new SPECIES, it would've occured.


The Lost One
jeremiah said:
Ya, that seems about right, but what has that got to do with our science, jimdene? I mean, America is doing just fine in all fields of science; much better then the majority of other nations. So if there is some type of criticism on our scientific community could you perhaps get to it?

Here is the Gallup poll link for views on creationism: Evolution, Creationism, Intelligent Design

Not necessarily evolutionists believe that the earth is more than billion years old. There are other fields of science that support the earth is older than 6000 years old (or older than YEC's 13000 years). They include historians, archaeologists and paleontologists, all of who are not evolutionists. There are also geologists and other earth scientists, those who do the radiometric datings or scientists who have investigated ice-cores, and even astronomers. It doesn't actually take a evolutionist to accept that the age of the earth is far older than 6000 years, because the scientific evidences support a far more ancient earth.

This topic has nothing to do with evolution. Just how 40% of Americans can actually believe that the earth was created 6000 years ago, without any physical evidences to support their belief.

Is it the "schools"/"universities" failing their education? Or is the church's belief and teachings that failed their education on the facts?
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Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
reading something into a book that just isn't there, and then taking it as some hidden msytery revealed and fact, is being a kook.

That site is no better than the biblethumpers banning HP in some areas of the bible belt because "it teaches kids satanic magic".

ah so you dont actually know anything about the lectorium

just glanced at that website...

ok...:sarcastic thanks for the input....


Well-Known Member
hi littlenipper, being a virgin here i hope you would take my post in a more light way, just tryig to help and educate here, i have no opinion about your religious views.

evolution is a fact as much as gravity or the existence of atoms and so on, that you do not accept this can only mean two, or possible three reasons, either you are ignorant of the evidence, you do not want to accept the evidence or you are stupid.

i do not think you are stupid, most people denying evolution aren't directly stupid but have had a sad upbringing with the lack of the educational knowledge we have about the world, perhaps you do not even fit into that, perhaps you had a big accident in your life and when it went away you decided to believe in god as the cause for your continues fortune in life, i do not know, but either way, whatever opinion you have this does not change that evolution is a Fact.

if you are curious about something specific, just ask me or others to explain what it is you do not understand, but yor belief is not relevant to the evidence we have, and evolution has all the evidence you could imagine to be called a fact, denying it is like denying the holocaust or a spherical earth, it is really as simple as that.

First you need to define what you mean by "evolution." What does "evolution" mean to you? Obviously, everyone within the human race is unique. That is true of every living thing anywhere. However, I am assured that every unique thing is unique within parameters. Example: There are exceptionally smart human and decidedly dense humans. There are very athletic humans and very senditary humans. There are pretty humans and ugly humans ----- tall and short humans. There are humans that once lived and humans that are yet to live. HOWEVER, they are all humans. They are not headed to become something other than human. Our forefathers were human and we are in no way better (humanly speaking) then they were in their day.

So again, what do you mean by "evolution?"